23 Fight Panthers.

23 Fight Panthers.

Van Alroy pursed his lips as he recalled it was another country and not his usual territory. But even then he was dissatisfied. How could a wild man touch what he labelled as his?!

He returned to the back of the black van and opened it. Right then two pairs of equally dangerous eyes stared at Van Alroy. As the two animals jumped on the ground, Van Alroy spoke mockingly. The


"Time to hunt!" 

"Li Yi, you get down!" Li Feng shouted at his sister who suddenly got on top of him. 

But Li Yi refused to do so. She was on the verge of going crazy as she screamed while hugging him tightly while her legs locked his waist in an iron grip, "There is a lizard! It just fell from the sky!" 

Both Mu Yuexin and Li Feng looked on the ground but they did not find the so-called reptile. Li Feng patted her back and said in a gentle, "It must have left by now. You can come down." 

"Really?" Li Yi asked hesitantly and turned her head aside. After not finding the lizard, she was relieved and happy!

As she slowly came down, she was still cautious. She refused to let his hands go as her eyes glanced around. 

"That's why people should not come out in such bad weather! We should go back to the car!" Li Feng said helplessly. 

"No, we will wait until the taxi arrives!" Li Yi persisted in not going back to the car. Such a rare opportunity to drench in the rain, she did not want to miss even had turned wet like drenched sheets of paper.

'Heh! So affectionate? You can't even let him go?' Van Alroy thought menacingly. His fingers itched continuously while the devil in his heart tried to lure him to make a few holes on that man!

"Go! Take him down!" 

A deep command cut through the wind and went to the animals like sharp air. Two pairs of animal eyes turned towards the three people and started to run at a great speed.

Even then the three ignorant fools did not realize that two predators were sprinting towards them. Mu Yuexin, who subconsciously felt something wrong, turned at her right, in the distance. 

Soon, her eyes caught sight of two black animals. 

'Cats? So big?' Mu Yuexin was puzzled. But then when a violent wave of wind came, the leaves and branches of trees moved and street lights fell on 'cats'. 

As Mu Yuexin saw a pair of glowing emerald eyes, finally she seemed to feel the danger.  


When Mu Yuexin shouted, she took Li Yi's hand and Li Yi took Li Feng's hand. Like that the three people began to run while the other two clueless people followed Mu Yuexin blindly. 

As Li Yi turned her head around, she nearly fell on the spot but thanks to the two people she did not. 

"RUN!!!" Li Yi shouted at the top of her lungs and dashed ahead. At her sudden boost, the two people became factors who seemed to be dragging her this time. 

Both Li Feng and Mu Yuexin freed her and the three ran crazily as their lives depended on it. At this time, they were going out of Van Alroy's sight. The driver, who had come out a while ago, thoughtfully passed a binocular to Van Alroy.  

Watching the lady who surpassed the other two, Van Alroy slapped his thigh in excitement. Discovering a new trait of hers, he was pleased. 

'Athletic body has the best use in bed, not bad! Not bad!' 

In the future, Li Yi who was too scared to turn around this time would know about this perverted fella's thoughts as he imagined bending her flexible body in different positions!

But how could mere humans match black Panthers' speed? In no time, the two huge 'cats' caught up and attacked.  

"Ah!" Li Feng groaned as he fell on the road while two black shadows attacked him. 

"Feng!" Li Yi stopped running when she heard his groan and was horrified to see him being attacked.

"Li Feng!" Mu Yuexin was also scared but what confused her was that the Panthers only attacked him. Even though she was standing very close to Li Feng, the cars did not touch him at all. 

While Mu Yuexin was stunned, Li Yi could not standstill. She seemed to have the illusion that her annoying little brother was getting ripped to pieces at the very moment. 

"Feng, protect your neck!" After shouting, Li Yi jumped on Li Feng. She pushed aside his body and with terrifying eyes, she grabbed the necks of the Panthers, not thinking about the consequences. 

Except for Li Yi, everyone was beyond shock. Van Alroy had the most comical expression. He zoomed on Li Yi's face and could not help but comment, "As expected, what I want can't be a mere woman! I envy my talent to find the right person from the sea of people!" 

The driver had a big question mark on his head but his eyes were not so powerful to see that blood-boiling epic scene. 

When Li Yi got a few scratches, she screamed angrily and threw a kicked at Li Feng. 

"Why are you dozing off?! Help! I just recently did my manicure!" Li Yi screamed. At her scream, both Li Feng and Mu Yuexin's senses came online. 

They also rushed ahead and helped Li Yi to keep those dangerous animals under control. And surprisingly, the Panthers became very calm after struggling a few times. 

As Li Yi examined Li Feng, except for his torn pants and shirt, and of course a few scratches on his chest, everything was okay. For a moment, Li Yi was scared that this fool would get bitten on his neck. 

'I will never fool around in bad weather!' 

Boom! Kacha!

As if to agree with her thoughts, the sky flashed with lightning and they heard a massive thunder striking somewhere nearby. 

"..." Mu Yuexin.