Chapter 10

A few hours later I couldn't rest and was continuously pacing the room when I finally stopped and felt something. "Raine! Raine, can you hear me?"

"Great, voices in my head now. They must have hit me pretty dang hard." I heard her reply, though she didn't know she was.

"Raine, you aren't crazy. It's Kenna."

"Oh right, forgot my crazy ass sister could communicate with me INSIDE MY OWN HEAD!"

"Would you like me to stop communicating Raine?"

"Kenna, I have a splitting headache, and this is really only making it worse. What do you want?"

"I would really like to know where you are at and who has you."

"How do you know someone has me?"

"Gonna seem weird, but heck you have had a lot of weird lately. Something pulled me to go check on the house you took us too and when we got there it was burning.."

"Oh no Robert was in there too! What has happened to him?"

"Don't worry Aidan and I got him out."

"And who the heck is Aidan?"

"A brother of ours."

"Let me guess he had a great life too?"

"Really Raine, you have been kidnapped and you want to know if Aidan had a great life?! Yes, as a matter of fact her did! He had his powers, and he had a great home, so he beats us both in this regard. Oh, and he absolutely picked to have our parents die so he could be forced by the courts to be split up from his family! You're right though, that is what is important right now"

Aidan walked over to me and put his arm on my shoulder. "Kenna you are blocking me, if you let me in, I can possibly speak with Raine also."

"Oh, sorry Aidan, didn't mean to do that. She is being a little shit right now. Our lives are so much better than hers have been, and it is our fault is all she is thinking about." I spat.

Aidan just smiled, "She is scared right now Kenna, she is going towards what she thinks she can control."

"You right, sorry." I opened my link with Aidan and waited. I have never done this before, but it is worth a try. And it worked, Aiden could speak to Raine. I decided to let them have this and just sit back and listen.

"Hello Raine." Aidan said.

You could practically feel Raine jump at his voice. "Aidan, I presume, if Kenna told you what I said I am sorry. I am not normally such a brat; I have just had a lot thrown at me recently."

"That is completely understandable. I did have a great life and I love my parents dearly, but they are now in hiding because the Restorers will use them against us if they ever get their hands on them again. "

"Again?" Raine said with worry in her voice.

"Yes again, they have already tried to use them to capture me. What they didn't know was who Kenna was and she risked her own life to protect two people she knew nothing about."

"It happened after you met Kenna?"


"Are you sure she didn't bring them to you? Nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I just met Kenna yesterday." Raine said accusingly.

"Timing is horrible, but the Restorers did not use Kenna to find me. They found me because my girlfriend is, I mean was one of them."


"It is a long story, and one I am more than willing to tell you about, but we have more pressing things to worry about right now."

"Yes, we do, can you tell Kenna I am sorry?"

"I don't have to; I am using her link to you so that I can talk to you."

"Oh, so she can hear all of this?"

"Yes, she is trying her best not to butt in during the Aidan/Raine time." Aidan said as he smiled at me.

I just really hope I can have a relationship with Raine like I have with Aidan.

"Kenna I am sorry." Raine said.

"You don't have to be, you have had a lot happen to you in a very short amount of time. We just need to find you and get you outta there. Robert did say he did business with some unsavory characters. Is there any chance they are who have you?" I asked, "Before you jump at me again, I am not trying to blame Robert. If people took you because of Robert and not because of who you are our chances go up by about a million."

"Oh. Right because if that is the case, they won't have people like us." Raine said.


"I really don't know Kenna. I never got a good look at them."

"That is ok. Um you aren't going to like this next part I bet, but Aidan and I should be able to find you." I said.

"Honestly since I met you yesterday it is like, well I can't explain it, but I can feel you sorta. Like I can tell right now you are somewhere to my left. Not that that is any help because I don't know if it is north, south, east or west. But if you guys can do that too, then it should lead you to me right?" Raine asked.

"Right." I said.

"Don't worry Raine, I used this same sense to track Kenna all the way to Scotland when she was taken." Aidan said.

"Scotland?" Raine exclaimed.

"Another story for another time. For now, Kenna and I are going to work on figuring out where you are." Aidan said.

"Ok, if I get any useful intel I will let you guys know." Raine said.

"Aidan is this going to be our lives now, jumping from place to place to save our families?" I asked exasperated.

"Hopefully not, but don't have time to dwell on that now. We should find where she is being held and make a plan from there." Aidan said.

"Sounds good to me." I said as everyone raced out of our room and piled into the car to start following our telepathic GPS.

I was extremely surprised when our"Raine" signal actually led us to a very nice, upscale gated home. I had figured we would be finding Raine in an old, abandoned warehouse like I found Aidan in when someone took him. But I had never seen a place as nice as the one in front of us. Well, of course I had seen one, but on the TV or pictures on the internet. Never in a million years did I think I would be standing in front of one.

I pushed the buzzer on the intercom to call up to the house, then we all just waited to see what happened.

A crackly noise came through, then they all heard a male voice come through, "May I help you?"

I took a deep breath, time to use my nice, please let us in voice. "I believe you can. I would very much like to speak to the owner if possible."

There was a pause, then, "And what matter of business do you need to speak to Mr. Mechem?"

Well now we have a name to go off, now as to the validity of the name, who knows but it is a name. "I need to discuss Raine with Mr. Mechem."

There was another pause on the box then, "rain? You mean like the weather?"

I wiped my hand over my face, "No I mean Raine as in a person, can you please just relay to Mr. Mechem that I need to discuss Raine with him?"

"Please hold."

They all sat there silently waiting for an answer. Aiden and I both know Raine is in that house somewhere, now we just had to get ourselves inside.

It seemed like forever before the man was back on the box, "I am sorry, but Mr. Mechem does not know of any person named Raine and has asked that you leave."

Ok not completely unexpected but would have been nice if it has just been easy. "No, we will not leave." I stated.

"I am sorry ma'am but he will not see you." The voice on the intercom replied.

"Can you please tell Mr. Mechem that we understand we are outside his gate, but at some point, he will want to leave and it is not against the law to be in the street. With a place like this I am guessing I can find something to protest in front of his house for days on end."

We heard the man's heavy sigh, "I will relay your message. Please hold."

We again waited, but instead of hearing him on the box the gates just opened. I really had thought it was going to be harder than this to get into the house. Maybe these guys really didn't want a crowd or the cops around their house. We drove slowly up to the house and I put an air shield around everyone when we got out of the car. No way was I letting us all walk into this unprotected. I just prayed I am right and this had nothing to do with the Restorers.

The house was one of the Mediterranean style homes you would see in better homes and gardens or something. I had never been in a house this nice, I had been in a castle back in Scotland of course, but that was not by choice. I am getting nervous as we walk up to the door, but before I can knock it was opened by a stately looking older gentleman in a black suit. Hello Alfred, I thought and just managed to keep from snickering a little at my thoughts. Now was not the time for something like that.

"If you would all follow me, Mr Mechem will be with you shortly." The man said as he turned around and headed to the left side of the house. He took us to a room I figured would be considered a modern sitting room. At least he hadn't taken them straight to the dungeon. I can feel Raine but she was to the right somewhere not to the left.

"Aidan, how are we gonna get them to give up Riane? She is definitely here somewhere."

"I know I can feel her too, I don't know though. We don't have a lot of cards to play here."

"I have an air shield around all of us right now so at least they can't hit us with something when we aren't ready. I have the bonds Granny left for me, well one of them. These guys aren't the Restorers, we would be drugged already if they were. Maybe we can negotiate with the talents we have if the bond doesn't work."

"Maybe Kenn, but that is a slippery slope. We don't want to get ourselves into something bad."

"We are already into something bad, our sister is with some bad people, and I am going to get her out of this and beat Roger to a pulp because this is all his damn fault!"

"Wouldn't take much to beat Roger."

"I am just gonna play this by ear, don't do anything drastic ok?"

"Same to you sis, same to you."

"Corrie, no matter what happens, just trust me and we will all four get out of here ok?" I said to Corrie quietly.

Corrie looked at me skeptically, but shook her head in agreement just as a tall sophisticated looking man walked in. If I had to place him, he is what my idea of an English Lord would be. We all three stood as he walked over to us, and I quickly noted the two burly guys who came in behind him.

"Good day to you," the man looked over myself & Corrie and addressed Aidan, "I am Mr. Mechem."

Typical I thought. Aidan took Mr. Mechem's outstretched hand. "I am Aidan. This is a friend, Corrie, and my sister Kenna."

"Nice to meet you all, please have a seat." Mr. Mechem said.

As everyone sat the two burly guys moved to stand on either side of the couch Mr. Mechem sat down on that was across from our group and myself.

"Now I am told I had no choice but to allow you entrance into my home or you would camp out on my doorstep. Would you like to tell me why you insist your sister is somewhere on my property?" Again Mr. Mechem directed his question to Aidan, but I answered him anyway.

"We know our sister is here. We are simply here to negotiate her return to us, when it was nothing of her doing that resulted in her being here."

Mr. Mechem's only reaction to Kenna answering and not Aidan was in his eyes. Otherwise his entire demeanor did not change. "I am afraid I do not have anyone here that could be your sister."

"And I am afraid that we will not leave without her." I stated with as much steel in my voice as I could muster.

"I can easily have you removed from my property." Mr. Mechem said with a smirk.

"I am sure you think you can, but nothing is to stop us from coming back." I said with a charming smile that in no way reached my eyes, "We would be more than willing to have you give us a grand tour of your lovely home to convince us she is not here."

Mr. Mechem simply shook his head. "You are a persistent little thing aren't you?"

"I will try my very best not to find that statement condescending." I said.

Mr. Mechem just smirked at Kenna. "If what you say is true, what could you possibly have that would convince me to give up my leverage?"

"Oh, sir you gave yourself away?" I said with a genuine smile on my face. "We never told you why our sister was here and that it in anyway had to do with leverage against anyone."

"You are very clever," Mr. Mechem said with a twinkle in his eye. "However, she is my leverage against Roger, who owes me a substantial amount of money."

"Which after meeting Roger briefly we both know he will never be able to pay you back, so having my sister only hurts her."

"You may be correct, but he has 24 hours to come up with the money owed. He also knew this was going to happen and didn't warn your sister away from him. Not the greatest friend to her."

"I would never dispute that, but I do not choose her friends."

"And why should I release her to you instead of wait for Roger?"

"We don't have a lot," I said as I looked at Corrie and Aidan, "but when my grandmother passed, she left me a savings bond that is worth $5,000. If you will give us Raine the bond is yours."

"Kenna! That bound is worth more than $5,000!" Aidan said in my head with a worried look on his face.

I kept her face neutral as I continue to look at Mr. Mechem. "I know Aidan, but sometimes it pays for people to think you are a dumb girl. The bond is worth $50k now. If left until maturity it will be worth more."

Aidan relaxed back into the sofa, but Corrie kept looking nervously at me. But she didn't say a word, trusting that I knew what I was doing.

"May I see the bond?" Mr. Mechem asked me.

I pulled an envelope out of my pocket and handed it to Mr. Mechem. He opened it and looked over the bond. I did note the slight squint in his eyes the minute I figured he saw the bond was worth more than I stated, but he did not correct me. "$5,000 isn't even a drop in the bucket to what Roger owes me."

"I understand, but Raine had nothing to do with what Roger did. Please let us have our sister." I asked earnestly.

Mr. Mechem sat back on the couch and looked to be thinking everything over. I knew the bond didn't cover all of Roger's debt, but it was probably more that Mr. Mechem would ever see from Roger. After what seemed like forever, Mr. Mechem leaned back off the couch. "I would be taking a loss here, what is to stop me from just keeping this bound and kicking you out of my home?"

"I believe you to be an honorable man and you know that Raine has done nothing to you. Roger most likely will never be able to pay you back and taking it out on Raine doesn't truly hurt Roger. People like Roger use the people around them without any regard for their welfare. If he had truly cared, he would have warned Raine." I truly hope there is some honor in this man. I don't want to have to take Raine by force, but we will if we must.

He sat quietly listening to me and thinking, nodded his head at us and said, "I will agree to your terms. However, this does not mean I will not go after Roger for what he owes."

I smiled, "I don't have any say in what you do with Roger, and frankly don't care."

Mr. Mechem stood and extended his hand to me; we had struck a deal. The minute I touched his hand I took a sharp breath and breathed one word. "Air." I knew my eyes if not my words showed my shock and surprise, and Mr. Mechem took back his hand as if he had been struck.

"What did you say?" Mr. Mechem said with worry in his eyes.

I could play it off as if what I said meant nothing, but the look in Mr. Mechem's eyes convinced me that that wouldn't be beneficial to Raine at all. "I said Air."

He took a deep breath, "why did you say Air?"

"You are one of us." Was all I said quietly in reply and I looked over at Corrie and Aidan and nodded my head to the unanswered question in their eyes.

Mr. Mechem turned to his bodyguards and told them to leave the room, then turned back to me and my group. "I am afraid you will have to explain that statement a little better." He said extremely defensively.

I just smiled at Aidan and turned back to Mr. Mechem. I may feel air in him, but he will never have the power we do. "It means exactly what it sounds like. You are one of us, and if you weren't one of us dismissing your bodyguards with three strangers in your home was not a bright move."

Mr. Mechem ignored my last statement. "What make you think I am one of you?"

"Because I felt it the minute you shook my hand." I said matter of factly.

"I did not feel anything, why would you?" Mr. Mechem is very upset, and if we aren't careful this could all blow up in our face.

"Because you are one of us, but you are not like me. I am unique above all others like us."

"There is no one else in this world like me!" Mr. Mechem practically shouted. His bodyguards rushed back in the room and took defensive stances in front of Mr. Mechem.

Kenna kept completely calm and waited to see what Mr. Mechem would do next.

He gestured for his bodyguards to leave again, and I created a case of air around Mr. Mechem. I looked over at again and said, "Aidan, I have put an air barrier around Mr. Mechem, can you demonstrate it is there?"

Aidan quickly stepped up and encased Mr. Mechem in flame, but as I had said, the flames did not touch him because I had put a barrier of air around him. Aidan just as quickly removed the flame and sat back down on the couch as if this was an everyday occurrence.

"Wh, wha, what was that?" Mr. Mechem stammered. There is now complete and total fear in his eyes.

"Please sit before you fall," I requested of him.

He looked at me with question and a little wonder in his eyes.

"I put an air barrio around you to keep you from being burnt by the fire. I have not removed it yet because it is what is hold you up. I will remove it, but you need to take a seat." I told him.

I watched as he did just that then sat back down on the couch.

"How is this possible?" He said in wonder.

"That Mr. Mechem is a very long story."

"Please call me Edward. I have never met anyone else like me at all. I thought I was a singular miracle." Edward said.

Miracle, good choice of words. I think I might actually like this guy. "That can't be, your power comes from your blood and your power is pretty strong. One of your parents had it." I told him.

"My parents died when I was 5. I do not know if either of them had the power." Edward said.

"That is interesting, but if you want to continue this conversation, I am afraid I am going to have to insist we see my sister." I spoke.

"Of course," Edward grabbed his phone and rang someone to come bring Raine. "She will be here shortly. You said you are different, how?"

"You are air or have the power of air. As you saw Aidan has the power of fire. You haven't seen it but Corrie and Raine have the power of water. I on the other hand have all four powers. Air, fire, water and earth." I explained to him.

Edward looked at Aidan and Corrie with admiration. "Why are you the only one gifted with all four?" Edward said as he turned back to me.

"Long story short, if my direct line would stop being killed there would be more like me, but one in the direct bloodline is always born will all four powers that can continue the line."

"So, you are a direct descendant from whomever this power started with?" Edward asked in awe.


"And you are burdened with continuing the line?"

"Yes," I said while rolling my eyes. "The lines will continue through others, like you. But the power will become diluted and only carry one of the powers. My powers are not diluted, and my children's powers will not be either. Aidan is my brother, but only has fire. Raine is my sister, but only has water. Only one of us can carry all four powers. But Aidan's fire is very powerful as is Raine's water. Corrie's water is not as powerful as Raine's because her powers have been diluted through the lines." I finished explaining as Raine walked in with one of Edward's bodyguards.

I stood and went to Raine and gave her a big hug. "I am so glad you're ok."

Raine hugged Kenna back tentatively, "me to Kenna. Thank you, guys."

Raine walked with me back to the couch and sat between me and Aidan with Corrie standing behind us.

"How were your parents killed?" Edward asked.

"In a car accident, but something you should know Edward is that their accident wasn't truly an accident. Chances are your parent's death wasn't either." I said.

"What do you mean by that?" Edward said defensively.

"Since the birth of our line there has also been a group out to destroy us. They call themselves the Restorers and are marked by a tattoo of an R with the four elements in a circle around it. Always be careful with who knows about your powers." I further explained.

"Oh, I always have been." Edward said.

"And that Edward is probably why you are still alive." I reflected.

"Here is your bond back Kenna. I can't take this from you. Thank you for telling me about the Restorers." Edward said after his bodyguard left again.

"Thank you, Edward, and when/if you ever have children or if you already have some protect their secret with your life." I said as I took the bond back.

"I will. But you didn't have to give me that bond for your sister. The three of you could have easily just come in and taken her." Edward said in awe.

I smiled as I said, "Edward, we are not violent people and try our best not to resort to violence. If you would not have agreed I would have taken my sister back by whatever means necessary, but things did not come to that."

"Oh," he replied with understanding. "you should know that bond is worth more…"

I cut him off before he could finish. "I know, it is worth about $50k right now. Sometimes having people think you are a dumb girl is beneficial."

Edward smiled at me and just shook his head. "Where are your other siblings, air and earth?"

I smiled sadly, "I honestly don't know. The five of us were separated at birth and I am trying to track all of us down."

"Oh, I am sorry." Edward said. "If there is every anything I can do to help you please don't hesitate to call," and handed me his business card. "This has my direct line on it."

"Thank you, Edward. I think we will be going now. It has been an interesting day." I said as my group stood to leave.

"Yes, it has." Edward said as he walked them all to the door. "I mean it Kenna, if you guys ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call me."

"Goodbye Edward." I said as we all walked of Edwards house.