The Voice from the Woods

His foot was on the first stair while his hand was on the wooden railing, he was struck with fear and panic when he could not recall the secret word.

And he knew she would not let him in without that word. He stayed silent and she waited for him to say the word. 

"Don't give me that 'I forgot.' crap. Seriously," she said. 

He could imagine her standing near the door with her wand drawn and a frown on her face. How was he supposed to tell her?

"I forgot the fucking secret word," he told her. 

"Okay. You are out. You are not coming in till you get me to tell me the word." He could imagine her pouting. 

And he could imagine someone else too. He did not know whether it was his imagination or not, but he heard IT again. IT was calling him from the woods– a whisper from far away. 

Kakashi took a step down. He walked to the middle of the area in front of Hitori's house and searched for the voice.