Allowed To Do Work

My eyes fluttered when sunlight fell on my face through the glass window of our room. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. The same smell of delicious food being cooked by Alex reached my nose and my mouth watered. I can never get over Alex's cooking. He is the best cook I have ever seen. 

I got off the bed and took a bath. I wore a baggy oversized t-shirt and shorts. I walked out of the room to see my man cooking with full admiration. What a sight to behold!

" Good morning, sweetheart." Alex said when his gaze fell on me.

" Good morning, baby." I said to him. He was cutting carrots when I entered the kitchen.

" You prepare the vegetable. I'll cook the eggs." I said to Alex and forwarded to reach the egg carton. 

" Today's breakfast is gonna be Alex's special so you just rest, baby." Alex said and I rolled my eyes.