We Will Be With You

( Penelope's POV )

I was using my phone when I suddenly started to feel sleepy. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 6.00 p.m. right now. I used my phone for another fifteen minutes but then I started to feel hard to keep my eyes open. I put down my phone on the table and looked at Graham. He was still working on the papers that were brought to him.

" Graham." I said to gain his attention. 

" Hm." he hummed and looked at me.

" What kind of medicine did you give me?" I asked him.

" Sleeping pill." he answered me.

" You should have told me before. I didn't have taken it. Now, I'm feeling sleepy but I have to go to the hospital." I said to him. 

" Don't worry about it. You sleep." he said but I shook my head. 

" How can I sleep? Mom is still in the hospital." I stated. He stood up from the couch and come to sit beside me, on the bed. I thought that he is going to say something to me but instead, he lay on the bed and slept.