44 Treat or Trick?

44 Treat or Trick?

After she was done reporting happily, she finally felt she was doing her job and was on the right track. But when she looked up, she was flustered to see Ethan Han staring at her sharply, instead of ordering something.

She hastily picked up the cafe menu book and hid her face. Then she pretended to read the menu and asked Ethan Han, "Sir, do you want me to order for you?"

"No, not here." Ethan Han retracted his gaze and smiled at the man who was still deciding which card to put on the table. He stood up slowly and said, "Well, that's it for today, Mr. An. It was a pleasant surprise… you lost only 7 out of ten times. Usually, others would lose until they lost all their money when they met me."

The man smugly said which made the other two people speechless. Mr. An wiped his sweaty forehead and replied, "Ha… hahaha! I didn't know Mr. Han could play so well. Next time I will definitely bring my friends as well."

"Oh, I am flattered."

Mu Yuexin saw as one could not stop smirking while the other could not stop buttering the other.

'Bringing friends? He wants them to lose all their cash, doesn't he?' Mu Yuexin wondered. Amid her thinking, Mr. An told Ethan Han.

"Mr. Han, why don't we go to a restaurant? It's already lunchtime." Mr. An suggested as he patted his thigh unconsciously.

"Restaurant? I don't have money, Mr. An, next time maybe." Ethan Han said straight forward as he began to pocket the cash he had won.

"My treat!" Mr. An added with gritted teeth. Mu Yuexin gave him a thumbs up for his clinging personality.

However, Ethan Han still denied it as he walked out of the cafe with her following him on her toes. Soon she was surprised to see where he had walked into.

As they sat down in a private room, she couldn't help but ask him, "Sir, why are we here? Should we not go to a restaurant?"

"We are here for lunch, of course." Ethan Han replied as a matter of fact. "As for restaurants, I can't help it when my assistant is a poor person. Let's dine here, you can pay, can't you?"

"..." Mu Yuexin blinked her eyes at his pricky words. She hid her face with her hand and thought, 'I can't afford fast food? Are you kidding me?!'

As Mu Yuexin peeked at him, she saw the man checking the food menu and couldn't help but wonder, 'Do rich people even eat fast food?!'

Mu Yuexin then remembered that Li Yi and her brother did, so it was understandable that her boss could also eat.

"Only you will eat fast food, I won't." Ethan Han said mysteriously. Mu Yuexin finally realised what he meant after he called a waiter and in the next second, both of them got their lunch that differed vastly.

Looking at his food, she was in awe. "Does this restaurant even sell steaks?" She asked the waiter.

"We don't … but sir Ethan is a special guest. Whatever he wants we make." The waiter said with the utmost respect and left the room to give them privacy.

As Mu Yuexin ate her salad and burger, the other person, very elegantly, cut a big chunk of meat from his steak and put it in his mouth. As he ate he gestured at Mu Yuexin.

She nodded with a stifled heart and poured him a glass of red wine. As the man gave a heavy and hearty sigh, she felt the appetite to eat vanishing into thin air.

"Little scammer, in life, money is important. You see… if you don't become rich, you can only afford burgers and salads." Ethan Han smirked as he poked her sore spot. Mu Yuexin pressed her lips into a thin line as she looked elsewhere.

'I can afford it, with your Daddy's cash, you dummy!'

Ethan Han felt he had successfully motivated the other person to work harder rather than working like a clumsy freak. Both of them enjoyed their lunch in an eerily quiet environment.

"Do you want some?" Ethan raised the fork with a super tiny piece of meat. Knowing that he had used that fork to eat and there was his saliva on it, she shook her head hurriedly.

"Thank you, Sir, but I am okay with my burger." Mu Yuexin replied as she bit on her food harder. Ethan retracted the fork and put it down on the plate.

As Mu Yuexin saw him standing up, her sight fell on the barely finished food. He glanced at her and checked his watch.

"I am giving you half a minute. Finish and leave." Ethan Han said as he stepped out of the room.

"..." Mu Yuexin again witnessed the waste made by rich kids and this time, she was not even in a position to scold him!

"Sur, woit for mei~" Mu Yuexin muffled out as she stuffed her burger in her mouth and ran behind Ethan. However, she did not find him around the place, nor at the cashier.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where the man with whom I have come?" Mu Yuexin asked the cashier. But at that time, she felt someone tapping on her shoulder.

As Mu Yuexin looked around, she beamed with unnoticed joy, "Sir, here you are."

"Hmm." Ethan Han barely replied as he turned to the waiter. Mu Yuexin's smile faded as she was handed a bunch of bags out of nowhere.

"Treat for the HR department." Ethan Han replied indifferently.

Mu Yuexin smiled because she loved it when someone would give something to people and to her, gifting food was the best choice as it would give people delight.

She said happily even though she was having difficulty to cope with the bags, "How nice of you~"

Ethan Han saw her happiness and fell silent. He turned towards the waiter and asked, "You did not tell her?"

The waiter began to sweat under his cold gaze. He stuttered, "I… I did not… g-get the chance y-yet."

"What am I supposed to know?" Mu Yuexin asked as she had a really bad premonition about what she was going to know the next moment, 'Don't tell me, I will have to pay for his steak too?! No, never!'

Her inner beast roared and the outburst was only her trembling eyes. Ethan Han pretended not to see her and replied, "Intern, new employees should give treats when they join our HR department. As a new child, you should honour this tradition as well."

"Ah… ah?!" Mu Yuexin was taken aback. 'Tradition? Didn't he just join the company just a few months ago?'

Ethan Han raised his blue eyes under his black sunglasses at the lack of her response. He smirked evilly and whispered beside her ear, "What? You can't afford it? Want your master to help you?!"

"No~" Mu Yuexin replied subconsciously but then realising she had accidentally spoken in a hoarse and coquettish voice made her scared and embarrassed.

When she eyed him, watching his wide smile which was too glaring to ignore, she wanted to dig the floor and hid in the ground.

She hurriedly dashed out of the restaurant with all those heavy bags and halfway through to Ethan's car, she put a stop to her running.

"I was supposed to pay!" She did a ninety-degree turn and went back.

Ethan Han was still standing in his place and saying something to the waiter. Both of them looked very serious and she noticed that the waiter did not have that kind of submissive aura around him like he was in the private room.

She noted this down in her mind and walked towards Ethan Han. Both men stopped talking as they saw her approaching.

"I have not paid yet." Mu Yuexin said embarrassedly as she raised the takeout bags she was holding.

"Please come with me, Miss." The waiter said as he guided her to the cashier.

When Mu Yuexin paid the cashier, she saw her empty purse and her nose felt sore, 'There goes my money.'

Ethan Han saw her slightly red eyes which were on the hand of the cashier who was counting her money. Looking at her face which could break down in tears at any moment, he grinned.

'Money lover.'

In the afternoon both of them returned to the company with a bunch of fast food and she had to carry them all while the man walked ahead leisurely. Mu Yuexin was already numbed to the stares she was getting and followed Ethan Han closely.

As the man entered his office, he saw for the last time someone approaching Mu Yuexin from one corner of the room. Instantly his eyes darkened.

Wo Lin went to take some bags from Mu Yuexin as he saw her struggling with them and asked curiously, "Why did you buy so many?!"

"Ah, for the tradition of giving treats?" Mu Yuexin replied however watching the confusion on Wo Lin's face, she fell silent.