Chapter 9

Don't know when the last time I sat poolside was?" I took a big relaxing breath, I should make a habit of this. It is so relaxing. "Corrie, I think we need to add this to our schedule at least twice a month, if not more."

She smiled with her eyes closed, "I would agree, hopefully more once we get everything worked out."

Yeah everything worked out, that being as soon as I win a war against the Restorers and probably wipe them all from the face of the earth. Or I lose said war. So much for relaxing. "You wanna go get some lunch before we head to the airport to pick up Aidan?"

"Should we run to the room and see if the boys have left first?"

"Well I don't plan on going to the airport in my swimsuit, so a trip back up to our room is in order." I quipped.

Corrie laughed, "oh right. Well let's head on up then."

The guys thankfully were already gone when we got upstairs so I didn't have to deal with Rick again. Hopefully him and I have everything squared away. Now to get some food and go get Aidan from the airport.

If there is nothing else to commend Vegas, their food definitely would. Their food is absolutely awesome, and you have your pick of a million different kinds of food. Corrie and I had picked a great buffet in Caesars Palace. You can get any kind of food there you want and only have to go to one place. It is amazing, a place to visit again someday.

After lunch Corrie and I headed to the airport, Aidan's flight should have landed about a half hour ago, so if we time it just right we can meet him at baggage claim. Not sure how long it takes to get through the airport in Vegas, but figured 30 minutes was a good number.

"Corrie what baggage claim is his flight assigned to?"

"I think it said 10, so we just have to find that one." She said as she read the flight board.

"This airport is huge. I guess if we have to wait too long we can always start playing the slots, looks like they have some in here too." I said as I pointed out the different slot machines around.

"Hopefully we won't have to wait to long."

It really is a big airport and it took us another twenty minutes to find the correct baggage claim. But when we found it all the passengers were still standing around waiting for the bags to show up. When I saw Aidan he was alone. I had kinda thought he might bring Julie, his girlfriend, along. They are still in a rough spot, you know with her father being a big wig with the Restorers, but I hope they make it through. I mean she betrayed everything she grew up believing for Aidan. That must mean something.

I walked up behind Aidan and threw my arms around his neck. "Gosh I have missed you brother, I am glad you were able to come."

"Me to sis, me too."

And Aidan gave me a big hug. Having a brother may be something new to me, but to me and Aidan it was an instant connection. Like we had been missing a part of ourselves without the other and we didn't even know it until we met. I can't really explain it, but Aidan is one of my best friends and we haven't even known each other a year. The saying blood is thicker than water definitely applies to Aidan and me.

Aidan let me go and looked over at Corrie, "Corrie, nice to see you."

I can tell she is hesitant, and I can't blame her. Aidan helped Jake to keep her locked up. "Aidan," was all she said, but that one name said a lot.

"Corrie I am sorry for how we treated you, but it was to protect the people I care about. Wouldn't you have done the same?" Aidan said.

"I failed to protect the people I cared about," she mumbled, "but if I could go back to that day there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep them safe. Why are you willing to trust me now?"

"Because I trust Kenna, and if she says you are friend not foe, I believe her." Aidan said which made me swell with pride.

"Aidan the bags are starting to come through. Grab yours and we can head out of here. Then we can catch each other up on everything that has happened." I said.

"Ok Kenna," he grabbed his bag as it came around, "got it let's go." He said as he put his arm over my shoulder and the three of us walked out of the airport.

As soon as we got into our rental car Aidan and I caught each other up on everything we hadn't already talked about. Aidan didn't have much, him and Jake had just been looking everywhere for us. But Aidan had known they wouldn't find me until I was ready to be found. As far as I am concerned Jake doesn't ever need to find me.

"So, what about Raine," Aidan asked excitedly.

"Honestly she hasn't called me yet. It is a lot of information to process, but I was hoping to at least get a text or something from her by now. Maybe we can swing by that house she took us to last night and see if she is there on our way to the hotel."

"Kenna it was just last night, she might need a little more time than that." Corrie said caringly.

I looked over at Corrie, "damn you're right, well we could go walk Fremont St and see if she is performing there at all."

"That we could do, but Aidan don't you want to drop your bag off first?" Corrie asked Aidan.

"Yeah let's run by the hotel and drop my bag off then walk Fremont St." Aidan said.

We dropped Aidan's bag off and decided to take a cab over to Fremont St., but I kept getting this bad feeling that something was happening.

"Aidan something is wrong." I said looking over at him and he looked focused on something outside of the cab.

"I know, but I don't know what." Aidan said without even looking at me.

Corrie just looked back and forth between us both with a puzzled look on her face. "Guys I don't know what you are on about. Everything is fine."

"It is just a feeling Corrie, something is wrong, but I can't put my finger on it." I said.

"I don't know if I sense something is wrong or if I can just feel Kenna's unease, but just the feelings I am getting from Kenna tell me something is wrong." Aidan told Corrie, while he still stared out the window of the cab.

I leaned forward and told the cab drive to just keep driving and I would just tell him when and where to turn. The longer we drove the more certain I was of where I was taking us. We were heading to the house Raine took us to.

The closer we got to the house the more apprehensive I got. Aidan and I could smell the smoke long before we were able to see it. The three of us sat in the car in silence by appearance, but Aidan and I were still talking.

"Aidan this isn't good."

"Kenna, maybe it isn't Raine's house."

"Ever the optimist, I know it is that house and this feeling is just getting stronger the closer we get."

"Don't think the worst Kenna, we won't know until we get there."

"Fine, can you feel anyone out there besides me? Maybe we can sense her."

"No, I only feel you, can you feel her?"

"I can but it is faint, well I think it is her I feel. You never know another of our siblings could be running around here somewhere."

"Are we heading in her direction?"

"I can't tell, I can feel her but it's like she is in a tunnel. But not the same way you are when you are far away."

"Huh, I don't know. You have been able to block me, but when you did that it was like a wall went up that I couldn't see through, around or over."

"What about when the Restorers had me?"

"The more distance the more it was like you were in a tunnel, but I don't know. Maybe she is fighting consciousness or something."

"Way to not make me panic Aidan! If she is fighting consciousness she really could be in that fire!"

"Kenna," Aiden put his hand on my shoulder, "Raine is water remember. If she were around fire that was threatening her, she would just put it out."

"Unless she is unconscious!" I practically screamed in his head.

"Kenna we are getting closer to the fire. We will know pretty soon if she is in the house. Just calm down and breath."

We got to the house not long after and we beat the cops and fire department there. That means the fire can't have been going that long or they just have a really horrible response time.

"It is the house on fire." Kenna said.

"Kenna," Aidan said and looked at me, "Raine?"

"No Aidan she isn't in there. I can still kinda feel her and she isn't in that house, but someone might be. Corrie, will you keep watch while Aidan and I go in and make sure everyone is out?"

"Yeah I can do that Kenna. You and Aidan be careful." Corrie said quietly while watching the house burn.

Aidan and I walked up to the house. There were a few people gathered around outside yelling at us not to go in, but if we could save lives we were going to. We went it like the fire was bothering us, even though it wasn't at all.

"Aidan head to the right, I will take the left and we can sweep the house for people."

"Sounds good, let me know if you find anyone."

"Ok good luck Aidan."

The house isn't very big, so it didn't take ten minutes to go through and we only found one person. A guy about my age who was a little worse for wear but appears to be ok.

"Hi, my name is Kenna. Are you ok?"

He started coughing and Corrie gave him a cup of water. Huh wonder where the cup came from. I looked over at her and she just winked.

"Thank you, I'm Roger."

I sat next to Roger on the concrete, "Roger do you know what happened? You have a pretty nasty bruise on your forehead."

"Some tools came in and blindsided me. What am I gonna do, that house is all I have?"

Well it isn't much of a house, but "Aidan can you put the fire out from here?"

"Yeah, I can hear the fire trucks coming, but they are still a ways out. Not sure how much will be left, but I will put it out."

"Thank you."

"I am sorry about your house Roger. Do you know what the people wanted that hit you?"

"No, Raine and I were in the kitchen talking and the next thing I knew I was hit upside the head. Oh crap! Where is Raine? Is she still in the house?" Roger asked as he tried pushing himself up off the ground.

Aidan and I held him down and I said, "Roger, Aidan and I both went through the house. There is no one else in there."

"Shit Aidan where the hell is Raine!"

"We will figure this out Kenna."

"Are you sure no one else is in the house?" Roger looked up at Kenna with hope. "If Raine isn't in the house then, where is she?"

"We don't know, but we will figure it out?"

"What? Who are you anyways? You aren't friends of Raine, I know all of her friends!" Roger said with suspicion in his eyes.

"Sorry, just a slip of the tongue, I meant that is what the cops are going to try and figure out. Maybe your friend Raine ran to get help or something. They should be here soon."

"Why are you here?" Roger is still suspicious.

"We were driving by and stopped to make sure no one was in the house. Glad we did or you may have burned alive." Crap this guy is gonna turn us over to the cops if he has the chance.

"We are gonna have to give statements to the cops or we are going to appear even more suspicious. Damn slip, I need to watch what I say."

"We will be fine. Just tell the cops we were driving by and saw the fire. Decided to stop and help." Aidan, always the voice of reason.

"They are gonna want to know what we were doing over here when our hotel is on the strip."

"Right, um just driving. If they talk to the cab driver it could be more suspicions, but he already left."

"Not bad, simple answers are usually the best."

"You are right, thank you for stopping. But why are you here anyways?" Roger said, still digging.

"Actually, I am not from around here and just decided we could take a cab ride today and I just told the driver to turn at random spots. Our cab driver ditched us though, so gonna have to figure out how to get outta here." Kenna said with a smile.

Roger laughed, "nice luck, no one wants to be around here."

"Do you have any idea why someone would break into your house and hit you over the head? I said trying to sound helpful, what I left unsaid was would you know anyone that would want to take Raine.

"Honestly look at this neighborhood. I can think of a lot of people. I know some pretty bad people too. I just hope Raine is ok." He said.

"I hope your friend is ok also Roger." I said "Well the cops are here, they are gonna want statements. I hope you find your friend Roger."

"Thank you again."

It took us another thirty minutes to give the cops our statement. Corrie went right along with our story, so everything seemed to check out. Now to find out where Raine really is. The cops are looking for her, but I can find her faster. If the Restorers took her the cops won't have a chance of finding her anyways, hell if any of Roger's not so great acquaintances took here the same would be true.

I called for a cab and Corrie, Aidan and I all piled into the car when it pulled up. "Ok guys now to find my sister. Well our sister Aidan."

Corrie and Aidan both shook their heads. "Can you track her Kenna?" Aidan asked.

Corrie looked at me kinda funny, "oh sorry Corrie, on top of being able to speak to my siblings in my head, I can feel them too."

"No kidding." Corrie said with a smile. "That will be helpful."

"But something is different, I think Raine has been drugged."

"If that is the case then it is a pretty safe bet that the Restorers could have her." Aidan said with worry.

"Not necessarily, did you hear Roger? He knows some bad people, but it could be the Restorers and if it is, are we the ones who led them to her. Or did her act lead them to her?"

Corrie took my hand, "Kenna this is not our fault. With Raine's performances it was only a matter of time before they found her. Now it is our job to get her back."

I took a deep breath, "You're right, probably not the best of ideas but we have to go back to the hotel and get our stuff."

Aidan shook his head, "not all of us Kenna. Just one, that way no more are at risk."

"Agreed, so I will go." I said.

"Uh no, I will go." Aidan argued.

"Really? And how do you plan to avoid all the cameras?" I said smugly.


"That is right you can't. I can, I will walk back in just like normal get Corrie and my stuff then I can go out the window and come down. That way if someone is watching they won't see me leave."

Aidan didn't look happy about it but agreed with my plan.

Everything in the hotel room looked the same but I don't trust that. I grabbed mine and Corrie's things and went to the balcony. Now how to get down without anyone noticing in broad daylight? I decided to float over to the roof of the hotel next door. Hopefully people would think it was a zipline or something, there are always crazy things going on in Vegas.

To get into this hotel. I used my earth power to disintegrate the door handle and got in. Now to get back down to Aidan and Corrie and figure out what has happened to Raine, would it be completely naive to believe Raine's disappearance is simply a coincidence?

I quickly caught back up with Aidan and Corrie, "I think the first thing we need to do is get a new phone."

Corrie looked at me, "what about Rick and Dane. They won't have the new number."

"Shoot your right, and we shouldn't be sending messages back and forth between us unless it is an emergency. I guess for now we just shut it off and check it periodically." I said.

"Sounds good," Aidan said as we quickly walked down the strip.

We all walked in silence for a while, then Aidan being the thinker said, "guys where are we going? We shouldn't be packing all our bags around with us. We need some place to put all this stuff."

"We have cash, so we can go to a smaller hotel and rent a room there." Corrie suggested.

"Yeah let's do that, one back off the strip, but still with enough people we can blend in and get lost in them." I suggested.

We all decided on the Hard Rock Hotel. It is back off the strip, but also near the university so a lot of people are around. We threw our bags down in the room and I took the valuables and locked them in the room safe. The jewelry and everything were the only things that we had for money and we couldn't afford to lose that.

"Raine still feels like she is in a tunnel. I don't know which way to head to find her." I said as I threw myself down onto one of the beds.

Corrie just sat down quietly in the corner.

Aidan sat down next to me, "We will find her Kenna. Look at everything we have been through over the last year. We can do anything together."

"That is just it Aidan, look at what we have been through and the scrapes we have made it through. Our luck is going to run out eventually." I muffled through the pillow.

"We can only keep moving forward. See the obstacles in front of us and do our best to get around them. You also need to keep in mind that Raine may not have been around the best of people and the trouble she is in now may have nothing to do with us." Aidan said.

"I know you're right Aidan, but I am not that optimistic. Raine goes missing the day after I meet her." I say worriedly.

"Time will tell. We can't do anything about it now so I suggest we try and get some rest until you can contact her." Aidan said as he got up and laid down on the other bed.

Corrie got up and laid down next to me. Hopefully I will be able to contact Raine soon.