[16 Gift or Eat]

16 Gift or Eat

"Hahaha! My idol! Here I come!" Li Yi giggled like a child as she ran towards the imaginary photo of her idol. Never had she thought that she would get to meet him one day without anyone's help!

Yuexin's eyes twisted seeing this scene while Li Feng was so infuriated that his breathing became unstable. They watched as the girl stopped beside a light pole that was beside the footpath and hugged it affectionately.

"Idol! My idol! I like you so much! Muah! Muah!" Li Yi began to intensely shower light pole with all her love!

"..." Li Feng.

"..." Mu Yuexin.

After more than an hour…

Li Yi's body fell on the super fluffy bed. Yuexin saw as her body sank into it. She huffed and puffed as she wiped her forehead and thought with a frown, 'So heavy! How could she be so heavy when she looks slimmer than me?!'

"She is heavy, isn't she? Hahahaha! That's why I wanted to carry her alone but you insist on helping!" Li Feng spoke as he took a tissue from the bedside table and wiped his sweaty hands.

Earlier, both he and Mu Yuexin had to drag Li Yi and keep her in control for a long time to prevent her from falling to her death in the middle of the road. Then luckily they got to return, of course, safely.

Mu Yuexin sighed as she rubbed her arms. Then her gaze moved around and she couldn't help but see two suitcases in one corner of the room. One of those was hers and the other one was Li Yi's.

Li Feng followed her line of sight and said with a smile, "I am leaving. Yuexin, if you need something, you call the maids or me." The fact that she would stay in the Li family and he would get to meet her every morning, was enough to make him happy!

"Thanks, Li Feng. I will do so." She nodded enthusiastically and with gratitude laced with a hint of relief. Currently his attention was elsewhere. Watching her sweaty face which was caused by his twin sister, he felt distressed for Mu Yuexin.

However, he had to leave as staying in the room for long would be improper because of Mu Yuexin's existence. As Li Feng stepped out of the room, he recalled something important.

'Do I go back?' as he thought that he heard the door behind her locking. He shook his head and murmured, 'Forget it. I will give it to her tomorrow.'

With this thought, Li Feng left. However there was a huge grin which was on his face that even he failed to conceal and as a result he got seen by others. At that moment, someone who was hiding behind the pillar slowly walked out. She glanced at her son who was smiling without any restraint. The thing that bothered her most was his affectionate eyes.

"Madam." A maid bowed to Mother Li and asked, "Do you need something, madam?"

"Nothing… wait. You should go ahead and see if the girls need something or not." Mother Li instructed while giving the maid a side glance.

"Yes." The maid replied and then went to knock on Li Yi's bedroom door. After getting permission, the maid entered.

Mother Li turned around and went back to her room. Upon closing the door she looked worried. Father Li saw her worried face and asked, "What's wrong? You look pale. Is Li Yi okay?"

Mother Li walked towards him and whispered, "Husband, I just discovered our son seems to have interest in that Yuexin girl."

"That orphan?!" Hearing her, the old man's face changed drastically. His face became ugly while his tone became stern. The woman knew what that meant. She silently heard as he said firmly, "She is not suitable to become the future daughter-in-law of my Li family!"

"But Li Feng, he …" Mother Li was worried for her son. It was not a good thing to have feelings for a girl who had no family background. An orphan, what benefits could she get for their Li family?!

Being their daughter's friend was fine but becoming their daughter-in-law was a big no. The last thing Mother Li wanted to see was a crack in their family because of an outsider!

The old man naturally perceived her anxiousness and reassured her, "Don't worry. If they show any sign of entanglement before us, I will nip it on the bud! Only a rich family's daughter can enter our home, not a bastard!"

Mother Li sighed. She just hoped that the things she was worried about would not occur. Also, she knew she could not ask Mu Yuexin to leave either. It would make her daughter enraged and possibly she would leave again like last time!

Being a mother was not so easy! When you are also the mistress of a rich and high-class family, the conflict between being a loving mother and a virtuous wife is such a struggle!

The next day, when Li Yi woke up, she found herself hugging someone tightly. Her chest was pressed against a foreign back and for a moment, she felt her soul leaving her body. The first thing that came to mind was nothing but ominous possibilities!

She instantly sat up and threw away the blanket. Watching that her clothes were intact and nothing was wrong with herself she was relieved. Then she turned to the person and yanked away the blanket covering her.

"Yuexin?!" instantly she was overjoyed.

But instead of waking her up, she needed to hurriedly leave the room because of a terrible headache. While frowning, Li Yi went down to the first floor and stopped a maid midway.

"Make hangover soup for me." Li Yi said.

"Yes." The maid rushed to the kitchen.

After coming to the sofa area, Li Yi was taken aback as she noticed a huge rose bouquet. As she went up to it, she saw a little card among the flowers.

[I wanted to give you flowers during your graduation ceremony but that bouquet was ruined. Please accept this, my sincere apology - Li Feng]

Li Yi squinted her eyes as she turned her sight on the flowers. The fresh petals, she liked but the letter … she crumbled it and threw it in the trash can.

"Have Li Feng already gone to the company?" Li Yi asked a maid as she sat down on the sofa, playing with the flowers with her hand.

"Yes. Master and young master have left and madam went to visit her friends." The servant replied respectfully.

"Oh, good." Li Yi's eyes lit up. She saw the brand of the bouquet earlier and knew those red roses were authentic and organic. She gave the bouquet to the servant and began to list a bunch of food's names.

"Rose tea, rose pudding, rose cake, fried roses, rose rice, rose water braised chicken…" Li Yi was very enthusiastic as she spoke without stopping.