41 Accident

41 Accident

Ethan Han smirked when she went back to the attached room to make him another cup of coffee. But the next few attempts were full of misery even though she knew she had worked enough on them as they could not be worse than pig's food.

"It is so bland…"

"Why is it sour? Did you use lemon?!..."

"Cough! It is so hot! You nearly burned my mouth!..."

At his responses, Mu Yuexin felt her composure being broken down bit by bit. When she was told to make another, she made one for herself and threw the coffee beans and water in the machine to make another for him.

"There is no way it could be so bad…" With this thought, she tasted it, and… she was forced to spit the thing out just like that man!

"Garth! It's so horrible! What brand of beans were those?!" She wondered and went to check.

When she inspected the package, she smelled a vague pungent odour. Mu Yuexin even wished to throw up on the spot.

"It's so gross!" She muttered with nausea. "These are spoiled! That's why…"

She threw the coffee beans in the trash can and when she saw those were imported from abroad and were of good quality, her whole being went into depression.

'I should have come one month earlier.' She sighed. Mu Yuexin made another mug of coffee with new beans that were available and before giving it to him, she tasted it by taking some sips.

'It's okay.' Mu Yuexin nodded. After she came before Ethan Han, she was a little guilty. 'Luckily, he did not drink those. If something were to happen to him, I would be over…'

Mu Yuexin gently put the mug on the desk and confessed her guilt, "Sorry, sir. Those beans were expired. I made this one with new beans."

"So you really wanted to kill me, Miss Mu." Ethan Han unhurriedly put down the mug he had just picked up. Mu Yuexin felt a sudden drop in temperature in her surroundings.

'He is mad. But… I didn't do it on purpose!' Mu Yuexin thought while fiddling her forefingers and upon watching that there was the possibility of him flinging the computer on her, she bowed down.

"I apologize. It was my fault. I admit that I should have been careful. I am willing to take responsibility!" Mu Yuexin apologized even though she was reluctant to bow down in front of this man.

But then she would fail to explain why this time the coffee was good but the other ones were so bad. She did not want to appear deliberate and get chased away!

Ethan Han stood up as she remained in a bowing stance. He patted the back of her head which was exposed to him. When she brightened up thinking he had forgiven her, he smirked and declared, "Call me master from now on."

Mu Yuexin wanted to beat the crap out of Ethan Han. She shook her head and pronounced the line word by word, "I CAN'T! IN NO WAY!"

'Not fun.' Ethan Han thought and calmly picked up the 11th coffee. After sipping it, he threw an answer which Mu Yuexin worried about.

"Not good, tacky. Make another." Ethan Han waved at her impatiently.

'I want to kill him!' Mu Yuexin went back to the attached room while feeling stifled. The eyes while looking at the super expensive coffee maker were not as soft and gentle as before.

Her fingers used extra force to click the buttons to prepare the coffee.

She didn't know what went wrong but before the freshly made coffee could fall in the mug, the coffee maker protested.

Creak! Creak! Foosh! Guju~ Guzu~

"What… what's wrong with it?!" Mu Yuexin spoke in uncertainty. Her answer came soon.

The coffee maker shut down and the hot coffee sprayed all around from the machine like how a water pipe leaks water in full force, with great power and speed.


Mu Yuexin cried out in shock and backed away but before that, the white skin on her hands and her belly got burnt from the malfunction.

When she lifted her hands Mu Yuexin saw the glaring red marks on her skin. Feeling the burns, she was lost and mortified.

"What have you done?!" A loud voice came from the entrance of the door and when Ethan saw the mess around the kitchen and the white floor, his blue eyes contracted in fury.

However, the moment he saw her lost self, his expression changed drastically. But rather than scolding her he went beside her with large steps and grabbed her hands.

"How did you burn yourself?! Such a careless brat!" Ethan Han reprimanded her severely. It looked like he was worried for her rather than his things which puzzled Mu Yuexin extremely.

"Don't call me a brat! I am a lady." Mu Yuexin protested but she only got a snort as a response.

"Come with me,'' the man said and then dragged her to the sofa. After he put her on it he went to a cabinet and took out the first aid kit and came back to Mu Yuexin.

He sat very close to her. Mu Yuexin felt the manly odour from him and her mind became unsteady. The strong scent of the unknown thing caused her cheeks to become hot and in shyness, she recklessly retracted her hands.

Mu Yuexin knew he wanted to help her but she did not want to get his aid when he was the cause of it. She stood up while saying, "I can take care of it by myself. Sir, you should go back and wait for the coffee."

"Do you think you can make me a proper cup of coffee today?" Ethan Han mocked her blatantly and pointed at the coffee maker. Only then did Mu Yuexin remember that the thing had broken down while she was at it.

"I didn't break it! It was on its own!..." Mu Yuexin tried to explain in fear that the man would ask her to pay for it! She would be k.o.ed if he had any intention to do that!

However, he did not do anything she had imagined. But he grabbed her arm and made her sit on the sofa. When she wanted to protest he stopped her by placing his long, tough and scrawny forefinger on her cherry coloured lips.

"Woman, you should be grateful I am willing to help you. Don't struggle or I will throw you out of the window." The man looked irritated as he said those words to her.

Mu Yuexin still wanted to get away but his glaring blue eyes made her unable to do it. She looked down at her hands and saw the red burning areas were swelling.

"Well, if you want to give me a free service I can ask for no more." Hearing her, the corner of Ethan's lips went up. Mu Yuexin's eyes trembled as her heart began to throb for no reason and she attributed it to her injuries.

After stilling her mind, Mu Yuexin raised her other arm in front of him. The man applied the burning ointment to her scar. Her eyes fell on his face which was very close. She forgot about the discomfort until a sharp pain assaulted her senses.

"Ish! It hurts!" Mu Yuexin groaned in pain and wanted to retract her hands. The man gazed at her and held her right arm tightly which made her body go numb and steeled. When he began to blow on her scar after applying the ointment she felt weird.

A memory peeked in her mind but when she tried to grasp it, it vanished.

But soon she was made to go speechless by his antics. The little area which got burned from the boiling water was covered in bandaids, but it was not enough for him. Ethan Han used the soft bandage from the first aid kit and wrapped her arms.

"Sir, sir, listen, it's not necessary, it's not necessary!" Mu Yuexin tried to stop him but the man turned deaf at that moment, treating her injury the major priority.

"Done!" Ethan announced with satisfaction as he looked at his masterpiece while Mu Yuexin raised her two hands and gazed at him incredulously. The little bowknots were too cute to ignore.

But before her shock could go away, the man suddenly lifted the front of her shirt and rubbed ointment in the fastest time possible. The white skin was not scalded much and only appeared reddish.

Ethan's gaze stopped for a moment when he saw her belly button and immediately looked away. Before her brain could perceive what was happening to her and why she was being touched there, he had already put several bandaids there.