Rescue Operation

It was a long walk to the conference room. They encountered some soldiers carrying their rifles doing their rounds. They'll momentarily stop in their position to salute Thomas.

Felicia noticed the pattern as they make their way to the third floor of the main building, where the conference room is located.

"I see that you're respected, Thomas."

Felicia said.

"Well, since I'm the Commander here. It's only natural." Thomas said.

"Hmm...I still find it strange for a high-schooler to become a commander of an army." Felicia placed a finger on her chin, pondering.

"Well, how many more I can say this, I'm running a private military company and as its owner, it's only natural for my troops to show their respect to me." Thomas reasoned, though there's no logical way to explain the circumstances he was in.

A student who is on a brink of death received a mysterious power from above and in just a span of a day, he managed to retake control of the school, serving as its headquarters for his military.

"That's a good point, I'll admit," Felicia said.

"Thank you for admitting your defeat," Thomas said with a satisfied smile.

"Huh? I didn't admit my defeat!" Felicia said in a mocking tone.

Thomas chuckled at her reaction.


They finally arrived at the conference room. The room was large with a lot of empty spaces. They can see a long table in the center with many chairs. In the walls, mounted flat television screen showing numerous images and footage of a nearby city.

In those chairs are the officers Thomas he commissioned by himself. Promoting them to an officer would help him in management since it's tiring and exhausting to do all the work.

"Greetings Commander Thomas, Ma'am." A voice rang out from the opposite side of the room.

Felicia and Thomas turned to the source of the voice.

At the corner of the room is a gorgeous young woman with a slender frame, medium-sized breasts, and short blonde hair tied in a French braid with a blue ribbon. Her eyes are red, and she wears dark blue heels, dark blue thigh-high stockings, and a white-yellow-buttoned military uniform with a black skirt.

She is Anna Wells, Thomas Harrier's secretary. She has been his secretary for about six hours.

"Ah, Wells! I see that you have arrived." Thomas greeted her.

"Yes, I'm sorry for the delay. I was busy preparing the documents you wanted. I just finished printing the reports, and I'm arranging them on your desk."

"It's okay, as long you're here now," Thomas said as he approached Anna and took the stack of documents.

"Wells, this is Felicia, she's a survivor and my classmate. Felicia, this is Wells, my secretary."

"It's nice to meet you, Felicia." Anna nodded to her.

Felicia mimicked the nod, "Nice to meet you too."

After greeting each other, Anna headed back to her seat, connecting them to the Recon Force Squad that was already on the ground.

"We should take our seat as well."

Thomas said as they made their way to the vacant seats with Felicia following him.

"Felicia, sit here." He said as he pulled out a chair for Felicia.

"Thank you," Felicia said as she sat down.

They took their seats at the table. Thomas put the stack of documents on the table.

Like Anna, there are more than ten people who are sitting at the table. They were all Thomas' military officers, who were promoted to various positions, ranging from a squad leader, the commander of the Recon Force Squad, and the Manager of the field operations.

"So, what was the report?" Thomas asked the officers.

"Our Recon Forces has arrived at the residence of Ms. Felicia and are standing by awaiting orders," Anna answered as she grabbed the remote and switched the image of the current television screen to one of the soldier's points of view.

It was a two-story house.

"Felicia, can you confirm that this is your house?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, that's my house," Felicia said as she pointed at the house on the screen.

"How many people are there?"

"My father, mother, and my sister."

"It seems like the house is well-protected, they covered the windows with a wooden plank and put a metal sheet at the door to prevent unwanted entry."

"Any signs of zombies in the street?"

"There are eight of them but they are far away from the residence." The Recon Force Squad leader answered Thomas.

"Copy that, are the special forces ready?"

"Yes, they are ready to move in at your orders." The Recon Force Squad leader said.

"Hmm...let's do it then." Thomas said as he stood up from his seat. "commence operation." Thomas ordered.

The Recon Force Squad leader grabbed his radio and gave out the orders.

"Roger that, we're moving out." The leader said.

The television screen then shifted to the soldier's point of view.

After they arrived in front of the house. One of the members of the special forces breached the gate of the house and forcefully pries the door open.

They silently entered the lawn of the residence and knocked on the door.

"Who is that?" A voice came from inside the house.

"We're from the military, we are here to evacuate you, sir."

A voice then shouted from inside, "Dear, it's the military!"

A moment later, the door opened and an older woman, probably Felicia's mother, appeared.

"Greetings ma'am." The leader of the special forces bowed to her.

"Are you here to take us out?"

"Yes, but first, how many of you are in the house."

"There's only me, my husband, and my daughter."

"Is that so..." The special forces leader nodded.

"So, you're here to take us out? But where are we going to?" Felicia's mother asked.

"Don't worry, we'll take you to a safe location. Please leave your things and gather here, now."

"Okay." Felicia's mother said...but suddenly, she returned and ask the leader of the operation about something.

"Sir, did you search Kikyo High School? My daughter studying there!"

" mean Ms. Felicia?"

"Yes, that's right how did you know?"

"Well apparently our headquarters is located at her school as well and we received orders from the higher-ups to rescue you."

"Wa-wait! Are you telling me that my daughter is alive?"

"Yes, ma'am. So please get ready."

"Okay okay!"

Felicia's parents were glad that their daughter is still alive. They were practically ecstatic now.

Meanwhile, at the conference room or more like a command room, Felicia was in tears again to see that her family is still alive.

"Thank you, Thomas! Thank you, Thomas!"

She was grateful to Thomas for giving her new hope again, with no hesitation, she rushed over to him and hugged him.

Thomas was taken aback once again. He couldn't remember how many times she was hugged by Felicia. She also cries a lot which is kind of normal judging from the situation.

"Okay okay...I got it. Felicia, please let go of me...this is embarrassing."

It's not a big deal for Felicia to hug Thomas but in front of people? That is something he is not accustomed to.

"Ah! Sorry sorry! I'm just so happy right now...I couldn't help it."

"Well, that's fine then."

"Sir, we've got the package, we're ready to leave." The special forces on the ground reported.

Felicia looked once more to the television screen and saw her family. They are alive.

Soon, loud noise can be heard from the speaker.

The camera shifted to the skies and two Blackhawk Helicopters, who Thomas personally bought just for this mission, were hovering in the sky.

However, the sound produced by the helicopter rotors is loud enough to attract zombies in the area.

Due to the situation, the helicopter couldn't land so they can only hoist the troops and the package up.

The Special Forces and the Recon Forces prepared to meet the zombies, and seconds later, they arrived.

"Open fire! Don't let them get inside!"

The special forces opened fire, they were carrying machine guns that are capable of spraying a lot of bullets per minute.

The scene then shifted to the point of view of the Recon Force Squad.

"Fire!" The Recon Force Squad leader ordered his troops.

They opened fire as well, they were carrying assault rifles.

The bullets hit the zombies, they were both headshots and heartshots

The zombies tried to attack them but they got killed by the combined force of the special and the recon forces. The bullets cleaned them out.

"The package has been retrieved and is now onboard to Badger 2, We're ready for departure but the zombies keep coming and coming. The special forces leader reported.

"Copy that," Anna said as she switched the television screen back to the helicopter's camera. It has a callsign Badger 2.

On each side of the helicopter was a mounted gun, specifically the Gau-2 Minigun, operated by special mission aviators that are giving the troops on the ground and air support.

Brrrrrrrtttt! Brrrrrrrtttt! Brrrrrrrtttt! Brrrrrrrtttt! Brrrrrrrtttt!

The helicopter is slightly shaking due to the powerful stream of bullets being fired, the bullets are raining over the zombies that are rushing towards the helicopter.

The special mission's operators were working their hardest to keep up their rate of fire.

But, their bullets can only hold the zombies back for seconds, they have to leave now or they'll be overrun by the zombies.

"Faster! Faster!"

Badger 1 made a quick descent on Felicia's lawn. The soldiers kept shooting with the support of Badger 1 Gau 2 Minigun.

"Get inside the helicopter now!"

The Recon Force Squad leader shouted and all the troops in the ground hurriedly boarded Badger 1.

"Okay, we're clear! Get us away from here!"

"Roger that!"

The helicopter started its lift-off maneuver and moments later, it was airborne.

"We're clear, we're heading back to base."

"Copy that, Badger 1 and 2, Command out."

"That went smooth," Anna said as she turned off the television.

"Thank you," Thomas replied. He is glad that the mission turned out well.

"Sir, you have a 10 o'clock speech at the ceremony hall."

"Ah yes, the speech," Thomas said as he remembered it just now. "Felicia you should join the others."

"Me? Why?" Felicia asked.

"Well, you're one of the survivors right? We'd have to debrief you all about the situation happening in this world." Thomas answered.

"Ah, I see."

"Anna, is my presentation ready?" Thomas asked.

"Yes sir."

"Okay, let's go."