Stand Alone

He woke up at seven. He took his time to read the novel for half an hour, then get dressed. As Reon was still sleeping, he was not expecting any breakfast, but when he reached came out of his room, he smelled something cooking– he could not tell what. 

His clothes were in his room, so he came downstairs wearing the same clothes after taking a bath. He saw the sofa was back to the way it was and Kakashi's futon was rolled into the corner. 

He directly went to his room without visiting Eya first. He saw Reon turn to the wall, and the window above her closed, then he saw his gaming card.

The card made him remember about yesterday– the flash message from Onogi– what did he want? He grabbed his jacket and new T-shirt from his closet. He made sure not to wake her up as he grabbed his clothes, shoved the card in his pocket, and went out of the room.