I Didn't Say That

( Penelope's POV) 

I put my phone down when the door of the room opened. 

" You are back. It took—" I was saying to Kelly that it took so much time for her to come back but when I noticed who was standing at the door, my words got stuck in my mouth. 

" What are you doing here?" I asked without any expression on my face. Graham didn't answer me and locked the door behind him. He started taking steps closer to me and I straightened my back. 

" Who told you that I'm here?" I asked him but he didn't answer again. He stopped near the foot of the bed and put his hand in his pocket. He took out a bunch of keys and threw it in my direction such that it landed on my lap. It was my house keys that I gave him in my cabin. 

" You came to return this?" I asked, a bit disappointed. He again didn't utter a single word from his mouth that made the vein on my forehead pop up. 

" I'm sorry." he uttered at last.