Making Me Aroused

We reached back home and changed our clothes to comfortable ones when my phone started to ring. Kelly was calling me. I picked up her call.

" Hello, Anna. How are you?" she asked me.

" I'm good. What about you." I asked her and sat on the bed, resting my back on the headboard.

" Me too. Did you get the invitation card for Mr. and Mrs. Xin's anniversary?" she asked me.

" Yeah, I got one. You also received it?" I asked her.

" Yes. I got it a few hours ago. Kelvin brought it. You are going there, right?" she asked me.

" Yes, I'll have to go since Grandma asked for it and also sent me a dress for the same." I replied to her.

" Wouldn't it be difficult for you to travel during your last month of pregnancy?" she asked me.

" Hm, a little. I guess it's a two hours ride from here." I said to her.

" Hm. Take care of yourself. By the way, I called you to show you something." she said, her tone getting excited.