Hot and Wet

(Kelly's POV)


Kelvin gaze roamed over each and every part of my body and for some unknown reason it turned me breathless and wet. Now with my panties gone I could feel my thighs getting wet.

" Kelvin" I moaned unknowingly and blood rushed to my cheeks in embarassment.

" Hush baby." he said as one side of his lip pulled up in a smirk. He took slow steps towards me as he unfolded his hand which was previously folded in front of his chest.

Just looking at his masculine figure approaching me, my heart shuddered in my chest. Top two buttons of his shirt were left undone, and his sleeves were rolled up to the elbows giving me a fantastic view of his muscled chest and veiny hands.

As he reached impossibly close to me, one of his arms circled my small waist pushing his pelvis on my tummy and I was able to feel his rock hard erection inside his pants.