Urgent Work

I opened my eyes in the morning smelling the same delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. I hurriedly got up from the bed and walked out, towards the kitchen. When I reached there, I saw Alex dressed in his formal wear and wearing an apron on top of it while serving the dishes on the table.

" Good morning, baby." Alex greeted me with an appealing smile when he noticed my presence in the room. 

" Good morning. Why are you so dressed up? Are you going somewhere?" I asked the question that popped inside my head the instant I saw him clothed like that. 

" We will have to go back to our country today. My private plane is already waiting for us." he said and I looked at him, surprised.

" Go back? So suddenly? There were still two days left for our honeymoon to be over." I said to him.

" Yeah, but due to some emergency, we will have to go today. Get ready now or else the breakfast will get cold." Alex said and I nodded my head.