55 Condition, again?

55 Condition, again?

When Mu Yuexin turned around to leave she caught the complicated eyes of Wo Lin who was staring at her. He smiled at her as if to give her some kind of reassurance.

'Yu Ran was wrong. I have … friend who will support me.' Mu Yuexin thought smilingly. Also she wondered if that was also a reason why Ethan got super mad at her in the morning.

'This kind of situation, it looks tricky.' Mu Yuexin thought. Now that Yu Ran accused her of stealing there must be something more going on behind the scene. She glanced at Ethan office and left the HR department.

She went to check the footage to collect some evidence of herself being innocent in this situation but the lack of electricity was a major loophole. Not to say, her disappearance of two days gave her huge disadvantages!

Neither could she explain her situation nor was she able to show her flight tickets and her medical reports. The situation went out of control!

'Secretary Han! He could help me!' Mu Yuexin thought and went to the CEO Secretariat from the Security Control Room.

But she saw several unfavorable eyes from the people working there. She went to one of them and whispered, "I want to meet Secretary Han."

"He went on a business trip with CEO Han this morning." The woman said with a displeased voice as she was interrupted by Mu Yuexin during her work.

'What will I do now?!' Mu Yuexin panicked and along the way to the HR department, she encountered many people who bad-mouthed her.

Not only that, some of them went as far as yelling in her face and she barely escaped one of them throwing hot coffee on her.

Many people were stressed with work and other things and whenever some of them could find a chance they would bully someone and if it was possible to do so openly they would turn into Karens.

'He is my only option now!' Mu Yuexin guessed and looked at the HR department when she arrived in front of it.

Yu Ran didn't think when she would see Mu Yuexin anytime soon. The other person went straight to make a cup of coffee and stood in front of Ethan's office.

Knock~ knock~

"Come in."

After getting Ethan's permission, Mu Yuexin hurriedly entered and glanced at the right corridor where Yu Ran's office was. Both of their eyes met through the glass wall without Mu Yuexin's knowledge.

Yu Ran clenched her hand when the other person closed the door again, on her lookout. She turned towards Tian Wei who was applying ice on her cheek with a pained face.

"Did you say she was an orphan and living in the Li family with dubious identity?" Yu Ran asked with a cunning smile.

"That, yes, Madam." Tian Wei nodded.

'And here I took her as my threat.' Yu Ran chuckled and played with her pen. She glanced at Tian Wei and said, "Xiao Wei, I want you to do something for me."

"What is it, ma'am?" Tian Wei asked. However when Yu Ran finished speaking, she looked troubled.

'It was a slip of my tongue. Didn't think she would ask me to do something like this?!' Tian Wei was troubled. But soon she made up her mind.

'She can't say anything when all of these are true. A girl like her doesn't deserve to work for someone like Ethan Han!'

Mu Yuexin put down the black coffee on the ground and sat down beside the man who was in meditation when it was not a perfect time for it.

Though she would find out the real reason for it in the near future. She placed her chin on her hand and stared at the man.

Her eyes moved to his jawline, nose, cheeks, eyebrows and she was ashamed to admit that his calm demeanor was much more attractive than his baby other expressions.

'If he could be calm like this all the time, the world would become better…' She thought and stared at him in melancholy. Halfway through, her eyes frowned, 'Why does he looks familiar?!'

As Mu Yuexin thought hard, a figure peeked in her memory but it ran away as fast as possible. Mu Yuexin stared at Ethan Han's closed eyes and murmured, "That person also has blue eyes but I am sure he would not be someone like you…"

Ethan Han heard whatever nonsense Mu Yuexin was saying beside his ears. He did not stop his meditation until he was done and when he opened his blue eyes he did not expect her to stare at him so blatantly.

"Oh?!" Mu Yuexin woke up from her trance as she saw him looking into her eyes, catching her amid her staring. She hurriedly stood up with the coffee cup and stuttered, "I… I will c…come back with fresh coffee. It has gone cold."

Mu Yuexin's cheeks flushed as she wanted to flee the scene. But the man didn't want that to happen.

"If you step out of this office, I will throw you out of this company!"


Mu Yuexin slowly turned around and walked back to Ethan Han. The man stood up and snatched the cup from her.

"That's cold… " Mu Yuexin whispered but the man already started to drink it. She added, "Soon it will be time for lunch. It's not a good time for coffee…"

However the man gave her a long stare and went to his desk. Mu Yuexin followed him closely and stood in front of him.

"Are you my assistant or the department's?" Ethan asked as he stared at her.

"But, sir, you fired me…" Mu Yuexin whispered with a wronged expression.

Ethan smiled and asked further, "Then why are you here?"

"... That, I don't want to be fired." Mu Yuexin said and added as she looked at the ground, "Please, accept me again… Master?~"

This time however Ethan Han was surprised by her shamelessness. He smiled evilly which scared Mu Yuexin, "Do you know what you are saying?"

"Yes!" Mu Yuexin nodded. "Let me work for you! I will be good and in the future, won't make trouble for you anymore!"

"... Fine. But on one condition." Ethan stated.

'Another condition?! Not again!' Mu Yuexin asked nervously, "What is it?"