Dig Deeper

( Kelly's POV )

My face turned red like a ripened tomato. I squinted my eyes, hugging the towel close to my body, I stood straight.

" I-I am sorry. I lost my balance." I quickly apologized and this time walked carefully towards the bed. I laid down in one corner and pulled the blanket over my head to hide myself. Why was I feeling so embarrassed after he has seen all of me, touched every corner of my body?

" Are you alright? Does it still hurt?" I heard Kelvin ask me.

" Yep. I'm alright. All good. Nothing hurts. Wat about you? Are you hurt?" I asked being flustered. Why was I behaving hella weird? I felt movement on the other side of the bed as Kelvin joined me. He tugged the blanket as I was wrapped around it.