42 Master~

42 Master~

"No need to say thanks. I know you are poor and can't afford to get treatment. But next time I will charge you for using my things." Ethan Han said and the eyes which were staring at her were full of compassion as if she was a drifter on the street.

"You! How can you touch a woman's belly without her permission?! You come here!" Before Mu Yuexin could educate him on how the world works, the man fled and put the first aid kit in the cabinet and went back to his work.

'Humph! Who wanted your sympathy?! You even touched my belly! Pervert in a handsome man's cover!' Mu Yuexin admonished Ethan Han strongly in her heart.

When he was helping her to apply medicine, she felt a tiny bit of good sentiments towards this man but after his words and actions, all the decent thoughts she had for him faded away into thin air.

Mu Yuexin proceeded to undo the bandaging that was excessive. At that moment the man she had believed left appeared again and grumbled in objection, "How dare you touch the masterpiece I have created?! Put it back as I did or tonight, you won't leave work!"

"..." Mu Yuexin slowly turned to the opening and saw the man gesturing towards her hands.

She knew the gravity of his attitude and began to do as he warned her to. Only then did he leave.

She had no other choice but to put the bandages back and afterwards get out of the attached room. When the man turned to her she displayed the bandaged hands to him. Only then did he turn away and she felt relieved.

"It's so difficult to be his assistant. I should have charged the CEO more…" Mu Yuexin murmured with a huge sigh.

When it was time to leave, Mu Yuexin recalled that she was supposed to report to Secretary Han about Ethan's daily activities. She thought with trouble, 'There was nothing suspicious or informative about what he did… What am I supposed to report to him?!'

She felt a little guilty as she looked towards the dustbin. Ethan Han had left during lunchtime and right after she got a special lunch box for herself. Even though she was angry at him she couldn't reject food.

That's why now when the time for the reporting came, she felt a little apprehensive. Noticing her bandaged hands, she had a sudden idea.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

When Secretary Fan opened the messages, he was taken aback to see some pictures of someone's bandaged hands. Then his eyes fell on the message sent by Mu Yuexin.

[I am injured, you can guess the reason. And I didn't detect any suspicious activities nor anyone outside came to see him.] - Mu Yuexin.

[It's hard on you. Take care.] - Han Fan.

Mu Yuexin patted her chest hastily as she didn't make any blunder or seemed to slack in her job. When she left after sorting out her things, many people who hadn't left yet turned to her. Some employees were shocked to see her bandaged hands.

"What happened to you, Mu Yuexin?!" Wo Lin inquired as he walked up to her with concern and tried to hold her hands but she hid her hands behind her.

'I was careless.' Mu Yuexin thought. She smiled at Wo Lin and said, "It is nothing."

"How can it be nothing?! Your hands are bandaged so awfully!" After saying that Wo Lin shifted very close to her which startled Mu Yuexin and whispered beside her face, "Did that man finally reveal his true colours?!"

"That…" Mu Yuexin was embarrassed by Wo Lin's actions and guessed the fact that many people would speculate about her situation.

She put on a calm front and waved her hand at him, "It's really nothing."

But watching the man's face she knew he wouldn't accept her words.

"Sadly, I can not do anything to help you. It was not a decent thing to become his assistant and I know how hard it is.

We all have witnessed the conditions of the other people who had tried to become his assistant. In the future, if you feel you can't, just quit!" Wo Lin patted her shoulder and showed a complicated expression.

Mu Yuexin was very delighted to see that someone would worry about her. While Wo Lin was leaving she asserted behind him, "I will take care of myself. Thank you, brother Lin."

Getting brother tag for the nth time, Wo Lin paused in his spot and felt he couldn't walk from his position anymore. "Why do all the women want to become my sister?! Can't anybody want to become my girlfriend?'' His inner self sobbed pitifully as he fled.

Mu Yuexin laughed and walked out of the HR department amid other people's interested gazes. While leaving, she slowly peeled off the bandages and threw those in a nearby trash can.

As she exited the company, her phone suddenly rang. "Is it Li Yi? Are they already here?" Mu Yuexin murmured and looked around but she did not see the familiar car.

When she saw the screen, she saw an unknown number. 'Who could it be?!'

With this thought, she accepted the call and cautiously said while walking towards the main entrance of the Han Corporation.

"Hello, who is this?" Mu Yuexin asked in a soft voice. But for a while, she didn't hear the other person's voice but only some rough breathing sound got transported to her.

She moved the phone in front of her and saw the call was still ongoing. Thus she put it back on her ear and asked, "Hello, can you hear me? If you don't want to talk then I am hanging up."

"Dare to do it?" Suddenly the charming voice of a man came to Mu Yuexin's ear. Mu Yuexin walked towards the parking lot where she had already spotted Li Yi and her brother.

"Who… who are you?" Mu Yuexin asked but she had an impression that she knew the other person

"I am your master~"

She heard the chuckle of the man and immediately guessed who he was.

"Yes, master. Tell me, what can I do for you?" Mu Yuexin answered back like how he wanted while walking toward Li Feng and her words caught both Li Feng and Ethan Han off guard.

Ethan laughed boisterously and replied, "You better learn how to make a perfect cup of black coffee and make me one tomorrow. If you fail you will be fired… Du~ Du~."

Mu Yuexin nearly fell when she heard him. Hearing that he had hung up she put back the phone and thought, 'What a trouble!'

She knew the coffee she had made was okay. She had experience in making coffee in the past when she worked part time.

"Guess I will have to hone my skills tonight." Mu Yuexin murmured.

"Yuexin, what happened to you, babe?!" Li Yi asked with concern as she checked Mu Yuexin's hands from all angles. The little band-aids were too glaring to ignore as they had red printings of mickey mouse.

"I am fine, it's just that the coffee machine malfunctioned and accidentally sprayed hot water on me,'' Mu Yuexin clarified.

"We should go to a hospital to do a check-up in case you are injured somewhere else…" Li Feng suggested.

He was still bothered by the fact that she just called someone master and he didn't have any impression of this man. On top of that, he was embarrassed to inquire about this matter from Mu Yuexin.

"Injury somewhere else?'' Mu Yuexin remembered that her belly was also burnt and the man rubbed ointment on there too. She blushed scarcely, which didn't go unnoticed by Li Feng.

"It's just a little burn. I don't need any check up. Let's go home instead." Mu Yuexin urged Li Feng.

The man could not refuge even if he wanted to. He obliged and went to the Han Villa instead.

Mother Li wanted to have a private conversation with Mu Yuexin but when she saw the three people entering the villa and noticed Mu Yuexin injured hands, she postponed her thoughts.

"Are you okay, Yuexin? How did you get hurt?!" Mother Li queried as her eyes fell on her arms.

"Nothing, just a little burnt from hot water. It will be okay overnight. Thanks for your concern, aunty." Mu Yuexin explained smilingly.

Mother Li nodded and turned to her maid, "Prepare soup for the three children."

"Yes, madam." The maid replied with respect and left.

Mu Yuexin detected the reversal in attitude in Mother Li. On the other hand Li Yi was happy that her mother treated Mu Yuexin fairly when she was injured. This time she didn't ignore the old lady like usual and said, "We are going to our room. Send there."

"Alright, mother will do as you want." Mother Li replied dotingly. Watching their interactions, Mu Yuexin felt miserable.