Secret Rumor

" Mrs. Brown." I said to the lady as she approached me. When she was a few steps away from me, Jordan was going to step in between but I stopped him. It would be rude to stop an elderly woman moreover she is a respectable member of RMG. Thankfully, Jordan listened to me and stopped just behind me.

" Miss Evans. I would like to have a few words with you." Mrs.Brown said with a sweet smile.

" Sure, Mrs.Brown. What do you want to say?" I asked her.

" You know, things like this happen between married couples. It's not a big deal. I have this book by a famous author. She is very intelligent and her books are amazing. I'm recommending these books to you." Mrs. Brown said and handed the books that she was carrying to me. When she gave me the books, I read the title of the book. "How to tame your husband" and "How to maintain the married life's spice".

" Thank you." I thanked her, a little confused about why she is giving me these books.