51 Falling In Trouble In Desert

51 Falling in trouble in desert

After the two taxis departed, Mu Yuexin went to the taxi that had been asked by one of the bodyguards before but the taxi driver didn't seem to want to go.

She knocked on the window in uncertainty, and the window rolled down, only to reveal a man who was too sluggish to respond. 

"I want you to take me somewhere! Urgent!" Mu Yuexin said.

"I won't." The driver replied, copying her exact tone. 

The old man had little spiky beards on his face and was skinny. His whole being was screaming the portrayal of him being a local thug or even a gangster.

"Look uncle, I am in a hurry! Please!" Mu Yuexin nearly begged for the man to drive. 

After coming such a long way she was against the thought of losing! She must achieve something worth reporting.

"It's my resting time now, I don't work at this hour." The man turned his attention to the front and went ahead to close the windows. However, Mu Yuexin suddenly grabbed it.

"I am willing to give you double, no triple!" She showed him her fingers.

The man, in return, spat on her right side which frightened Mu Yuexin. 

"Get inside." The man said as he put down his legs from above.

Mu Yuexin again got another demonstration that in this life there wasn't anything that people can't solve with money. 

If the other person is unwilling then offer more and more and drown the person to death with overload!

She got inside the taxi and saw the condition inside was much worse than she had imagined. She settled the crooked mask correctly because the car had a nasty odor.

"By the way, did you hear where they want to go?" 

Mu Yuexin asked as she was scared that she had already lost where they were going. She wanted to check her chance!

The man eyed her from the rearview mirror and thought she looked rich and therefore put forward his condition.

"It will cost extra money." He showed it by rubbing his thumb against his forefinger.

"Deal!" Mu Yuexin realized it was the day to get ripped off by other people. 

The taxi driver, after getting confirmation from her, took out his phone and called someone. 

She was surprised that he called someone and asked where that person was driving. 

Right after he turned to her with a smug and triumphant smile but his missing tooth made it too ugly to acceptable to watch.

"It's done!" The taxi driver shouted.

"Oh, then why are we waiting here?" She inquired.

"Hehe! Be careful, I drive fast!" The taxi driver announced, giving rise to fear in Mu Yuexin in the process.

She grabbed the front seat and right after the taxi drove on the road like it was a bullet train. 

She gasped when the door beside her suddenly opened. Mu Yuexin closed it after struggling against his speed and shouted, "It's fine! You can drive slowly!"

"No, I can't! It is the reason why many people don't drive my taxi, bahaha! I have to live by my name!" 

"Wahhhh!" Mu Yuexin cried out when the taxi suddenly floated in the air and with a thud landed on the ground. 

She saw stars all around her as she experienced the most intense and fierce ride in her entire life. 

After who knows how many minutes had passed, the driver reached a wasteland. Mu Yuexin paid him with shaky hands and was left behind all alone. 

She looked at the man-made desert and tried to see the forest that lays right on the opposite side. 

Mu Yuexin walked in the desert and was disheartened not to see any tree that could give her shelter nor did she see any sign of life. 

The sun on top of her head was shining and providing a lot of heat to this cursed land. 

However, how near the forest looked to her, it wasn't that close. Mu Yuexin shortly got the hang of the environmental crisis she was in. 

"It's so hot!" With a howl, she sat down by the root of a tree. 

Finally, after burning the extra layer of fat in her body for the past two hours Mu Yuexin reached the forest. But all kinds of enthusiasm had already left her as she didn't feel her legs. 

Mu Yuexin guessed if she had to walk more soon she would die of dehydration. 

Not to say everything looked blurry to her and the reason was unknown to her. 

"I give up! I can't run around the whole forest!" Mu Yuexin's breath was caught in her throat as she closed her eyes. 

She experienced how people in deserts would feel when they are thirsty. She would even give away all her money just for a sip of water. 

As Mu Yuexin was resting, she heard the sound of cars in the distance. She became vibrant at the thought that people were nearby and she could take help from them. 

Mu Yuexin pushed herself against the earth and stood up unhurriedly. With her shaky legs, she inched towards the source of the sound. 

"Mayor, are you serious?"

"Do I look like I am joking? They want an outrageous amount of shares and I can't let it happen! We can't let them get away if our negotiation falls through."

A pair of men were talking among themselves while they stood in front of a car that was suitable for driving in the desert. 

Mu Yuexin heard their vague lines but didn't think of much of it. She wanted to walk up to them but suddenly her leg sank.

"Ah!" Mu Yuexin muffled her scream as she suddenly found herself in quicksand. 

"Hey, did you hear that?" 


"It's like… someone is crying?" 

"Don't speak rubbish. Get ready to meet them." 

The men went to the illegal gemstone mine to negotiate with Ethan Han who was already waiting there for them. 

Mu Yuexin didn't know what happened around her but for the next few hours, she heard many gunshots. 

In fear, she did not even dare to make noise or shout for help. She took out her phone which was smudged by the sand. 

She wiped it on her chest which was still out of the sand's reach and didn't go under the sand yet. 

"Please work! Please!" She mumbled with red eyes as the urge to cry was something she was trying very hard to control. 

After trying hard for a long time the phone finally turned on however water and sand had entered it and thus it didn't work appropriately. 

After poking it incessantly she finally got Li Yi's number on the dial pad. 

"I can't call her…" Mu Yuexin muttered in agony. She didn't want Li Yi or Li Feng to see her in this awkward situation. 

The thing was she would not be able to explain why she had come here where no human soul could be found. Thus she tried furthermore to call Han Fan instead. 

But luck was not on her side. Suddenly she caved in the sand and the liquid sand reached to her neck. 

"I can't wait anymore!" With this impression, Mu Yuexin dialled the number that had been stuck on her screen. 

"Please help! I fell in a quicksand!..." 

A while ago.

Ethan stared at the vast desert that lay in front of him. Both he and Van were standing on top of a little hill made out of the sand and only sand. 

They were sweaty and flushed from the heat. Van fanned himself by a mini electric fan while Ethan stared ahead and finally turned at Van. 

"Didn't you say they will be here? Where are they?" 

"Two minutes left before the clock ticks the agreed time!" 

Ethan silently saw as two cars finally showed up. They motioned at him to follow him and Ethan guessed they were heading to the mine. 

But things did not go peacefully.

Ethan Han looked at the mob of men who were being forced to kneel on the dirt. Each of their hands was tied and some of them had injuries on their bodies. 

Van played with a sharp knife and strolled behind them. He was furious that these people dared to assassinate them in broad daylight when they were supposed to talk about 'profit share'!

However, luckily Ethan had good foresight and hid his men in the surroundings and so these people's plan failed even before they could leave a scratch on Ethan or Van.

Ethan with his always wearing sunglasses looked at them. He then turned around to see the gemstone mine which was hidden by the facade of a well.

He walked towards it and one of his men handed him a little purplish thing. 

When he raised it towards the sun, the thing showed seven colors and exposed its hidden beauty even though it wasn't polished yet.