28 Plan

28 Plan

Li Yi felt for her friend as she checked her face for a while. Mu Yuexin seemed like she would cry at any moment. Li Yi walked to her and said, "Babe, are you working too hard?!"

"That… it seems so." Mu Yuexin nodded. Taking orders, catering to the Manager's words, running back and forth made her cheerful self depressed.

"Girl like you should not work so hard when you have opportunities before you." Li Yi said as she picked up a little box and took out a bit of black cream from it.

As she personally put the cream under Mu Yuexin's eyes, Mu Yuexin murmured, "Opportunities before me?"

However she only saw Li Yi before her at that time. Instantly she eradicated that thought. Li Yi knew Mu Yuexin's thoughts and became silent instantly. Mu Yuexin looked like a little fool with all those black creams under her eyes.

However, she gently touched it and asked, "What is this?"

"Dog's poop, best to remove eye bags." She replied seriously.

Mu Yuexin's hand paused. She squinted her eyes at Li Yi who had a serious face and spat inwardly, 'Liar!'

Would she touch it first if that was poop?! Mu Yuexin knew this girl was simply trying to mess her up but she refused to cooperate that day.

Li Yi was disappointed when Mu Yuexin's face became normal after becoming a little disturbed. After having dinner, Li Yi personally cut a cucumber for Mu Yuexin.

Mu Yuexin sat on the huge balcony of the second floor and put the round sized cucumber slices on her eyes. When Li Feng came, he walked beside her silently.

"Cough!" He made a light sound, however Mu Yuexin did not wake up. Li Feng sat beside her and observed her sound breathing. Watching her face and the cucumber slices on her eyes, he was amused.

Instantly he took out his phone and before doing anything, he mute it. Then he took some of her pictures and afterwards, he took selfies where they were in the same frame.

"Hmm…" Suddenly Mu Yuexin showed signs of waking up. When she saw Li Feng, she looked down and tidied her clothes.

"Li Feng, when did you come?" Mu Yuexin asked.

The other person did not reply. His hands were on the railings of the balcony as faced her with his back while looking at the sky blankly. However when he turned to Mu Yuexin it became a face filled with emotions.

"Just now. Did I disturb you?" Li Feng asked.

"No. I accidentally fell asleep." Mu Yuexin said as she stood up. She walked beside Li Feng and stood side by side. Her calm eyes glanced ahead and murmured, "The sky is so beautiful today."

"Hmm." Li Feng responded lightly and turned his attention ahead. Both of them fell silent and quietly they faced the night sky full of stars.

After yesterday's downpour, it became much clearer and the result was something everyone could admire.

When Li Yi came, she also silently walked beside Mu Yuexin and faced the night sky with them. Such times, all of them cherished together.

Han Corporation.

In one of the office rooms on the top most floor, Han Boyaung had been reading a report very seriously. His eyes scanned everything very carefully while he marked some lines in red color.

Secretary Fan stood beside him in silence and observed his movements. Han Boyaung was irritated as he turned to him.

"That old man acted sick?!" Han Boyaung inquired in a high pitched voice.

"Yes, sir." Secretary Fan nodded respectfully as he nudged his eyeglasses.

"For that bastard to come to the country to see him?!" Han Boyaung asked in disbelief.

" Yes, it seems to be the case." Secretary Fan replied seriously.

His father, the firm and bold man, would do something so childish one day, Han Boyaung never imagined this.

However after Secretary Fan did a thorough investigation, it came to light that the old man was only acting. Even the doctors were in cahoots with him and fooled everyone!

After calming down Han Boyaung felt bitter. Before he thought that after his father's death he would become invisible and force the executives to listen to him but who would have thought that the bastard son would come back and his father would also join in terminating him!

"If only Xiao Jun was not so useless." Han Boyaung murmured as he rubbed his forehead. The man failed to notice his secretary's face which changed after he mentioned his younger son.

Han Boyaung turned to Secretary Fan and spoke worriedly, "Han Fan, do something. At this rate, I will become a laughing stock! Someone controlling the company's decision from the HR department is hilarious enough! One day it would go out to media and I don't want to explain his existence!"

"Sir, I can do something…" Secretary Fan said mysteriously which made Han Boyaung look at him and only then did he add, "... If you give permission."

Han Boyaung waved his hand and said indifferently, "Unless it's killing him directly, I am okay with everything. Crippling him sounds good too. Just don't get caught!..."

"Sir, please be mindful. Walls have ears." Secretary Fan reminded him immediately.

Han Boyaung did not care and asked, "What is your plan?"

Secretary Fan bent down and whispered beside Han Boyaung's ear. Hearing him, Han Boyaung's mood brightened. He nodded and said, "Do it. I dare him to reject my people!"

Unfortunately a little past regarding Mu Yuexin and Ethan Han got discovered by this proficient secretary which Ethan Han had buried many years ago.

At that time, Ethan Han was busy doing meditation in his office room while Van Alroy played games on phone beside him. But the man failed to concentrate as the figure of a fearless lady appeared in his mind from time to time.

'Damn, I want to see her so badly!' Van Alroy groaned suddenly. Getting disturbed by him for the nth time, Ethan Han suddenly opened his eyes. He picked up the belt which was beside him and lashed at him abruptly.

"Ouch! Boss!" Van Alroy hurriedly retracted.

"If you can't stop, then beat yourself. It will be good a training!" Ethan Han said gravely. Van Alroy realized he had finally angered this man and jumped on his legs.

"I am leaving!" Van Alroy ran away from the room. After getting tranquility Ethan Han calmed down. He sat down on the mattress and took a deep breath, regained his meditation session.