43 Report!

43 Report!

She had never met her parents in her whole life and it would become heart wrenching when she would see other people's sweet interactions with their parents. Even though she did not want to feel this way, her heart would muffle in pain.

Mu Yuexin went to Li Yi's room with a sad face and tried to avoid looking at others in case she would give herself away. But the next few hours, she was treated differently unlike other times.

"I heard you are injured. Did you take proper medication?" Father Li inquired. 

"Yes, it will be fine." Mu Yuexin replied.

"Take care of yourself." The man said with rare tenderness which sure worked on melting her heart with warmth. 

"Thanks, uncle, I will."

Even Father Li asked about her health when all of them sat to have dinner together. 

The warmth of the family she never received before, she saw a glimpse of it and thought with a smile, 'The hustle in the office, I am willing to go through every day if someone treats me like this every day.'

However, after she left, Father Li glanced at his wife and asked, "Can you coax her into helping Yiyi?"

"I will see. No need to rush. She is not going anywhere. I know how my children are." Mother Li replied with confidence.

"Li Yi, are you awake?" Mu Yuexin whispered beside Li Yi's ear but she did not get any response.

"It's my chance. I better work now!" Mu Yuexin murmured excitedly as she tiptoed out of the room. 

At night, when everybody was asleep, Mu Yuexin slowly and gently walked down to the first floor and went to the kitchen. She took out the coffee beans she had bought some time ago and put them on the countertop. She clapped her hands to get started and to dust away the possible dust particles~

"Tomorrow I will slay him with my tasty coffee!" Mu Yuexin cheered herself up as she began to prepare coffee to enchant her skills and she had set the goal to go on the whole night until she could prepare the perfect coffee. 

Not for once did she think why she should work so hard for a man she deemed as narcissist, pervert and foul!

In the dead of night when Li Feng walked to the kitchen to get something to drink, he rubbed his swollen eyes and stared simply at the long row of coffee mugs on the countertop. His head got filled with question marks and this weird situation out of the blue. 

When he glanced around he noticed a woman was crouching on the floor, trying to pick some coffee beans which seemed to have fallen on the ground. Knowing who she was, Li Feng soothed his face and slowly moved towards her. 

"Yuexin, what's all these about?! Do you want to open a coffee shop or Cafe?" Li Feng asked as he sat on a nearby stool, in front of the countertop. When he picked up a mug he found that the coffee had already turned old.

"Not Cafe or any shop. I am just trying to practise making coffee." Mu Yuexin answered as she handed him a cup of hot coffee with expectation of his feedback.

Watching her eager eyes which were on Li Feng, the man was happy but did not show and kept his normal face. He took a sip and deliberately did not say something until he finished which made Mu Yuexin very nervous, 'Did it go wrong?! Why is it happening?! I used to make such good coffee…'

Li Feng smirked when he saw her lost expression. He put down the cup with a loud sound and praised her to heaven, "It's my first time to drink such a good coffee! You have good skills, Yuexin! I would be glad if you could make me a cup of coffee every morning."

"Ah… re…really?! I will make you coffee whenever it is possible!" Mu Yuexin smiled broadly at his praise. Then her smile dimmed as something downed on her, 'Soon, I will leave… so it will be only for a few days.'

From the second floor of the building, Li Yi stared at the kitchen, looking at Mu Yuexin and her brother as they talked while leaning at the nearby wall. When she looked up as she felt someone's gaze towards her, her eyes met her mother's eyes which chilled her back in fear. 

'Ah, damn!' She was shocked to see Mother Li who could have discovered the fling Li Feng had for her dearest friend.

However, there were no strong emotions in her mother's eyes like there should be and this surprised Li Yi a lot.

'Weird. Why isn't she bothered by it? Don't tell me… she accepted Mu Yuexin as her prospective daughter in law?! OMG!!!' Li Yi's inner self squealed in surprise even though she knew her prediction could be wrong but was not impossible.

"Don't stay up longer." Mother Li however turned around decisively and returned to her bedroom after saying this to Li Yi. 

Stuffed with her own thoughts while not getting the chance to voice out her presumptions, Li Yi walked to the kitchen and gently leaned sideways on a pillar that was made of marvel. 

How she wished she could tell about the encounter to them and assure them that they could probably date but her mind was showing her danger sign wherever the desire to spill the beans got on her tongue. 

"You two, what are you doing here without me?!" Li Yi complained while staring at Li Feng and Mu Yuexin. Mu Yuexin swirled towards her and showed a guilty look as if she was caught doing something illegal.

"Babe, where is mine? Why did nobody wake me up?!" She demanded an explanation as she suggestively peeked at Li Feng.

"But Li Yi, you were asleep and now, if you drink coffee, at this late night, you won't be able to sleep. Should I make you something else?!" Mu Yuexin asked as she tried to divert her attention to somewhere else. She could not stand the squinting gaze of Li Yi and felt embarrassed.

"No! I will have whatever he is drinking now!" Li Yi demanded furiously as she pointed her forefinger towards Li Feng. 

Li Feng nearly choked when he heard her loud voice ringing very close to his ear. But who was Li Yi?! She would not take no as an answer and Mu Yuexin had to give in to her wish.

"Alright, there you go…" Mu Yuexin made something in a beautiful mug and Li Feng was jealous to see it was Mu Yuexin's personal thing which she would use most of the time. 

"Chocolate flavoured?" Li Yi whispered as she licked her lips and savoured the drink to her heart's content. 

Watching both of the siblings, Mu Yuexin felt that her effort would surely bear fruit tomorrow. Her happiness lied in that pervert's wishfulness and she felt she would soon start to lose her lifespan. 

'As long as he approves…' She sighed in uncertainty as she witnessed Li Yi peeking at Li Feng with a victorious look. 

Even though she was clueless as to why Li Feng was fuming, it wasn't her thing to worry and thus she concentrated on her task at hand.

Next day after coming to the company before everyone, Mu Yuexin went to check the coffee maker and to her surprise, it was already replaced with a brand new and shining piece. 

The beautiful coffee maker with little flower art, she had a strong to kiss it hardly~

'How can a machine look so beautiful?' Mu Yuexin murmured in wonder.

Early in the morning even though her boss didn't ask her, she made a cup of tasty coffee for him. When Ethan exited the washroom with only a piece of towel around his waist, she was already placing the mug on his desk.

When she heard the footsteps she turned around and upon watching his naked silhouette, Mu Yuexin was unmoved. She bowed to avoid watching his torso and exited the room to go to the adjoined room even though her working desk was there. 

She did not wish to see him changing clothes right in front of her eyes. She could not believe in this man. 

Ethan Han indifferently glanced at the coffee cup and picked it. He was surprised when he smelled it and drank a sip but didn't show it to her.  

"It was good but needs improvements. I will give you an address, go to the Masterchef and learn from him directly." Ethan Han said loud enough for her to hear.

"… Alright." Mu Yuexin nodded. Then for the whole day Mu Yuexin accompanied Ethan Han. When it was time for a meeting he went to a tennis court to play for 2 hour straight. She was instructed to pick up tennis balls. 

When he was done playing, she reported- [Playing tennis in abc tennis court, nothing suspicious.]

Then they went to meet an important client of the Han Corporation during lunch time. Rather than having any real business related conversations, both parties played cards instead. 

Mu Yuexin also reported this- [XYZ Cafe, representative of YY Company and he played games, nothing else.]

"..." Han Fan, after watching all the messages, did not know whether Mu Yuexin was serious or her phone got hacked.