[11 Wanting To Buy At First Sight!]

[11 Wanting To Buy Flowers At First Sight!]

"Li Yi, let's leave. Also, he looks kind of dangerous. It's better if we avoid him."

Mu Yuexin said as she recalled that Ethan seemed to be from a rich family too and realised it was her who needed to stay clear from that unknown man.

Li Yi was from a wealthy family and she had her family's back but she did not have anyone.

With a sigh, Mu Yuexin looked at Li Yi who seemed to have noticed her gloomy mood. Li Yi hooked their arms and they began to walk on the street.

"Xin dear, don't be sad. He was a liar. You are not flat, you have little buns. He must be blind not to see the… Uhm!" As Li Yi met Yuexin's glare, she finally stopped. But the twisting lips of hers betrayed her emotions.

Mu Yuexin suddenly gave a scary smile and rubbed Li Yi's cheek like an affectionate lover, "Li Yi, my love~"

"Ye… yes!" Li Yi felt a shiver run down her spine and quickly stepped back, feeling uneasy about the sudden change in Yuexin's demeanour.

"Why were you smiling earlier?!" Yuexin's smile widened as she advanced towards Li Yi, her tone becoming more scary.

"I don't know! I'm innocent! Woah!" Li Yi yelled at Mu Yuexin, then suddenly began to run madly in the opposite direction.

Mu Yuexin squinted her eyes as she realised her suspicion was correct. She should have known Li Yi was laughing at her!

"Li Yi! You stop there for me!" Yuexin roared and chased behind Li Yi!

In the heat of the moment, Mu Yuexin kicked off her heels and hurled one at Li Yi, hitting her on the backside with impressive accuracy. Li Yi stumbled and turned around, panting heavily, "Ouch! Ah! Harassment! Someone help!"

"If I don't beat you today, I will change my surname!" Mu Yuexin yelled hoarsely.

"Change it into Li then! Be my grandma!" Li Yi looked back in the midst of running and showed Mu Yuexin her beautiful middle finger.

"You!" Yuexin glared at her and threw the remaining heel as well.

"Ouch!" Li Yi shouted and dashed ahead madly without looking back.

The two women, caught up in their chase and excitement, completely forgot that they were in the middle of the road. Many onlookers were stunned to see someone throwing heels, but even more surprised to see the victim laughing uncontrollably.

Van Alroy leaned his head out of the car window. He gazed at Li Yi with wide, shiny eyes.

"Such boldness and frankness, that's my type!"

The driver beside him remained silent, unsure how to respond.

"I want to get her!" Van Alroy suddenly shouted, causing heads to turn in his direction.

The driver, who was part of Ethan's Shadow Gang, glanced around. When there was a green signal, the car dashed ahead.

The man spoke with a flat tone, "It's not our territory we are at right now. It's a different country and things are done differently."

"Oh? Oh damn! This matter slipped from my mind!"

Van stepped out of the car and rushed towards the running women.

"Boss Van!" The driver shouted! They were in a traffic jam yet Van was enthusiastic to chase the women.

Halfway through, the traffic jam broke and cars started to move.

Van Alroy was aggrieved as he saw the back of the lady that vanished into the crowd. His hazel eyes tried to find her but failed.

The driver pulled over the car beside him and shouted, "get inside!"

Van was reluctant but seeing as police officers were approaching him, he hurriedly got inside.

"This place is not our turf! Boss said not to create unnecessary trouble…"

"I know! I know!"

"Please don't forget again!" The driver sighed.

Van Alroy just waved his hand dismissively,

"Money talks everywhere, my friend. And I have plenty of it."

The driver sighed and shook his head, knowing better than to argue with this man. Van picked up his phone and began to make some calls, trying to track down the mysterious woman who had caught his attention.

The driver pursed his lips and drove away in silence

The moment they appeared at their destination, the Han Corporation, Van attracted everyone's attention by his foreigner features.

He walked confidently, his model-like posture and flirty eyes turning heads left and right. He even gave a playful wink to those young beautiful women.

The women blushed, some wanted to approach but as they were in the company and that was working hours they could not slack off and potentially be seen by their superiors.

Though Van's charm caused quite a stir. Many of the employees, both young and old, couldn't help but feel their hearts flutter at his bold and confident walking posture. Having obvious traits of a foreigner surely helps a lot where it's rare.

Van found the HR department. The moment he entered he caught the attention of employees who were working at their desks, or moving around.

"Excuse me, does anyone know where I can find Boss...uh, Ethan?" he asked, his sunny smile made him appear harmless.

"Who are you?" Someone asked.

"His… friend."

One employee timidly pointed to a door.

"Thank you, beautiful," Van Alroy said, flashing her a flirtatious wink that caused her cheeks to flush. 'What's wrong with me? It's not the first time someone has said I'm beautiful,' she thought to herself.

A woman was standing beside a glass wall and staring outside while drinking coffee. As the words interrupted her thoughts, she turned around, right when someone pointed at Ethan's office.

Instantly her face became colder. "Interns these days are slacking off and fooling around every time I see them! What's going on here?! You, you, don't you have work to do?!" she scolded both the new intern and Van Alroy.

The young man turned his gaze towards Yu Ran and flashed a charming smile. Yu Ran suddenly realised that he was a foreigner and might not have understood her.

She relaxed her expression and asked in a more cordial tone, "Excuse me, may I ask what business you have…"

"I am here to meet a friend, Ethan Han…." The man spoke loudly for this possible deaf person. Look, he was so considerate~

Yu Ran realised that this young man was acquainted with their CEO's eldest son.

Instantly her expression became gentler. She walked towards Van and raised her hand for a handshake.

"I am Yu Ran…"

As the man glanced at her sweaty hand, he remained unmoved. The woman guessed he did not like shaking hands. So, he heard her saying as her hand retreated, "I will take you to Sir Ethan. Please come with me."

"Sorry to trouble you… Miss." Van Alroy showed his signature smile and made the woman's heart flutter. Nonetheless, she hid her embarrassment and took him to the General Manager's office.