Marry Me

( Kelly's POV ) 

" Anna, please don't say this to Kelvin. He would eat me alive if he gets to know this." I said to Anna. I don't want Kelvin to know this. I could have directly asked Kevin for help but these days I feel like I am being a burden to him. We often have arguments and the feeling that he loves me has gone. He only takes care of me since I am Anna's bestfriend and his brother asked him to take care of me. 

" How can I not tell him? I have guest in my house. I can't leave." Anna said to me. 

" Then just send anyone. Jordan, Fifteen, anyone but not Kelvin. I~" before I could talk further, I heard a knock on the bathroom's door. 

" Hey dear! How long are you going to stay there?" The man said slowly. He was clearly drunk and was trying his best to speak normally. 

" Few more minutes." I shouted to let him hear me. I was so frustrated. Why do I always do something which I regret later.