Cat and Mouse

(After one week.)

( Penelope's POV )

" The last two months' data has been sent to you. President said to give it to you for checking it once again. Mrs. Rachel Zoe has confirmed the meeting in the evening. President won't be coming so you will be representing it. I'll go with you." I said as Kelvin kept on flipping the pages of the file he was reading. 

" Ok." he replied in a curt voice, without diverting his gaze even for a second. 

" Please excuse me then." I said and left the vice president's cabin. 

I walked back to my cabin and logged into my business email account. I downloaded the file sent by my assistant about the latest profit chart. I opened it to recheck the precision and accuracy of the data when the telephone started to ring. I picked it up and placed it near my ear while I kept on matching the data.