22 Angry Van

22 Angry Van

They heard a loud sound and instantly they heard the sound of air leaking. Li Feng parked the car at one side and walked out. Li Yi also followed him outside and upon seeing the front tire, she asked in wonder, "You made such a big hole on the tire! Where were your eyes?!"

"My eyeballs are clearly in my eye sockets!" Li Feng said, exasperated.

"How will we go now?!" Li Yi asked with a distressed expression. Then her eyes went to Mu Yuexin who was tapping on her phone.

"What are you doing?" Li Yi asked as she went towards Mu Yuexin.

"I am trying to hire a taxi. Look at the sky." Mu Yuexin murmured. Next moment both she and Li Yi heard a booming sound coming from the night sky.

They even saw lighting creaking in there.

"It will rain soon." Li Feng said and looked at his watch.

"It has already started." As Li Yi said excitedly, all of them were washed away by a chilling wind. In the next moment with a thunderous voice, it started to rain down heavily on Earth.

Mu Yuexin lifted her hand and on the tip of her index finger, a raindrop fell. She chuckled gently as the water began to pour down.

"You two, go inside." Li Feng said hastily as he went inside the car. However both Li Yi and Mu Yuexin exchanged glances and immediately said at the same time.


When Li Feng saw his sister dragging Mu Yuexin ahead, his lips twisted violently. He was worried that someday Li Yi's childishness would place them in a dangerous situation.

'When will you grow up?!' With this thought, he walked out and despite getting drenched in the cold rainwater, he followed the two.

"Yuexin, yaa!" Li Yi chuckled loudly as she jumped on her place.

Mu Yuexin laughed as she answered, "Yes?"

Right, that moment Li Feng came beside them and suddenly grabbed Mu Yuexin's hands. With a pampering gaze, he told her, "Be careful, you can fall."

"..." Li Yi saw Li Feng's gaze and her black eyes deepened.

One mile away from them, a car was similarly parked beside the roadside. On both sides of the road, there was a dense forest.

Some people in black suits appeared in the right one and came back with a man. The man's head was covered in a black cloth while he was being dragged by a henchman of Van Alroy.

All of them were drenched in the rainwater and when they pushed the man in the black van, Van Alroy indifferently looked at the kidnapped man.


When Van Alroy snorted, the man visibly stiffened and did not struggle. Only then did he realize that he was caught in a dire situation at that time rather than a small kidnapping case.

Van Alroy patted the fat man's fat bum and said threateningly, "Later, if you don't confess everything, I will let you bloom in a live broadcast and let your family see how stunning you are."

The man: 'NO!!!'

The henchmen: 'Oh yes!'

The car left the roadside and drove through the road. Because of the sign of a government official on the black van, no one dared to stop the car and it slipped away from the checking points.

Boom! Creak~ Kacha!

Van Alroy saw the night sky being lightning up because of thunder. His mood became gloomy for some reason as the van drove through many vehicles.

'I hate rain.' He thought and the urge to click on a pause button to stop this raining was intense.

The driver, who knew about this, hurriedly clicked on a button. In the next moment, all the window glasses went up.

When Van was going to close his eyes to relax, suddenly his eyes caught something. He blinked and zoomed ahead. As the black van drove past three figures, he finally came to the realization.


His inner beast roared in excitement. Who knew that while he was in a dilemma to find her actively or not, a chance would get delivered on his doorstep and he would get to see her so soon.

His eyes turned back and Van smiled when he saw Li Yi suddenly jump like a kid. Watching the innocent smile on her somewhat pinkish face, the desire to get this woman became stronger in his mind.

"Stop the car!" Van Alroy suddenly yelled near the driver's ear who was beside him. At the sudden command, the driver nearly had a heart attack.

'His voice is so frightening!' The driver thought as he slowed down and stopped it.

Van Alroy did not care about the downpour as he exited and ran his fingers through his brown hair to fix it, however soon it got messily wet.

His dangerous hazel eyes which had caused many people to pee on the spot from fear in the past stared at Li Yi with possessiveness. His eyes filtered out the other two people beside her and only looked at her.

'She should stay beside me! Why can't I buy her?! Damn it!'

Van Alroy cursed in his mind. If people knew about his thoughts of buying someone day and night, they would have identified him as a lunatic!

But in the next moment, he had to stop in his tracks. Van Alroy narrowed his eyes dangerously when Li Yi suddenly hugged the man beside her and jumped on top of him. Because Van was facing his back, he did not get to see his face.

In the next moment, that beauty kissed that hateful man and Van Alroy finally lost his sense. He touched his pants pocket at a tremendous speed and pointed a gun towards the man.

"Boss, you can't make trouble or you will be punished by Boss Han!" The driver shouted as he noticed Van Alroy trying to do a dangerous thing.