Hell Of Pain

( Alex's POV )

I hurriedly dialed Aunt Sen's number. My heart was beating rapidly and it felt like it could come out any second. My hands went cold as my body shivered due to nervousness. 

The phone started to ring but Aunt Sen didn't pick up the call. I again tried to call her but she wasn't answering. Suddenly I heard Anna's cries. I turned to look toward her. She was covered in sweat and was twisting on the bed while holding her stomach. I took big steps toward her. 

" Anna, dear. Hold on for a second. Relax. Take deep breaths." I tried to calm her down and caressed my hand on her head. My heart was squeezing while seeing Anna in so much pain. 

Since Aunt Sen wasn't answering her calls, I called Graham. Fortunately, he picked up the call after a few rings. 

" H-Hello?" I said over the call in a shaky voice. 

" Yes, Alex. Where are you? We can't see you at the party." Graham said to me.