50 Small City

50 Small city

The car drove for quite a long time and stopped in front of an airport.

When Ethan and Van entered the airport after parking their car in the airport's parking lot, Mu Yuexin slowly lifted the trunk lid after not getting any response from the car.

She hurriedly ran out of the parking lot and took a huge breath at the roadside.

"I just contracted car phobia! Ahh!" Mu Yuexin screamed at the sky.

Watching this scene many people avoided her like she was a plague. She slapped her chest and thought to herself, 'The worst decision of my life, my God! My internal organs nearly came out through my mouth!'

Again she took a large amount of breaths and turned to the entrance of the airport, only to see that the two figures she was supposed to follow, entering the airport.

They were with some men that wore professional bodyguard suits and she didn't know them.

"I have to follow them. I nearly forgot my mission!" Mu Yuexin murmured and ran behind them.

After dashing inside the huge airport she again spotted them on the second floor. After stalking them, she found out they had stopped in front of a ticket counter.

It didn't take long for Ethan, Van, and the acquaintances to get tickets. Afterward, they left and went past the security check.

Mu Yuexin ran in front of the ticket counter and whispered to the person in charge, "Give me a ticket!"

"Yes, Miss, for which city do you want?" The man asked.

"Ahem!" She pointed at Ethan and whispered dramatically, "I want to get in the same plane as him."

The man changed his expression and shook his head. "Sorry, I can't disclose any information to you, it's not in our policy…"

His sharp denial put Mu Yuexin in a difficult position. She was anxious as she saw the back of Ethan vanishing from her sight, 'What to do?! If I can't follow him it will be a failure!'

Some passengers came towards the ticket counter to buy tickets as well and she realized she would have to leave the line if she didn't have any intention to buy a ticket.

She went to the side, made a sad expression and rubbed her eyes heavily for a few seconds. Then she looked at the man when all the people had left after buying their tickets.

Mu Yuexin spoke in an extremely beautiful and sad voice, "Brother that man was my husband. He is going to meet his mistress and I want to catch him red-handed."

"Uh?!" The man was stunned.

Mu Yuexin grabbed his hand and forced out some tears real quick, "Brother, you have to help this little sister. I will just follow him to wherever he is going to meet his lover.

I have left my children back in our home and my life depends on catching him red-handed, brother~"

"But… Even then I can't tell you…" The man was in a dilemma after watching Mu Yuexin's tear-stricken face.

"This is the question of my life! The mistress will kick me out with my children soon! Do you have the heart to not help me?!" Mu Yuexin blinked with more sadness and forced out bead-sized droplets.

"Sorry, but…" The man's reply was obvious enough but Mu Yuexin didn't want to get turned down yet!

"I swear I won't cause any trouble on the plane! I can even write it on paper for you! … Please!"

Mu Yuexin appeared vulnerable and broken in the eyes of the ticket agent. He felt if he still declined she would break down on the spot.

"Alright… alright." The man replied.

Mu Yuexin was overjoyed when she got the ticket she wanted. When the time to pay came, watching the bold words on the ticket line she shuddered.

"VIP ticket? Brother, I don't need a VIP ticket. The economy will do."

She spoke as she wiped the wetness off her face that had become red, not because of crying but because of embarrassment!

The man shook his head at her words, "That is a special plane going to a neighboring desert. It only has two classes VVIP and VIP. I can only give you VIP but if you want I can give you VVIP…"

"VVIP?! No! No! VIP will do!" Mu Yuexin forced out a smile when she paid the bill.

'Didn't he say it is a neighboring city?! Then why is it so expensive?!'

Her account balance decreased in half which pained Mu Yuexin's lungs!

'I don't have to worry, Secretary Fan has already said he will take care of it. I can just show him the bill later!'

Thinking that Mu Yuexin felt relieved. She went to the lounge and was surprised to find that someone was already waiting for her there.

She was guided to another lounge that was smaller than the public one but the facilities were way better than the public one.

Ethan, Van and others were at the front of the waiting area. She tried to hide her face but knew it was futile to do it when she was wearing a familiar dress.

The man knew about it and just hiding her face with her hands was idiocy.

Mu Yuexin left the little lounge and went out to buy different clothes. She was glad that there were shops nearby.

She changed into a pair of army pattern shirt and pants and wore a black cap, black mask and a black shawl. When she walked out of the store she felt more confident in herself.

The moment Mu Yuexin entered the little lounge, she saw Ethan and others weren't there.

Her eyes went past the glass wall and she saw the bold words on a small plane that was similar on the name stated on her plane ticket

"That's it!" She hurriedly ran towards it at the fastest speed possible!

"Boss, look at this girl. Doesn't she look familiar?" Van pointed at the running figure while he was in the plane.

Ethan who just picked a magazine to read the international news glanced sideways. And following that the figure reached the entrance of the plane.

Ethan was indifferent as he turned his gaze back to the magazine.

"Sorry, sorry! I am late!" Mu Yuexin apologized to the flight attendant.

"You're not late, miss. Please enter." The flight attendant personally took Mu Yuexin to her seat

Mu Yuexin made herself comfortable in the seat and glanced around at the little compartment she got.

"It's such a noble feeling to ride a plane for the first time in life, not to say it's VIP class!" Mu Yuexin squealed in delight. She even used her phone to take some pictures of herself to keep the memory of this flight!

Only then did she get the chance to read the destination where the plane was heading.

"It takes four hours to reach! How can it be nearby?!" Mu Yuexin murmured in disbelief.

Soon she had no time to think about it further as the plane was going to take off. With the help of a flight attendant, she buckled her seat belt and soon the plane took off.

Watching the clouds Mu Yuexin wanted to touch them with her hands.

With the chocolates she got from the flight attendant, she got very comfortable in her seat and didn't think that she would be so comfortable that she would fall directly asleep.

Her cheeks also flushed in a vague color of redness. After who knows how long she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Miss, please wake up!"

"5 minutes more." She murmured.

"Miss, we have already arrived at our destination." The flight attendant gently shook her shoulder but Mu Yuexin didn't wake up.

In the end, the flight attendant sprinkled water on her face which jerked her awake from her slumber.

"What… what?! Is it raining?!" Mu Yuexin yelled as she hurriedly looked around.

"No, Miss, we have landed." The flight attendant hid the bottle of water behind her and told her with a smile.

"When did it land?!" Mu Yuexin asked in alarm.

"It's been five minutes already."

Mu Yuexin jumped up from her seat and ran towards the entrance right after, 'Oh no! Did they already leave?!'

"Miss, your purse! You have forgotten your purse here!"

The flight attendant shouted behind Mu Yuexin thus she had to make a turn to get it back.

After thanking the flight attendant she ran out of the plane and saw it was a very small airport.

She checked out and had to stop in her tracks as she saw Ethan and Van talking among themselves while the bodyguards in black standing by the road.

It's like a developing City with very few vehicles. There were more three-wheeled vehicles than four-wheeled cars and taxis.

She watched them by hiding behind a fat pillar and saw them getting into the two taxis.

"Boss, it looks like she is following us? Should I call her to join us?" Van whistled as he saw Mu Yuexin trying to hide only to get herself exposed miserably.

"What do you want to do with a woman? Let her do whatever she wants." Ethan replied curtly. Van Alroy shut at the lack of Ethan's response.