40 Coffee!!!

40 Coffee!!!

"Don't be a nuisance. Go work!" Ethan Han said as he threw a bunch of papers towards Mu Yuexin. The papers directly fell on her face and caused itchiness on her nose. She rubbed her nose vigorously and only then did the feeling left. 

'Humph! Mu Yuexin snorted at him inwardly and looked down on the papers which had content in a certain foreign language. As she picked them up, she read the texts and was shocked to see the number of errors in those papers. 

"Sir, didn't you grow up abroad?!" Mu Yuexin asked incredulously. For a moment, she felt these were his documents and that he was a fake foreigner!

Ethan Han's hands paused hearing Mu Yuexin exclaim. He looked at her coldly and scowled with his eyes, "You dumb people's mistakes are these!"

Mu Yuexin blinked innocently as she understood these must be the reports sent by the other employees. She slowly moved ahead and stood right in front of his eyes.

Ethan Han's face cracked when she did not leave with the papers and rather showed him a benevolent smile. 

"Why aren't you leaving?!" He asked in confusion.

"... To where?" Mu Yuexin asked innocently with a sweet smile. Ethan Han finally realized that he seemed to have forgotten to assign a place to her and that's why she was acting so weirdly.

"Do I need to say everything! Ask someone to arrange a desk and a sitting place… there." Ethan Han pointed towards the most deserted corner of the office room, right beside the door leading to the attached side room. 

"Alright!" Mu Yuexin expressed her joy by running towards the door eagerly while thinking, 'I don't even want to stay near you. The further, the better! Assign me to the attached room and it will be wonderful!'

Mu Yuexin obediently went out to get someone and in no time, she came with Wo Lin. When Wo Lin nodded at Ethan, Ethan just turned a blind eye.

"Ignore him." Mu Yuexin murmured. Wo Lin nodded. As he set her desk, she smiled at Wo Lin and expressed her gratitude passionately, "Thanks, Wo Lin. Nobody was willing to help except you. My true friend!"

"It's okay, it's okay. Call me whenever you need me." Wo Lin did not dare to take her thanks so easily after he glimpsed the cold look the man was giving him. 

When Mu Yuexin detected his sight right past her shoulder, she looked at Ethan Han and the man stared at her face. Mu Yuexin was flustered as she touched her face. After feeling that there was nothing wrong, she glanced at Ethan Han and asked innocently, "Sir, is there something on my face?" 

"Yes." Ethan Han nodded with a smirk. Wo Lin glanced at them and left while Mu Yuexin was not looking at him.

"What is it?" Mu Yuexin asked eagerly. The thought of using her phone to check her face had already left her head.  

"Nuisance." Ethan Han snorted at her and then looked at the screen. 

'Weirdo.' Mu Yuexin gave him another tag in her mind as she shook her head in resignation at Ethan's childish behavior. 

'Where did Wo Lin go?!' Mu Yuexin wondered as the place beside her was empty. Nonetheless when she sat in her seat, finally she felt the familiar feeling of belonging. 

She uncapped a red pen and then began to circle the errors. After marking more than five words on a page, she did not know what to say either. 

'How did the person even get into the Han Corporation?!' Mu Yuexin wondered in confusion and couldn't help but chuckle when she saw it was a certain Mr. Wo Lin's report on a possible real estate land mine. 

'Ah, well, back door I guess…' Mu Yuexin peeked at Ethan Han and thought, 'Do he and Wo Lin have any grudges? Wo Lin is such a nice guy...'

After Mu Yuexin finished circling the papers, she took it to Ethan Han who had seemingly fallen asleep on his weirdly looking majestic chair which looked as if it was made of gold but wasn't. She gently put the papers on the desk and turned around to leave when suddenly her hand was grabbed. 

Mu Yuexin's body stiffened but knowing who the person was, she relaxed her body. As she looked at the hand that was grabbing her. she tried to tug away her hand and asked with her professional smile, "Yes, sir?"

"Coffee." Ethan Han said with his deep husky voice. His voice sounded like that because he had just fallen asleep earlier. Mu Yuexin nodded and tried to leave but he refused to let her go. His blue eyes stared at her with weird emotions and Mu Yuexin felt them all.

Mu Yuexin gave up at once and only when he perceived she was not disobedient, only then did he let her go. 

Mu Yuexin went to the joint room with a little guess in her heart and as per her thought she really did find a mini kitchen and many more things. She was amazed to see even the sofas and a huge TV on the wall.

"They were right. He is the CEO's son for a reason." Mu Yuexin murmured and went to the little kitchen to make him coffee. She was also glad that she didn't need to go to the common pantry of the office and get stared at by many others.

"Sir, your coffee." Mu Yuexin put down the black coffee on his desk and then stood for a while after watching that he did not have any intention to take it. She indifferently moved to her desolated corner.

After Mu Yuexin left, Ethan turned to the coffee mug and smelled it. When he got the rich aroma of the coffee beans, only then did he take a sip. But in the next moment, he was forced to spit out the coffee.

"Yuexin!!!" Ethan growled like a mad man as he glared back at her.

"Pssh!" Mu Yuexin nearly stopped breathing because of his sudden rampage. She stood up at rapid speed and walked up to him.

"What's wrong, sir?" She asked anxiously.

"Is it coffee or coffee syrup?! Why is it so sweet?!" Ethan Han looked at her with unkind eyes. 

"But I have put only two spoonfuls of sugar. It is the norm, sir."  

Blink~ Blink~

However, in her mind she despised the man for not having a sweet tooth, 'If you can't handle this amount of sweetness, you are a bad guy, not good, not good!'

"Take this away and bring a new one, without SUGAR!" Ethan Han strongly instructed her while his tone sounded forceful. 

Mu Yuexin quietly took the cup and went back to the mini kitchen. After making a new cup of coffee she came back and placed it on the desk. 

Ethan took another ship but in the next moment, he spat it right in front of him where she was standing.

"Um…"Mu Yuexin looked down on her stomach, which had been tainted by the man's spit. Her face paled when she lifted her face. Ethan Han felt as if she had lost her soul. 'I have been tainted by this man. God, forgive me!'

Ethan Han saw her staring at him with shocked eyes. He took a tissue from the tissue box and gently rubbed it on her belly but it only messed things up as the dregs were left behind. 

"Sir, I made the coffee as per your instruction and you…" Mu Yuexin's eyes trembled in anger but she had to tone down her voice in front of him.

"Why is it so bitter?! Did you put poison in it or what?!" Ethan Han scolded her and put the coffee mug on the desk with a thunderous slap. 

Mu Yuexin thought the mug had been broken and she really did see brown liquid on the desk. Her temple throbbed as this matter began to irk her mind. 

"Drink it." Ethan Han suddenly said. 

"I don't drink bitter coffee." She replied plainly. 

Ethan Han looked cold when she rejected his order. He slapped the mug and the thing fell beside her legs and shattered. When the sound rang in her ear, she instinctively raised her hands to push this man on the floor and beat him. 

'No, Mu Yuexin, you can't do it. This man is your boss, also your spying object. You have to be careful.' The hands she raised to slap his infuriating face halted in midair. 

Ethan Han slowly moved his blue eyes on her face. The man knew that at that moment she wanted to do something to him but couldn't.

The feeling when someone wants to beat you but she can't… is the moment you know the other person is helpless.