[13 Graduation Party]

[13 Graduation Party]

"You!… You are the woman who threw heels at that lady, right?" Van asked hurriedly. He did not think that he would get to meet one of them so soon.

God surely loved him, he thought gleefully! Yuexin stared at him blankly as she finally realised what he meant after a few moments of pondering.

'He saw me yesterday?! Don't tell me, he will complain to the manager now?!' Yuexin's heart chilled as this thought came in her mind.

She had seen enough people who would go out of their way to make other people's lives a living hell, and right now, she hoped he wouldn't be one of them.

How unlucky for her to encounter one on her first day of work?!

As she freed her hand from the man's grip, she tried to maintain a flat face and said, "Sir, you are mistaken. I do not know what you are talking about."

Watching her changing expression like flipping a book, Van Alroy's enthusiasm vanished and he smirked. He stood up and lifted her face by her chin.


Suddenly being touched like that, Mu Yuexin was baffled. She looked at him with wide eyes and backed away.

"Speak without touching." Yuexin said sharply. She hated that she needed to force down her displeasure facing a man like him.

Van Alroy chuckled as he put his hands inside his pants' pockets. He sat down and stared at her twisted face from below. To him, this face and expressions were of an amusing type too.

"Now that I watch you from below, you are quite good too." he said with an evil smirk, his voice carrying a sexy, hoarse tone. Mu Yuexin was stunned and subconsciously looked up. Seeing his smile, she quickly composed herself and bowed slightly.

"Thanks for the compliment. If you want to order something else, please say…" Yuexin regained her professionalism and spoke as she lifted her head.

"Yes..." Van spoke, looking down at the table full of dishes. It was evident that he wouldn't be able to finish them all by himself, yet he ordered so much. Yuexin couldn't help but feel he was being wasteful.

The man looked up at her and spoke bossily, "I want to order your time."


"It's an order! Do as I say, and you will get a ton of money!" Van Alroy declared as he picked up a glass of extremely costly champagne and took a sip.

The next moment, he comically spat it out. It turned out to be overly sweetened apple juice mixed with champagne!

'Did I get scammed?!' Van Alroy thought in disbelief. Back in their place, the result would be the scammer crying and begging for life!

Mu Yuexin observed as his flirty eyes turned cold. It was evident that the man did not like it.

'I better leave!' With this thought, she turned around at once and left, not even bothering to close the door of the private room.

Van Alroy did not pursue her, nor did he do anything against her. He put down the glass irritably and threw a raw piece of meat inside his mouth as he took out his phone.

Now that he knew she works here, he was not in a rush to scare her off and make endless unnecessary trouble for himself.

"Yuexin! Why are you late!" Li Yi immediately jumped on Mu Yuexin as the latter came into the dorm.

"Had to do overtime on my first day!" Mu Yuexin had an angry face as she walked up to her bed.

Li Yi went to put makeup on her face alongside two other girls and spoke hurriedly with urgency, "Babe, get ready asap! You will miss the graduation ceremony! The party will taste bitter if you miss the real deal!"

Mu Yuexin sighed as she slumped down on her bed. It was the day she had been anticipating for a long time but… .

'I spent my savings to buy those clothes and the restaurant manager refused to pay by the day.' Mu Yuexin got another lesson on the importance of money!

'I have to get a proper job! This restaurant won't do.'

Such a renowned restaurant yet she wasn't able to speak anything about the overtime just because that waiter who came late turned out to be the Manager's girlfriend… bullshit!

Li Yi peeked at her in the mirror, and seeing her unmoved, she stopped applying lipstick.

"Babe, what's wrong? Did anyone bully you?!" Li Yi asked as she sauntered towards Mu Yuexin.

Mu Yuexin looked embarrassed as she murmured, "Yiyi, for the party if I wear the clothes I wore for my interview, will it be okay?"

Hearing her, all of the three people put their attention on her. One of her roommates glared at her and spoke angrily, "you didn't buy a dress?! You will ruin our photo!"

"Err. Is it a bad thing?" Mu Yuexin blinked her eyes as she spoke about her doubts. The girl wanted to speak some garage words but upon Li Yi's glare, she had to stop speaking.

Li Yi took Mu Yuexin with her and stopped in front of her own part of the closet. After she opened it she took out three dresses and stuffed them in Yuexin's hands.

"These are the new dresses I bought recently. Go check them out and wear whatever suits you."

"Thanks Li Yi!"

In the end, she chose a blue dress which reached up to her thighs and out light make-up. After Li Yi helped her put on lenses instead of her eyeglasses, she looked perfect and ready for the party.