[190] His Confessions.

[190] His Confessions.

"Kehong, you seem truly elated. It's been quite some time since I've seen you this happy," Nan Aolang remarked, raising his graying eyebrows and letting out a chuckle.

"It feels like a heavy burden has been lifted from my heart. Naturally, I would be happy," the old marshal responded, a sense of relief evident in his words.

Everyone in attendance was well aware of the significance of their conversation. The return of the Yue family's daughter had come as a surprise to many, and now the Nan family's patriarch, who seldom made public appearances, had made his presence known. Speculations began to circulate among the guests.

"Kehong, you remember our agreement, don't you?" Nan Aolang asked, drawing everyone's attention to Yue Kehong. The old marshal glared at him and replied firmly, "How could I forget?"