45 Scaredy Bunny

45 Scaredy Bunny

"Wo Lin, has everyone given treats when they joined the HR department?" Mu Yuexin whispered beside his ear. 

As she was curious she wanted to know if others had also done that or not. For some reason, she could not bring herself to believe that man. 

"Others… I don't know but I have never. There are so many people here and buying all employees something decent would cost half of my monthly salary. It's a big no for me even if I want to burn my money." Wo Lin said as a matter of fact. 

Hearing him, Mu Yuexin took a deep breath. 'I got manipulated by him! My money! Ah~' She took another deep whiff of air and dramatically touched her chest. 

Wo Lin saw this and asked in confusion, "Are you okay?!" 

"Yes. What can happen to me? Ha… hahaha!" Mu Yuexin looked at him with her sunken eyes as if she had failed her life and soul. 

He scratched the back of his head in confusion and marvelled at her drastically changing facial expressions, 'What went wrong with her in such a short time?!'

For the next few hours, every employee and intern witnessed how Ethan Han made her work back and forth several times. Mu Yuexin felt she would be able to memorise the whole company that day. 

Also, she could not understand why a little intern could have any opportunities to go to the CEO's office, not to say when she was supposed to deliver the CEO a bag of chips?!

'I can't do it!' Mu Yuexin wailed in her mind. She did not know what Ethan was thinking when he sent her to give fast food to CEO Han. She put the things in front of the CEO's office room and ran away with red cheeks. 

"..." Secretaries and employees.

Everyone in the HR department was glad that they did not pick the position of the general manager's assistant when they needed to work here, however, someone was unhappy when she saw Mu Yuexin entering and leaving the general manager's office frequently. 

Yu Ran clenched her hand as she saw Mu Yuexin. She didn't notice Mu Yuexin's sweaty face nor her frustration, the only thing that enrolled in her brain was that Mu Yuexin was spending too much time with Ethan Han.

'This can't be tolerated! She is taking advantage of the position she isn't qualified for!' Yu Ran bit on her fingers without noticing as she thought that position should remain empty as Ethan, he himself wished.

After Mu Yuexin came back to the HR department from the CEO's office, rather than going to her desk in the general manager's office, she went to the common washroom for ladies.

Mu Yuexin splashed cold water on her face and murmured again and again as if she was hypnotised, 'I will be done for! Done for! Done for! Everyone in the company might already know me. Argh! Sending fast food to the CEO… ahhaaa!' 

Mu Yuexin hid her face in agony. She really wanted to leave the job at that point in time. The amount of tests her mind was going through was enough to cause her breakdown. Sending fast food to the CEO, she guessed by now, she might have become the subject of discussion!

After spending a lot of time in the washroom, when she turned around to leave, a familiar face greeted her instead.

"Xiao Wei?!" Mu Yuexin exclaimed as she saw one of her roommates from the time she had studied in the college. 

The other party's stiff face soothed a little as she saw Mu Yuexin coming towards her with a delighted smile. 

"Yuexin, did you get any new place to live? Or you are still living with Li Yi's family." Tian Wei asked as she squinted her little eyes. 

Mu Yuexin stopped in her steps and stood right in front of her and replied awkwardly, "Did not get any place to my liking yet. You got a job in Han Corporation?! Why didn't you tell us?!" 

Mu Yuexin looked happy to meet one of her friends here. The other person however was not as happy as her when saw Mu Yuexin.

She glanced around and whispered, "Hey, don't you know the kind of situation you are in?! I didn't have the courage to go up to see you even when we were working in the same department!" 

"That… " Mu Yuexin's face instantly fell. 

Tian Wei shrugged as she told her, "Anyway, Madam Yu told you to go to her. She had something to tell you I guess."

"Oh, alright." Mu Yuexin nodded and then left the washroom. Tian Wei tsked as she watched Mu Yuexin's back leaving, 'This bitch is too lucky. Living with the Li family, how I wish! Humph!'

She clicked clacked her way to Yu Ran's office, only when Mu Yuexin entered and nobody was looking towards the room did she go in. Right after, she slowly closed the door behind her with an evil smirk. 

"Madam, you asked for me?" Mu Yuexin said as she stood in front of Yu Ran. However, Yu Ran only gave her a frown and 

"Intern, when did you get hired? And by whom?" Yu Ran asked after making Mu Yuexin stand in front of her for a long time. 

Mu Yuexin was surprised and showed it without realising at first that she was not supposed to act like that. But then she controlled herself which had been already noted by Yu Ran. 

"Madam, how am I supposed to know who hired me?! Shouldn't you be clear on this aspect? IT'S the HR department." Mu Yuexin said seriously which perfectly made sense to Tian Wei. 

However, looking at the darkening face of her superior, Tian Wei couldn't stay calm. She tried to stay invisible and wished not to get on Yu Ran's nerve. 

Yu Ran however picked up a big stack of papers from her side and threw them towards Mu Yuexin and shouted, "Make 100 copies of each paper! I want them on my desk tomorrow morning, right when I come! If you fail, you will be fired!"

Mu Yuexin was genuinely shocked and speechless about this weird situation. 'When did I offend this grandma?! Why don't I remember?!'

"..." Tian Wei, who could guess a little, thought in her mind, 'Luckily I have never shown interest in that man.'

Mu Yuexin had to bend down to pick up the scattered papers from the floor. She gave Yu Ran a deep and meaningful look before leaving her office. 

After coming out, she counted the papers and murmured in shock, "20 pages… in total… 2000 copies?!"

Mu Yuexin was dumbfounded. She wondered if they would really need that many pages or if Yu Ran was up to something. 

"Either way, I better start on it." Mu Yuexin whispered and went to the printing machine. After setting it up for making copies, she went back to the general manager's office. 

Right after entering, Mu Yuexin saw a bizarre scene and her displeasure at him for tricking her vanished. The man who was supposed to stare at his monitor all day long was rubbing a sharp knife. As Ethan Han saw her, he smirked without speaking. 

"Do you have anything for me to do, sir?" Mu Yuexin asked. 

"Hmm. Just go to your seat and… sleep. I mean it." Ethan Han slowly moved his neck back and stared at the knife. 

When the sharp knife shone ever so beautifully under the light, he smiled, "I wonder if it is sharp enough."

On the other hand, there was no reason for Mu Yuexin not to take his words seriously. She nodded at him and moved to her desk. 

"Do I really have to do it?" She murmured and then peeked at his back. Watching his moving back, she turned her eyes away. 

'I already set the printing machine for the papers. There should not be any problems.' With this thought, Mu Yuexin slowly closed her eyes. After all, she needed to do whatever her boss said~

After like one hour, Ethan Han suddenly looked towards the way where Mu Yuexin's desk was. Watching her chair leaning backwards while she was supposed to be asleep, he silently stood up. 

With the knife which was in his right hand, he went behind her without causing any sound to produce.

'Peaceful, huh!' His blue eyes looked down on her from above and fell on her neck which was exposed. The man played with the silver knife and moved it on her neck. 

When the cold metal came in contact with the bare skin Mu Yuexin's whole body stiffened.

Ethan sneered as he saw her closed eyes wavering. But he didn't give a damn as he ran the tip of the shining knife on her neck, her back and then on her upper exposed chest. 

Eyeing the creak of her cleavage, he whispered, "I told you to sleep. Why do you have to disobey me? Do you know the punishment of going back on your words?" 

The man rubbed the tip of the knife on her neck as he slowly spoke in a gentle and bewitching voice. 

'Ah, ah! What is this pervert up to?!' Mu Yuexin thought as her heart was scared and thumped loudly.

The pair of closed eyes opened suddenly and saw his dangerous face which was very close to her. She pushed hard on the desk and the leader chair gilded sideways, far away from him.

Touching her neck with fear, Mu Yuexin stood up and ran towards the entrance of the office while saying loudly, ''I...I have work to do!" 

As the door closed, Ethan Han chuckled in amusement, "Scaredy bunny~"