52 Angry Ethan

52 Angry Ethan

"High-quality gemstone, as I have expected." Ethan murmured as he put the thing in his pocket. 

Then he turned around and appeared in front of the mayor of this small city. 

"Last offer, 95-5, you take 5 and we 95. If not, be aware of the consequences!" 

Ethan Han showed a horrible smile and put the mayor at gunpoint. 

He did not like that he had to come to such a place to make a deal. But he wanted to earn even in this country, so yeah!

The mayor refused to believe that Ethan would be so daring to shoot him. He snorted and yelled, "In your dreams, you crazy bastard! You outsider, you think…" 


The mayor shut up at once when Ethan shot at one of his underlings. His hand didn't even shake when he killed someone. 

"Outsider? See how I will make you an outcast!" Ethan's smile disappeared at once. 

Someone who dared to shoot at him and tried to assassinate his gang, even if he became merciful he could not let them get away. 

He wanted them to know even if this place was this mayor's territory, who was the real king here.

Right after the mayor was forced to sign some papers which gave permission to work on this and was moved away with his people to an unknown location which Ethan had decided prior to coming here. 

Ethan looked in the distance and saw three huge cars coming towards the location. He glanced at Van and instructed gravely, "You have two days."

"I will clean out everything from this mine!" Van slapped his chest confidently. 

This mine was too hollow and it was not listed in governmental properties. Thus bringing the proper machines was a huge risk however Ethan Han didn't care about it. 

He would be a daredevil and wipe out the entire mine in the least time possible. 

If only it didn't have the potential to have the rarest diamonds, he would not have gone too far from the start. 

Also, he had the intention to own the mine from the start. Giving away any slice? That wasn't in his dictionary. 

Ethan Han drove a car and left Van to take care of the matters at the gemstone mine. 

While he was at it, he looked at the fleeting forest and wondered, 'Where could she be right now? Must have gone back.'

He chuckled at the stupidity of his dear 'pet'. Did she think she successfully avoided him? To him, she was only a kid!

Ethan Han took out a tab and opened an app. Then several codes showed up on it. He clicked on a particular code and then a screen showed up.

It was like a GPS that showed someone's location. Ethan braked suddenly when he saw two red flags which were very close. 

He looked out of the window and glanced at the scare greenery which stretched further towards the mine in the distance. 

He turned his car and headed towards the location which the screen showed. 

When he appeared on the screen his eyes narrowed precariously when he watched the unconscious woman, ready to be eaten whole by the quicksand.

'This fool! Fuck!...' Ethan uttered obscenities in his mind as he ran forward. 

Two days later. 

"Cough! Cough!" Mu Yuexin opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar environment. She felt her nose aching as well as her body felt sore.

When she looked ahead she realized she was in a hospital ward. Mu Yuexin sat up on the bed and grabbed her throbbing head. 

She saw a calling button on the bedside little table and clicked on it.

When a nurse came, she asked in a husky voice, "Nurse, where am I?"

"It's Rei city's public hospital. You got caught in quicksand and someone brought you here." 

"That person…" Mu Yuexin wanted to inquire about her savior but at that time, the door to the room suddenly opened.

Li Feng stared at Mu Yuexin who had finally regained consciousness after two days of coma. 

He walked towards her and asked, "Yuexin, how do you feel? Should I call the doctor to check on you?"

'Is it him? Did I call Li Feng?' Mu Yuexin guessed and thought Li Feng was the one who had saved her from that horrible situation. 

She smiled heartily at Li Feng and the man was stunned because Mu Yuexin would never show such a gentle side to him. 

"I am fine, Li Feng… Thank you." Mu Yuexin grabbed his hand and said in a deep voice.

"You… why did you even go to such a remote area?!" Li Feng asked incredulously.

"That… Cough! Cough!" Mu Yuexin had a guilty conscience as she didn't want to tell her matter to him. Thus she feigned coughing and her face appeared to be in pain. 

The man immediately forgot about his question and stood up, "I will bring the doctor here. Just wait!"

"Li Feng, don't go! Cough! Cough! … cooouugh!"  Mu Yuexin watched as the man left the room to get back a doctor for her. 

After watching his back disappear, finally she seized her fake cough. 

The nurse forced down her smile as she watched Mu Yuexin's sneaky act.

After having a ton of checkups, the hospital gave Mu Yuexin a green signal. She was good to go and told she needed to drink tons of liquids in the future. 

Mu Yuexin looked at her washed clothes and frowned as she found a black jacket among them. 

She inquired with the nurse and said they must have mistakenly given her someone else's jacket but the nurse insisted that when she came to this hospital in critical condition, she was wearing this thing.

"It must be Li Feng's jacket then. Well, I have to thank him properly later." Mu Yuexin smiled as she folded the jacket intending to wash it properly later to return it. 

She came out from the hospital ward in her army-style getup. People would easily mistake her to be one of them. 

Li Feng, who was filling the discharge form for Mu Yuexin, saw her coming to him with a soft look. He walked up to her and grabbed her hand on his own initiative. 

Mu Yuexin didn't avoid him like other times and let him be as she thought he just wanted to help her. 

She also felt a vague weakness in her legs and guessed it was better to take help rather than get into an awkward situation, like falling or tripping.

"Let's go." Li Feng said as he took the shopping from Mu Yuexin's hand. 

"Hm." Mu Yuexin nodded. 

Both of them left the hospital and after they stepped out of the entrance, a blind man who was walking through the corridor, suddenly stopped in his steps. 

He looked sideways and suddenly grabbed another man, "Brother, brother! I finally found you!" 

The other person also suddenly became melancholy and said, "Oh brother, I came to take you home!"

Thus two people left the hospital and right after the blind man threw away his black eyeglasses and stick and called Ethan Han, "Boss, she has left with that person!" 

"Hm." Ethan Han replied and then threw his phone on the couch. 

He took off all his clothes except his pants. He signaled Van who was busy arranging the gemstones on a glass table. 

At Ethan's signal, he also took off his clothes. Then both men went to the gym that was on the underground floor and had one hell of a intense sparring session. 

Ethan's hard muscles bulged out and with every move of his, his muscles stretched and flexed. 

Van was more muscular than him however both of them didn't outrun themselves when spared in the boxing arena. 

They spared until the sun set in the west sky arrived and both of them were drenched in sweat. 

"Boss, I can't… I can't anymore!" Van Alroy shouted as he dropped on his back in the arena. Ethan tsked and kicked him on the leg.

"Get up, you lazy bum!" He threw his boxing gloves on him and even stepped on his family jewels, to give him a lesson for being disobedient.

However, Van refused to fight and instead ran away from the arena when he got the chance.

After the fight, Ethan went into the shower and was drenched in cold water. 

His terrible mood became worse when he recalled Li Feng rushing to the hospital to inquire about Mu Yuexin.

'She prefers him over her master, huh?' With a twisted expression, Ethan Han thought.  

In such a terrible situation, the first person she thought of calling was him when he was nearby. 

He imagined what she would feel when she learns that person took one whole day to find her. 

The whole washroom echoed Ethan's angry snort. The man wished to tear apart that naive face of that man.