27 Unnecessary Concern

27 Unnecessary Concern

"Manager, is it sorted out? Where are the ingredients?" Mu Yuexin sprinted towards him and asked with a cheerful mood. 

She liked this kind of work that she was made to do which was to keep things in control and keep track of money!

She loves money! And money is everything in this world!

"You… Don't ask so many questions. I am already here. Go back to your own work!" Manager Hu snorted at her and brushed past her, while on it, he slightly pushed her sideways.

Mu Yuexin's mood fell at his mad behavior. 

'Weirdo! I did not mess things up so why is he showing me such an attitude?!' She thought angrily as she puffed out her breath.

When Bo Wan saw this, she gloated and felt very happy. When Mu Yuexin and Bo Wan's eyes met, even though Bo Wan retracted her smile, Mu Yuexin still felt something.

'I felt worse than this when Li Yi ignored me and made me embarrassed! You deserve this, bitch!' Li Yi smirked in triumph and left the restaurant as she did not have the day shift. 

Also when she remembered that she might soon leave this place, she was more inclined to waste her time here, more on that cheater!

Mu Yuexin went to her original work but her mood was already tattered by a pair of bad people! That day she was scolded, given tips and needlessly corrected by Manager Hu in her work. 

Watching her getting embarrassed in front of the restaurant staff, Manager Hu felt he got back his pride and prestige only after that.

The stingy man thought he had lost his honor because some people praised Mu Yuexin before him. He did not like it. So Mu Yuexin got busted just because of his twisted opinions!


When Mu Yuexin returned to the Li family, she saw Mother Li staring at her face when she entered. Instantly she straightened her back and the fatigue seemed to have been banished.

"Hello, aunty." She greeted her enthusiastically but the middle aged woman ignored her instead. 

When Mu Yuexin turned to go to the second floor, Mother Li suddenly asked, "Girl, what job do you have now?" 

Before she was not interested in Mu Yuexin's affair but after she came, Li Feng would rarely stay out and never had she seen him coming home drunk. Also he seemed to be coming home more rather than staying in the company. 

As his mother, her heart became more lenient. Whoever could make her son's life better would surely get appreciated by her. So she was willing to help Mu Yuexin out in her job.

Mu Yuexin hesitated to reply. She felt insecure when Mother Li looked elsewhere and seemed to be indifferent when she asked her. 

Nonetheless, she walked up to her and said with a firm voice, "Aunty, I have a temporary job… I'm a waiter in a quite popular restaurant." 

"Cough! Cough!" Mother Li spat out her tea in surprise and coughed lightly to hide the embarrassment. She looked at Mu Yuexin disapprovingly and asked, "Did you not study with Li Yi in commerce college?! Does this subject teach you to become waiters?"

Mother Li's words were quite stern. Before she did not bother to look into Mu Yuexin's affairs but a waiter living with her daughter in the same room, she could not digest this info quite well. 

"It's temporary. Soon I will look for a more suitable job." Mu Yuexin replied. She felt Mother Li's face relaxing after hearing her.

"You better change it. It will affect our reputation if they know Li Yi has a friend who is a waiter." Mother Li was frank and spoke out her thoughts, also added like a thoughtful person, "If nobody gives you a job, you can turn to me." 

Her real intention was that the girl should know the place she was living at the moment and that she should be aware of her image and not be so willful.


"Yes, Aunty. Thanks. I will remember this lesson." After replying, Mu Yuexin looked down at the floor. Mother Li was satisfied with her submissive look. 

"Dinner will be served in a while. Go freshen up." Mother Li said as she stood up. 

"Oh, okay." Even though Mu Yuexin was sad earlier, hearing her soft tone and affectionate voice, her heart softened a lot. Rarely would someone show this side to her.

Usually Mother Li would not bother to tell her this. But as she saw Li Feng and Li Yi coming back from the Sky Li Corporation, their family company, she put on a motherly smile and said that to her deliberately.

"Yuexin, why are you early today?! We went to pick you up but Bo Wan said you have already left!" Li Yi spoke regretfully. She wanted to go to another site this time with Mu Yuexin but her intention was crumbled into dust.

"Today, I did less overtime. That's why." Mu Yuexin answered as Li Yi suddenly hugged her. 

Li Feng noticed her eyes on her but she did not get to greet him as Li Yi dragged her to the second floor and only nodded.

Mother Li frowned as she saw Li Feng walking to the second floor, following Mu Yuexin. The fact that he ignored her blatantly, his mother was quite disturbing to her. 

'Do they take me for air?!' Mother Li thought. Without knowing she pushed all the blame on Mu Yuexin who seemed to be closer with both her children than she was.

"Yuexin, you have vague eyebags!" After entering the bedroom, Li Yi suddenly grabbed Mu Yuexin and exclaimed.

Mu Yuexin dashed in front of the big mirror of the room and tucked the skin of her cheeks down. When she finally saw the vague lines, she screamed without second thoughts, "Oh my God! No!"