First And Last

" What are you guys gossiping about?" I heard Alex's voice from behind. I turned to see that he was standing behind where I was sitting, his one hand resting on the back of the seat while one was inside his pants.

" Your wife is so fascinating, Alex. How did a man like you even manage to get one like her?" Sam teased Alex as he gave him a death glare.

" Sister-in-law, how can you survive with this stone-faced junk-headed man?" Sam asked, dramatically shaking his head to show his disappointment.

" One more word and you will be thrown out of the bus." Alex said, gritting his teeth.

" Don't you dare! You don't talk and are always busy on your phone. Do you want everyone to be like you? Old grumpy man." I said, puffing my cheeks.

" That's why I'm here to take you back. Why did you come here? Come and sit with me." Alex said and grabbed my hand.