Love You For Eternity

I blinked several times to prevent my tears to come out of my eyes. I break my hand away from his grip and continued to do what I was doing earlier. I removed Alex's shirt and tossed it on the couch. Alex kept staring at me silently as I wet the towel in the warm water and squeezed it to remove excess water.

I wiped Alex's face from the towel and once again dipped the towel in the warm water. I wiped Alex's naked torso and motioned him to lay down on the bed. He did what I told him to do without saying anything. I took the bowl of water and towel back to the bathroom and went to lay beside Alex after that.

My back was facing Alex as I lay beside him. My eyes were open wide and not a single sign of sleep could be seen in them. Minutes passed and I thought that Alex has already slept by now. I turned around to see him but discovered that he was also awake, staring at me.

" What happened? Can't sleep?" Alex asked me in his soft voice.