It's All My Fault

( Kelly's POV )

I and Lady Mia put the cake on the tray and walked toward Kelvin's room. Lady Mia was holding the tray while I was walking behind her. When we reached the room, I realized that I forgot to bring the cookies for him. 

" You enter first, Lady Mia. I'll go and bring the cookies." I said to her and ran down towards the kitchen.

" Harry!" I called out the young man's name.

" Yes, Miss?" he asked me.

" I said you to call me by my name." I reminded him once again.

" Oh, sorry. Why do you need me, Kelly?" he asked me.

" I want your help to carry the tray of cookies to Kelvin's room." I told him. 

" Oh, ok. Let's go." he said and grabbed the tray. We both started to walk upstairs. When I reached Kelvin's room, the door was opened already. I was going to enter the room when I heard Kelvin speak.