Turn Around

( Kelly's POV )

" Where are you taking my nephew? Give him to me." he said and forwarded his hand to take Cris from my arms when I stepped a step back.

" He is going with me. Though he is your nephew, I'm his sister." I said to him.

" I'm not going to let you take him away." he said. I ignored his words and tried to walk past him when he grabbed my arm harshly.

" Don't you dare walk away ignoring me." he hissed as I winced in pain.

" You don't have any right to stop me. Cris is my brother and I know what to do. Now leave me before Kelvin sees you or I'll ask him to teach you a good lesson." I said to him.

" I'll do that even if you don't ask me to." I heard Kelvin's voice behind me and I turned around to look at him. He was standing with his hands in his pockets.

" Mr. Wilson, she is taking Cris away. I'm just stopping her from doing so. Cris should stay with me." he said as I waited for Kelvin's reaction.