Desperate Situation

" Hello, Jordan? Did something happen?" I asked Jordan when I picked up his call.

" I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour but I have an emergency. I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow morning. I'll send someone else in my place to drive you to the company. I'll arrive there till noon." Jordan said to me.

" It's fine. I'll be okay with that." I said to him.

" Thank you. I have sent you and Alex the photo of the man who will pick you up." Jordan said.

" Okay. I'll see it." I assured him.

" Okay, then. Bye." Jordan said and hung up the call. 

" What happened to your phone? Why its screen is broken?" Kelly asked me, taking my phone away from my hand and inspecting it closely.

" I broke my phone accidentally." I said and laughed awkwardly. I lied to her since I didn't want her to know how short-tempered I am.