You Are Really Something

The next morning, when I woke up, I saw Alex and Fifteen silently sitting on the couch in front of my bed, with both of their hands crossed in front of their chests. I sat up slowly on the bed and blinked at them.

" What are you both? Statues?" I asked them when both of them neither spoke nor moved even a little.

" I'm here to escort you to your house, Ms. Evans." Fifteen said and stood up from the couch.

" No need. I will take Anna home with me." Alex said and also stood up.

" But I'm supposed to be with Ms. Evans except when she is in the bedroom." Fifteen said turning towards Alex.

" You need to be with her only when I'm not around." Alex said, glaring back at him.

" I was not ordered like this by Boss." Fifteen said and Alex took a deep breath to calm himself down.

" I'm your Boss's friend, it means I'm your Boss too. You will have to listen to me." Alex stated.