Hand Cream

( Kelly's POV )

We reached Kelvin's villa and I opened the car's door to step outside. I ran inside the house with the box in my hand. 

" Where's Kelvin?" I asked Uncle Hu, the butler of this house.

" Master hasn't arrived yet. He will be coming around shortly." he answered.

" Oh, Ok. I'm going to take a shower then." I said and walked toward my room. I kept my purse and the box on the table inside my room and took out my pajama set. I entered the bathroom and stripped to take a hot water bath. When I was done, I wore my dress and came back to my room. I opened the box that I bought today and took out the hand cream to try it on. I took it out and smelled it. It smelled so sweet like peaches. I rubbed it on my hand. The smell was so good that an urge to try the face cream filled me. Before I could pick up the face cream tube, my phone rang and I made my way toward it. I looked at the caller id. It was Anna's call.