17 Unfilial Child

17 Unfilial Child

"..." The servant looked down on the large fresh roses and felt pity. People would admire and decorate their rooms with these expensive flowers but there she was, telling the servant to make dishes with these. 

"Have you memorized them all?" After Li Yi was done, she asked the servant. 

"Yes? Yes! I will immediately go to make them, my lady!" The servant chuckled and then hurriedly left. Li Yi was satisfied by her response and went to the second floor, back to her room. 

Soon, all the beautiful, expensive, large roses lost their graceful petals and became bald. As the aroma of roses spread to the whole building, Li Yi smirked in her room evilly.

Mu Yuexin glanced at Li Yi while unlocking her suitcase and felt weird as she saw her evil smile. 

"What are you up to?" Mu Yuexin asked curiously. 

"Haha! My brother wanted to give flowers to a girl but I turned those into food!" Li Yi confessed with a raised chin as if she had done something to be proud of. 

"You are really my good friend!" Mu Yuexin smirked while saying. Once she got mad at Li Yi because she wasted food by throwing them in the dustbin, only because she could not finish them!

From then on, Li Yi became more considerate and a little bit understanding after she gave her speech on the wisdom of food!

That's another reason why Mother Li was tolerant towards her, let Li Yi become friends with Mu Yuexin and let her stay in the Li family from time to time! 

Li Yi knew that wasting those flowers was not a good option. 

'Well, Li Feng, you wanted Yuexin to accept your flowers? I will let her taste your love directly!' Li Yi's smile became weird as she thought evilly. 

Mu Yuexin did not pay attention to her and opened her suitcase. She picked up her uniform and packed it into another shopping bag. 

Coming out from the Li family with this uniform, she did not think it was suitable. 

"Li Yi, I have to leave for work." Mu Yuexin said hurriedly. Li Yi understood and both of them went to the first floor. As Mu Yuexin saw the dining table full of breakfast, she glanced around in the area. 

Li Yi and she walked towards the Tahoe while Li Yi said, "Babe, they are out for business. It will be only you and me!"

"Oh! I was wondering where your brother and parents are." Mu Yuexin commented. As she swept a glance on the table, she blinked her eyes in wonder.

Pink pink pink 

Everything was pink. Even the omelette, boiled egg and water was pink in colour. The corner of her mouth twisted as Mu Yuexin realized that these were made out of the flowers that Li Feng wanted to give to a girl.

'Evil Li Yi, I hope I am not doing a sin by eating these!' Mu Yuexin thought in her mind as she stuffed a pink boiled egg in her mouth. Li Yi raised her chin with her hand and watched Mu Yuexin eating with relish. 

Then she glanced at the food and wondered if it was tasty because Mu Yuexin seemed to like it. However, after eating a bit of a boiled egg, she put it down. 

Mu Yuexin saw her by the corner of her eyes and sighed. Those who get a lot everyday, will not find it tasty or good enough. 

After Mu Yuexin finished, she hurriedly wiped her lips and stood up. 

"I am leaving. You enjoy your food." She said while looking at the big clock on the wall. 

"Alright. Be safe on the road and if possible, don't wear those wheels! You can fall!" 

Mu Yuexin, who was wearing heels while going towards the front door, nearly tripped. 

"Girl, don't jinx!" Mu Yuexin turned to her and stared at Li Yi with sharp eyes.

"Ah, my bad!" Li Yi smirked as she saw the embarrassment in Mu Yuexin's eyes. Mu Yuexin soothed her expression and finally left. As soon as she did, Li Yi sat down and played with pink porridge. 

'Tsk, boring!' Li Yi thought angrily. Everyone had something to do yet there she was, all idled by herself. She pushed the things which were in front of her and called her father. 

"Dad, from when will I work in the Sky Li Corporation?! I am so bored!" Li Yi whined. Rather than wasting time at home, she would rather work with her dear Yuexin. But being the daughter of the Li family, many things became impossible to do for her!

"I will tell you when to do it." Father Li replied in a deep voice and broke the call. 

"Agh! Someone give me some work!" Li Yi shouted. At that moment Mother Li came back. She saw the barely finished food in front of Li Yi and frowned. 

"Eat first then I will give you interesting work!" Mother Li said mysteriously. 

Li Yi instantly became energetic. After she finished the porridge with reluctance, she followed her mother to her parents' bedroom. 

However as the maids began to prepare the things for her to do, her face stiffened. Mother Li sat down on the bed and then put her legs on a special couch. 

Then she motioned towards Li Yi and spoke, "Why are you standing there? Come and start!"

"Aye Ma, don't tell me I will have to give you a foot massage?! Ew, it's so gross! Find someone to do  this for you instead!" Li Yi was in disbelief as she spoke. She looked at her mother's feet and saw the skin was smoother than hers. 

Mother Li threw a pillow at Li Yi and spoke angrily, "What are you calling gross?! You unfilial child! Get down right now and give me a massage! Who wanted a work earlier?!" 

"I won't!" Li Yi grabbed the pillow in the midair and refused outright. Even if her mother's feet were of jade, she would never touch anyone's feet!

Little did she know, in the future she would gladly do it for a certain someone!