129 Shadow Group

129 Shadow Group 

At midnight, Li Yi suddenly opened her eyes. She stared at the ceiling while someone was snoring right beside her ears. She glanced sideways and saw Van Alroy's enlarged face and his exposed chest. There were no fluctuations in her eyes as she moved her eyes back to the ceiling.

Tick~ Tick~ Tick~

Snore~ Snore~ Snore~

The sound of the watch and the snoring man beside made it impossible for her to fall asleep. Li Yi lifted Van's hand which was on her belly and put it on the bed. Then she moved an inch away and wanted to step out of the bed but suddenly Van grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" He asked with sleepiness.

"Washroom." Li Yi replied calmly and looked at the hand which was grabbing her.

After hearing her, Van took back his hand and yawned while saying, "Come back soon."