[14 Twin Brother Li Feng]

[14 Twin Brother Li Feng]

The other two became jealous as they saw Mu Yuexin's wearing an expensive and beautiful dress. Scolding her in their mind was not enough but in front of Li Yi, they were scared to criticize her for using other people's stuff!

"Babe, we are all ready! Let's go!" Li Yi hooked her arm with Mu Yuexin and said cheerfully.

"Yes." Mu Yuexin nodded happily. As she glanced sideways at the mirror, she blushed slightly. It was her first time wearing lenses and she did not know that she looked better in this way.

Getting free of wearing eyeglasses which she was used to for years, Mu Yuexin was feeling weird.

"Don't think too much. You are beautiful in every way." Li Yi gave her a reassuring look.

"I know." Mu Yuexin replied brightly. Because of her cheeky answer, Li Yi was speechless. The two women ran to the graduation party in a cheerful mood, leaving the other two roommates behind.

"Pretentious." One of them whispered.

"Indeed." The other one nodded.

Both of them turned towards the suitcase of Mu Yuexin. They shared glances between themselves and instantly wicked smiles appeared on their faces.

After a brief graduation ceremony, everyone went ahead to take pictures with friends and families. Mu Yuexin stared ahead as she saw Li Yi's parents and brother taking pictures with her.

People were busy saving memories but there she was standing alone in a corner. As Li Yi saw her, she motioned Mu Yuexin to come to them.

Mu Yuexin shook her head as she did not want to disturb them. And to be precise, she was slightly scared of Li Yi's father who had a stern expression. Watching him, she was even more against the idea of going there and nodded at them from afar.

But then she saw Li Feng, Li Yi's twin brother walking towards her. A man who had a sunny smile all the time, a kind who could make every girl in the world happy!

"Yuexin, would you mind if I take a photo of us?" Li Feng said with a smile.

Mu Yuexin shook her head as she replied, "I would love to."

At her consent, the young man was relieved inwardly. When Li Feng was going to take a photo of themselves, Li Yi suddenly appeared behind them, jumped suddenly and thus, a photo of two became a photo of three.

Li Feng's face stiffened when he saw the additional garbage in the background.

The girls did not realise his fallen mood as Li Yi dragged Mu Yuexin to the party venue. When Li Feng did not see them he finally realised that he lost the perfect moment to keep a photo of him and Mu Yuexin with a perfect excuse.

'Damn, Yiyi!' Li Feng cursed in his mind. This annoying sister of his would always jump in to destroy his happiness!

With silence, Mu Yuexin saw how people were partying. She frowned and backed away from the dance floor as she saw people nearly going to fall on each other with overexcitement.

But when she saw how her bestie was dancing she had to slap her own forehead. Mu Yuexin rushed between the crowd of dancing people and grabbed Li Yi's hand.

"Come, come!" Li Yi thought Mu Yuexin wanted to dance with her and thus she held her hands and began to move her hands alongside hers.

Mu Yuexin did not want to move like wriggling noodles between all of those people. She shook her head dangerously and shouted at Li Yi.

"Girl, you are drunk!"

"Ah? It's best if I am drunk. If we don't become drunk tonight, who will?!"

Right after saying that, Li Yi trapped Mu Yuexin with her deadly grip and began to move her body like a snake. Mu Yuexin nearly slapped this girl in second-hand embarrassment!

When Li Feng came on the exit with bouquets, he was shocked to find these two girls in the middle of the dance floor. One had an embarrassed face while the other was laughing hysterically but because of the booming music, her voice got suppressed.

Rather than a graduation party, it looked more like a bar or pub. People were drinking at one side without stopping as if they would not stop until their bladder burst. A huge part was randomly wiggling their bodies on the floor while some sane people were laughing and taking videos of those idiots.

Li Feng wanted to smash the flowers in his sister's head. 'This dummy! One day, you will regret your unruly behaviour!'

The eldest lady of the Li family, having this kind of idiotic behaviour in broad daylight… if it spread, it would impact their Sky Li Corporation badly.

The young man went to the dance floor and nearly screamed when someone grabbed him from behind. His heart dropped when the bouquet fell on the floor from his hand by someone's accidental touch. With sadness, he saw as it turned into paste.

With a sigh, he pushed away people forcefully from his way and finally reached the middle of the dance floor.

The lost case Li Yi, laughing with anger Mu Yuexin… Li Feng saw them clearly. When Mu Yuexin saw Li Feng coming, it was as if she saw her savior.

"Li Feng, help! Your sister has gone nuts!" Mu Yuexin shouted. This new generation of partying, she swore that she would never attend a party again!

The man naturally overpowered Li Yi's craziness and hold on Mu Yuexin's body. He dragged Li Yi out of the crowd of mad dogs while Mu Yuexin hurriedly followed them.

Right after they went to a sitting area, Mu Yuexin took a huge breath.

"I nearly got buried under those people." She muttered as she fanned herself with her hand.

Li Feng tightly held Li Yi's hand so that she could not go back to the dance floor and make a mess out of herself.