36 Spoiled Coffee

36 Spoiled Coffee

"What are you doing at 5 o'clock?" Ethan Han asked.

"What else?! I have come to work for you, sir." Mu Yuexin said gravely and then lifted the thick file which was in her hand.

"Please check it. I have successfully completed the task given by you." Mu Yuexin added as she stared straight right in his blue eyes.

Ethan Han calmly took it and checked the contents. As he surfed through the file, Mu Yuexin peeked at his exposed chest. For some reason, she had the urge to see downwards, the hidden content just like yesterday. When it was time to retract her sight, she felt unable to do it.

'He has such a nice body, just like a model.' Mu Yuexin thought and when her eyes fell on his face, she suddenly got caught peeking.

Ethan Han raised his eyes as she hurriedly looked down on the floor as if nothing had happened. He wondered why her cheeks suddenly turned pinkish. He silently looked back on the file and flipped the pages indifferently.

Watching the detailed description of how she had killed the zombies as well as the evidence, the screenshots, Ethan knew that she had come fully prepared.

"You have passed." Ethan Han said curtly.

He threw the report back to her and went back to his office room. Mu Yuexin followed him closely as she did not want to give him any chance to go back on his condition. She still could not believe that he had agreed so easily!

As Ethan entered his room, he glanced sideways and instructed, "Make yourself familiar with the department."

"Yes, sir!" Mu Yuexin shouted with a bright smile as she adjusted her eye glasses.

'Noisy.' Ethan Han clicked his tongue as he examined her. Before she could enter, he shut the door on her face.

Mu Yuexin stared at the door and murmured, "So, where will be my desk?"

From the inside of his office, Ethan Han saw the strolling woman. Mu Yuexin really did what he ordered and walked into the whole department. When the other people came, she found a quiet corner and sat down.

The people indeed saw her but ignored her existence as they did not dare to go close in case they got inflicted. They were busy with their work so someone who was in a corner did not bother them nor did they interact with her.

Ethan Han didn't want her to disturb his early morning meditation and thus, he let her be. He sat on the carpet without any shirt and looked at the vast sky as he slowly closed his eyes. When he became sweaty, he wore his suit and got back to work, as to what work, only he knew.

Every one to two hours, Mu Yuexin would hover before his office, to brush off her existence to him.

'Did he forget about me?! Let me in!' But that door did not open for her nor did Ethan ask her to enter.

A senior employee who was in a classy business suit and black high heels came out from her separate office room and frowned when she saw Mu Yuexin in front of Ethan's room. She also heard the rumor and thus guessed Mu Yuexin's identity.

'The one dragged by him?! Did he throw her out yesterday, personally?' Yu Ran thought as she narrowed her eyes.

Her shoulder length hair fluttered in the air but still she appeared very serious and gracious with her stoic face. She sauntered her way inside the general manager's office in front of others.

When Yu Ran opened the door, Mu Yuexin's eyes lit up but the next moment those clear orbs deemed, 'No matter what, I can't enter without his permission.'

While entering, Yu Ran threw a degrading look at Mu Yuexin and deliberately pushed her back.

"Ethan, your coffee." Yu Ran smiled graciously as she walked towards Ethan and put the coffee mug on Ethan's desk. Afterwards she gently pushed it to him.

Ethan just nodded but did not look at her. Yu Ran looked back at Mu Yuexin and then said to him, "Is she bothering you? Should I tell the security to throw her out?"

Ethan stopped checking the conditions of his share and looked at this woman. Upon his eyes on her, Yu Ran smiled and murmured with a deep look in her calculating eyes, "If you don't prefer any assistant, you should tell the CEO directly not to send these women. These types of people don't have any real skills in real life and only cause disturbance in the company."

As a senior employee and close with the Han family, Yu Ran knew some inside information. Even though she was older than Ethan Han for five years, her heart fluttered because of his cool appearance and cold character.

In today's age, it doesn't matter much if the woman is older than their husband or not and with that thought, Yu Ran approached him when she first got to know him.

Ethan Han glanced at Mu Yuexin who was staring at her fingers with a sullen face. She would look around from time to time and again stare at the door.

Upon his eyes on her, she hurriedly waved at him and then became obedient as she stood straight. He tsked as he saw her look which seemed to be pitiful.

"You should leave, I am busy." Ethan Han turned to Yu Ran, told her and returned his attention to the data on his computer's screen.

"Alright. Remember to drink the coffee." Yu Ran softly reminded him and walked out. She sneered at Mu Yuexin and lifted her head like a proud peacock, and then walked away.

Before the door to the office could close, Ethan's voice floated outside, "New intern, come."

Yu Ran's smile froze as she saw Mu Yuexin hurriedly entering, this time she ignored Yu Ran instead and pushed her by her hip sideways as she stepped inside and shut the door on her.

Yu Ran felt as if Ethan called Mu Yuexin right that moment, just to mock her right after she gave him some good advice.

'Newbies are craps!' Her face instantly darkened as she thought.

The employees did not know why she became so serious and demanded all of them to work overtime, though only a handful of them obliged.

"Sir, what do I have to do? Please give instructions!" Mu Yuexin asked enthusiastically.

Ethan saw the girl with round eye glasses and a simple ponytail. He could not match the knot between this version of her and the time when he encountered her on the road.

"You, drink this coffee." Ethan Han said without looking at her face.

Mu Yuexin glanced at the mug before him, 'Isn't it brought by that woman?! Humph! I won't drink!' she thought and said cheekily, "I can't."

"Why?" Ethan asked without giving her any attention.

"Because it's something meant for you. I can't take this honor." Mu Yuexin denied. The man felt her sarcasm and smirked.

"I am giving you this honor, take it." Ethan Han added as he slowly looked at her.

"No~" Mu Yuexin firmly refused as she waved her right hand hurriedly.

"Take it." This time, Ethan emphasized his words and Mu Yuexin felt the rising rejection get stuck in her throat.

After thinking for a while, Mu Yuexin reluctantly picked the mug and took a sip. Instantly her face cracked.

'Bitter.' She thought as her face crumbled and couldn't help but look at Ethan, 'Did he do it on purpose?! Can humans drink this poison?!'

"If you are done, go take care of the trees at the window." Ethan Han murmured. Mu Yuexin's eyes lit up as she hurriedly nodded and went towards the window mentioned by him.

After she made sure he was not looking her way, she gently stirred the warm coffee and when it turned cold, she bent the mug and slowly poured the coffee in the root.

'Nutritious black coffee, good for plants too.' Mu Yuexin gently patted the plant's leaf.

The corner of his lips went up when Ethan Han heard the sound. Mu Yuexin was relieved to get rid of the disgusting liquid. She put the cup on the edge of the window and looked at the tree.

Her eyes twisted when she realized this thing was fake!!!

'What is there to even take care of?! The leaves are so clean and smooth.' Mu Yuexin thought as she caressed the fake leaves. She took the mug to the common pantry of the HR department to return it like a good assistant of her boss and came back.

However after she came back, Ethan Han threw her an icy glare and told her to pick up the fake plant and added "Clean up the mess you have made. The whole room is reeking of spoiled coffee!"

After instructing her, he left the office directly with a serious expression, his eyes were hid behind his large sunglasses, hidden from others' eyes.