35 Trouble

35 Trouble

Game over! Game over! Game over!

This thing rang out in front of Mu Yuexin. With terror, she tried and clicked many buttons but every time she seemed to have clicked a wrong button, her character would be killed in the next moment mercilessly. The one who could use a computer a little was flabbergasted by this unfortunate situation.

Behind her, Ethan Han couldn't stop snickering as he finally saw her flustered self again. After waiting for a while when he saw that she got absorbed by trying to figure out the things, he deliberately backed away and left her.

After nearly spending 2 hours of painful efforts, Mu Yuexin finally figured out how the gaming equipment works. Slowly she improved and by the time she won a game her face already had a huge smile.

"Sir, look." Mu Yuexin said and turned around to show her results to Ethan Han but except him, she saw many other people.

'He left?! What am I supposed to do now?' Mu Yuexin thought and then recalled that the man wanted to see her report on the game, previously she had to kill 1000 zombies.

"Yuexin, let's get started!" Mu Yuexin folded the sleeves of her dress and then cheered herself up. For the next few hours, she killed zombies one after another very diligently and as time passed she was enhancing her skills.

'This game is not so bad!' Mu Yuexin thought and also realized playing all by herself wasn't pleasant. She called Li Yi and let out excitedly, "Li Yi, I am in the play station near the Han Corporation. Do you want to come?"

Li Yi, who was an unnecessary partner in a business meeting to gain experience, instantly replied, "Any doubt?! I am coming. Give me the address."

Thus, in a few minutes, Li Yi left the business meeting with the excuse that an emergency had just come up. Father Li didn't stop her while her brother was worried and thought, 'Is it something related to Mu Yuexin?'

He also wanted to accompany his sister but he knew it was impossible. Later, Li Yi arrived at the PlayStation. She was surprised to see that her best friend who would always think about work, work, work, and finally money would be so invested in playing games!

"Hey, Yuexin, isn't today supposed to be your first day at your job?! What happened? You were late and fired again?" Li Yi teased her as she stood beside Mu Yuexin.

"No, but my job is to play and kill zombies first! I can not stop before I kill one thousand!"

After telling her Mu Yuexin returned her sight on the gaming screen. She was disappointed to see that she missed a couple of Zombies!

Mu Yuexin was hurt and it was visible in her face!

Witnessing the odd situation related to her workaholic friend, Li Yi found it very amazing. She also folded her sleeves and then sat down in the nearby seat. It was very rare to see a pair of ladies in office attire playing games in broad delight and attracted quite a number of men.

Some of them even took out their phones and took pictures of Mu Yuexin and Li Yi.

A gamer posted it on social media, the caption was-

Dreams never die. Play your favourite games even if you become successful in other fields!


The two women, however totally oblivious to their surroundings, indulged themself in the games. It did not take much time for the crowd to lose interest and disperse.

"Done, finally!" Mu Yuexin exclaimed in joy as she finally killed one thousand zombies in total. She picked up her phone and then took a screenshot to keep evidence that she did as she was asked to do by Ethan Han.

Li Yi looks at her smiling face. She couldn't help but ask, "Be honest, did your boss tell you to play games?! Don't tell me… he likes you or what?!"

"Yes, the first job was to play games and to kill a thousand zombies. Whether he likes me or not, I know better than anyone! He sucks!" After she was done speaking, Mu Yuexin shrugged off.

"Nobody does this ridiculous thing in this current world." Li Yi said blankly and at the same time thought, 'If playing games is a requirement then I also want to become his assistant!'

Her eyes shone brighter than the sun and Mu Yuexin nearly got blinded from it.

"Li Yi, what are you thinking?! It's not good!" Mu Yuexin said while her eyes gave her a clear warning. She couldn't afford it if Li Yi comes to mess things up further.

"You, don't worry. It was nothing important." Li Yi waved her hand. Even though Mu Yuexin was suspicious, she didn't enquire further. With the screenshots, she went to a nearby shop and printed out more than 30 pages.

After making a thick file out of them Mu Yuexin went back to the company.

When she arrived at the entrance of the company, she noticed many people's eyes on her.

'Not good!' She thought and rotated 90 degrees and then walked away from the entrance in large steps.

After buying a mask and cap, she put them on and upon seeing herself in the mirror, she murmured, "Nobody will recognize me, right?"

She camouflaged herself and entered the company.

Luckily no one recognised her on the way to the HR department. The fact that the days ahead would not be so easy and smooth was clear to her.

She went back to the HR department but before she could enter Ethan's office, someone cut her path and blocked her way.

"General manager is not here. Also, we are not allowed to go in his absence, it's restricted." A female employee said as she stood in front of the door of the general manager's office.

"He is not here? Then where is he?" Mu Yuexin asked.

"How will I know that?! Didn't you two leave together?!" When the employee spoke Mu Yuexin felt blatant hostility.

"Oh!" Mu Yuexin replied indifferently and turned around to leave. The employee didn't stop her because she already knew Mu Yuexin was in trouble.

After Mu Yuexin left the HR department, she heard whispers coming from the hallway. When she looked up she saw, in an intersection, the front of a lady's heels in a corner. Instantly she became alert and she looked back in the HR department. The employee who had blocked her path earlier, hid her evil smile on her watch.

Rather than going to the hallway she made a round trip and used the stairs to go to the ground floor.

'Damn it!' Mu Yuexin cursed out after leaving the company. As she looked back the majestic building looked nothing more than a war field to her.

"I need to seek help from the CEO and Secretary Fan." Mu Yuexin thought.

"We will take care of the troubles. You just need to do your part of the job. " Secretary Fan spoke in a mild voice as he was on the phone.

"Thanks, sir. I will be hanging up." Mu Yuexin said and broke the connection.

As Han Fan kept away his phone, his face changed. In his nightgown, he looked out at the vast scenery from the 40th floor and murmured while drinking wine, "Men are slaves to their emotions, when they sink in this trap, it's a lifetime of misery or happiness. Ethan, I hope you are not like your father."

After he spoke he gave an angelic smile which was the cause of many young girls' downfall in his age. Yet till this day, this man was still single.

The next day, Mu Yuexin was the first person to come to the Han Corporation.

However, when she entered the HR department which was in darkness, she heard some movements.

"Who… who is there?!" Mu Yuexin asked in a quivering voice. The fear of the unknown and ghosts, it's something every human had in their genes since they were born.

"Your master." A deep male voice replied to her question from within the darkness. Mu Yuexin's heart thundered when a man whose hair was messy and clothes were disarrayed appeared in front of her.

Mu Yuexin had already seen him half naked yesterday so at that moment this breathtakingly dangerous scene didn't pressure her much. But rather a thought appeared in her mind, "Does he behave like this with everyone?!'

And when she saw his blue eyes, she recalled that he had come from abroad and guessed it could be common to move bare chested abroad. But even then Mu Yuexin walked up to him and spoke in disapproval, "Sir, walking like this in a company is not a good thing. Please put on some decent clothes, sir."

'The huge gut of yours.' Ethan Han thought as he checked his watch. "What are you doing at 5 o'clock?"