[15 Crazy Li Yi]

[15 Crazy Li Yi]

"Yiyi, just how much you drank?!" Li Feng asked speechlessly as he noticed her bright red cheeks.

"Me? Haha! Only… one?!" Li Yi replied, shouting a little louder like a fool while showing a size by her fingers that was tinier than a little pearl.

Mu Yuexin shook her head in resignation as she whispered exasperatedly, "She vanished after coming here and then appeared on the dance floor, drunk!"

"Oh…" Li Feng replied understandingly. He watched Li Yi's face and sighed in resignation.

Mu Yuexin blinked her eyes curiously as she saw him taking out his phone. Then the man took his sister's photos nonstop for a minute.

Mu Yuexin's lips went up as she guessed Li Yi would be in trouble as her brother had some black materials on her.

After he took a few drunken pictures of his sister who seemed to have lost her sanity and would regret getting drunk later, his sight then turned to Mu Yuexin. Suddenly he leaned towards her and at the same time retracted his hold from Li Yi.

With surprise, she saw as the man went very close to her and nearly touched her cheek.

Click! Click!

Yuexin speechlessly watched as the man straightened his back and checked his phone. She saw a frown and displeasure on his face.

'Did my face come out bad?' She wondered as she touched her face. However, her concern was totally unrelated to the man's concern.

He saw the photo which showed his lips touching her cheek from a weird angle but in truth, they knew he did not kiss her. Li Feng was feeling vexed.

He glanced at Yuexin, his eyes fixed on her blushing face. He considered taking another photo, but the way Mu Yuexin was looking at him made him hesitate.

"Yuexin, I am taking Li Yi with me. Will you come with us or stay here?" He asked as he held Li Yi tightly.

Yuexin shook her head and added, "Let's leave then."

The three of them stood in the parking lot, feeling the cold night wind. Li Feng stared blankly at the spot where his car was supposed to be, but instead, he saw another unfamiliar car.

Mu Yuexin turned to him and smiled at the awkward man. Li Feng sighed as he realized, 'They left…'

The Li parents thought it would be a while before they were done. That's why they left first.

Li Yi wobbled in her place as she was grabbed by her brother, her own body betraying her as she couldn't hold herself straight. She was constantly smiling like a fool, and her hazy eyes looked ahead, trying to picture the surroundings, which seemed too blurry for recognition.

"Li Feng, it's better if we two go back to our dorm." Yuexin suggested. After all, rather than the Li family's home, it was easier to return to the campus.

Li Feng shook his head as he spoke, "Yuexin, you may not know but… Yiyi had put both of your suitcases in my car…"

Mu Yuexin remained silent.

"So even if you go back, you will need your things sooner or later, right? Also, how will you take care of her?!" Li Feng turned to the heavily drunk woman in his hold. If he dared to free her that time he knew she would make a fool out of herself!

"Why would she put my things in your car!" Mu Yuexin was puzzled.

"That… " Li Feng looked embarrassed, "She said you have yet to find a place to move into. So she wants you to stay with her until you find one."

Mu Yuexin fell silent. Even though her face was calm, inside her heart was beating frantically. Among the people she knew, only this annoying friend of hers would think so much about her well-being.

"Then, I will have to trouble you for the time being." Mu Yuexin smiled at Li Feng and then at drunk Li Yi.

She knew better than not to reject a favour that was knocking on the door. As she failed to secure a living space, her first option was living in hotels for a few days but the restaurant manager went back on his word and said that she could not get paid per day!

It's only for senior workers?! So why state that on their homepage! She got her hopes high for nothing!

When Li Feng called for his driver, the driver said that he needed at least one hour to return to pick them up, if there was traffic then more than one hour to reach the college!

Thus Li Feng stood there waiting for his car to arrive. Mu Yuexin supported Li Yi and returned to the campus to wait. But how could the restless lady stay quiet for so long!

In no time, Li Yi became a little sober and looked at the horizon. Only she knew what she was thinking, but suddenly she got away from Yuexin and began to run!

"Li Yi!"

"Yiyi, stop! Where are you going?!"

Yuexin and Li Feng ran after Li Yi. The woman was giggling like a fool. Mu Yuexin's heart dropped when she saw the crazy girl running in the middle of the road. Watching her tremendous running speed, Li Feng felt both shocked and numbed.

"Yiyi stop!"

"Li Yi!"

Mu Yuexin and Li Feng shouted at the same time as they chased the girl. However, Li Yi was not in her right mind and thus ignored them. She ran further and further away while she caused two people to panic for her safety.