[189 His Treasure, His Woman]

[189 His Treasure, His Woman]

Yuexin slowly lifted the wine glass to her lips and took a sip, scrunching her face in response. "Indeed, I'm not used to it," she admitted.

As Yuexin approached, Yue Yi wore a understanding expression and muttered, "Well, considering you grew up in an orphanage, it's no wonder you can't appreciate fine things."

The onlookers expected a heated exchange between the sisters, but to their surprise, Yuexin remained composed. She elegantly folded her arms on her chest and replied, "You're absolutely right. Orphanages don't have access to such luxuries. They also don't have a kid as big as you."

Yue Yi's smiling face froze at her words. She thought Yue Xin would be humble like how she was in front of their parents. Unexpectedly, Yue Xin did not act according to her understanding.