Vision 15 - Cannot be Leisurely... (3)

Some days have passed since the dream I had. It completely woke me up, my eyes as wide as they could have opened, depriving me of my sleep.

I saw Alison going inside the room on the sixth floor of the Trivia.

Her scream was still vivid in my memory, and the actions and expressions I saw of hers were also definitely weird. It was like she was bewitched, like being lured by someone to go through the door which suppose to be forbidden to enter.

'No, she must have seen an illusion.' I pondered.

It surged an uncomfortable feeling knowing that she was enchanted to go inside that room, and I couldn't do anything but watch it happen.

'But that's just how helpless one is inside a dream.' which is a fact.

It is definitely quirky knowing that I am still dreaming about the events of this world. I was convinced that I am no longer being embraced by the dreams that filled my life before, but that was a delusion on my part.

Even though only a few days have passed since the student, Amanda Kirt, her missing poster was seen by my own two eyes.

The atmosphere inside trivia was now one of grim.

Many more students have gone missing since then. And obviously, now Alison is also one of them.

?: "All the Professors have assembled for the summit, and even though being present was not an option for today's gathering, I thank you all for assembling on such short notice."

The crisp thin voice of a woman made me focus and my eyes moved to her.

Even though her eyes seem to loom over everyone present. I caught her eyes paused for a short moment on a man sitting in the midst of other people, all wearing Trivia cloaks with professor's badges on their cloak, he had droopy bored eyes.

It was apparent that his presence was uncommon. He was one of those who prefer not to be present whenever a meeting is being held.

Currently, a meeting was called by the acting headmaster of the Trivia, Eldrich-II, and the presence of all professors was a must, topic for today's panel was just that pressing for anyone to miss.

'But I am glad that Eddie could not come no matter what anyone says, that two-faced existence must be struggling just to stay alive.' I snickered inside.


[ Some Nubeculas are wondering about your expression. ]


'Ah, let a man snicker in peace.'


[ The Nubecula 'Who like cigar and Candy' Comments " That is one lewd face you got there. "]


'This asshole. I will make sure to find this one and give a smack to his head.'


[ 200 Points have been donated. ]


'...Ahem. Maybe I will take it easy.'

Inside a room, with a black aesthetic vibe, roof 3 feet tall, having a fall roof with a yellow dirt color border, surrounded by white light plates.

At the center, a white glassy chandelier hung from the roof, and one of the walls was covered with a similar color of a white curtain, hiding the window behind it, but the shade of the sunlight was apparent.

Opposite to that wall, a picture of Eldrich, sipping tea in a room, with Hekate in her cat form, sitting on one of the couches, hung over a desk table.

On that desk, two table lamps, and one vase with white hydrangeas were placed.

In the middle of the room, a polished wooden rectangular table was set. Five professors were sitting on each, of the long sides of the table, and on one of the short sides sat Eldrich, opposite to him sat Lisa.

Each of the Professor's assistants were standing behind their respective professors, making a total of twenty-four people present inside the room, including me.

?: "Elora's harsh words aside, I am also very happy that every one of my professors is finally assembled in one room like this after so long. "

Elora: " A-Acting Headmaster. "

Pistachio's color-hair beauty, with her hair only bread at its end, beyond her waist. Her white face reddened slightly in frustration.

Elora Testel, Eldrich's advisor, is a scholar. And in compliment to having brains she was beautiful through and through.

A brown tight top was covering her body from her neck to her buttocks, which had a floral white pattern at its neck and near her hip area, emphasizing her figure.

Her black stockings were visible from the cut of her long shirt which seemed just a long cloth tugged under her dress and for a uniform cloak, she had a silk cloth-like short cloak only covering her shoulders.

She held a stack of papers with her gloved hand covering from her arms to her elbow.


[ The Nubecula 'Who likes Cigar and Candy' comments " What do you think heroman? She has one curvy body." ]


[ The Nubecula ' Dionysus ' comments " Certainly beautiful. " ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose heart bleeds for heartless' is looking coldly. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments "His Partner Professor is more of beauty."]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "What does it matter?"]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Beauty is also a powerful asset."]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel is sighing.]


I ignored the comments as Eldrich continued.

Eldrich: " So, I take it that everyone knows the case of today's meeting, and how important it is, seeing that even Magnus decided to show up."

The old man, wearing a very long white cloth, covered his body, which seems like he was trying to make it look like a cloak. The clothe had golden solid color on his neck and shoulder, which looked unusually sharp and rigid.

He had long white hair and a short thick white beard. His smiling eyes, wrinkled at their corner, landed on the same droopy professor, Magnus.


[ Lower existence 'Magnus Lothian' is annoyed.]


Magnus: "Stop picking on me and start this damn meeting, old man."

Magnus Lothian grumbled, scratching the side of his head, through his uncut disheveled hair. His unshaven beard gave him the impression that it is been some time since he has taken to groom himself.

Elora's eyebrows creased a little hearing Magnus's remark but she hold off on whatever she wanted to say.


[ Lower existence 'Elora Testel' feels disdain towards Lower existence 'Magnus Lothian'. ]


Eldrich: "You are right."

Eldrich didn't seem to mind, and acknowledging his words the atmosphere inside the room became serious.

Eldrich: "So everyone already knows that there is been a lot of cases of missing students these past few days."

His eyes shifted to all the other Professors sitting at the table. And just like his, everyone's eyes flared seriously at his words.

Eldrich: "Elora."

Elora: "Yes Acting headmaster."

Remaining serious from the beginning, she held out the paper in her hand infront of her face.


[ Several Nubeculas are listening. ]


Elora: "A total of Fifty-four of students have gone missing this past eleven days, starting with a student name Amanda Kirt. Although we have Fifty-four reports, the actual number of missing students is still unknown, and so is the reason for their disappearance."

Cutting start to the point, Silence filled the room for a moment as Elora addressed the reason for the sudden assemblence of all the Professors.

?: "And What notices are being sent to their parents?"

One of the professors, sitting in the middle of the row, on my left side, asked that. I knew her name was Flora Ayala, Professor of the Battle course for the Third and Fourth years.

Elora: "Most of their disappearance is being kept secret at the moment."

Flora: "Are you jesting?"


[ Lower Existence 'Flora Ayala' is baffled. ]


Flora's sharp eyes, containing perplexity, darted at Elora, as she turned her head, swaying her tan color simple ponytail.

?: "What about the missing student's friends? They must be asking questions."

Another Professor with a clean and high-class atmosphere, sitting opposite Flora, a seat closer to me, spoke. His name was Kurtis Allen, Research Course professor for the First and Second years.

Elora: "They are being told that they have gone back to visit their households."

Magnus: "So just more lies to cover up the already said lies."

Elora: "..."

Magnus: "Man, aren't we honorable professors of an exemplary institute?"

The sarcastic tone was preeminent in Magnus's tone. He started to swing on the base of the back legs of the chair he was sitting on, while placing his hands on the back of his head.

Magnus: "It looks like collecting used goods like us was just a waste at the end, huh old man?"

Magnus and Eldrich made eye contact, there wasn't displeasure in Eldrich's eyes nor disrespect in Magnus. It was like Magnus believed that as an obvious conclusion.

Kurtis: "Speak for yourself, you lazy slacker, you are the only one here who is a 'used good'. Don't lump us with yourself."

But Kurtis took that as a disrespect nonetheless.

Magnus: "Oh yeah I forget. Mr. Intelligent here is an outstanding researcher, who spend all his treasure on his so-called research and got thrown out of Count's household."



[ Lower existence 'Kurtis Allen' is feeling strong emotions of anger and guilt.]


Kurtis: "Speak properly of a Royal household, it is Royal Allen Viscount Household. Maybe if you cared more about your own household instead of just slacking off all day, the Royal Lothain Baron Household hadn't have banished you."

Magnus: "What did you say?!"

?: "That is enough!"


[ Lower existence 'Elora Testel' is annoyed. ]


A loud feminine voice shouted in the middle of the clamor, a lady sitting right to Eldrich, her voice had the same effect as a smack on the table.


[ Several Nubeculas have sparkles in their eyes.]


[Several Nubeculas are enjoying the intense conversation.]


'Of course they are' I thought sarcastically.

The owner of the feminine voice was the professor, of the Battle course for the Sixth and Seventh years, Regina Yates.


[ Lower existence 'Regina Yates' is frustrated.]


Yes, Yates, she has the same family name as Lisa's fake family name, and there is a reason.

Keeping the secret sixth floor of the 'Trivia' aside. The mystical institute has yet another secret. Rather than being called a secret, I like to call it a hobby of Acting headmaster of this institute, Eldrich-II.

Regina: "You both are a part of Royal households, don't sully that and act accordingly."

Yup definitely a hobby, but for these people it may be a deliverance.

Kurtis and Magnus, both held their tongues, tightening their jaws, but hostility between them still could be sensed as clearly as water.

The Cloud Continent with having four Queendoms, each having its own line of Royal families, Ipritus being an exception. All Five Royal families of three Queendoms have many family members.

And naturally, among those family members, there are those who aren't as welcomed as one would think.

These people assembled here as the 'professors' of this Prestigious 'Trivia' are the family members of the Royal families who are discarded. And the Acting-headmaster, Eldrich, 'collects' these people and gives them another chance at life.

Magnus: "..."

Kurtis: "..."

Both of them were left speechless, and Eldrich released an inaudible sigh. I somewhat got an urge to see Lisa's expression but it was impossible to see it, as I was standing behind her.

Flora: *Sigh* " Does anyone one of us know any connection regarding their disappearance?"

Releasing a deep sigh, Flora tried to push the agenda further.

Elora: "We haven't been able to find any evident connection among the disappeared students, aside from the fact that they are all students."

Despite being annoyed, Elora didn't show any reaction and spoke with a professional expression.

Kurtis: "What about their years? or age? or lineage?"

Fixing his shoulders and adjusting his glasses Kurtis asked. He seems to recover but Magnus on the other hand still had the bitter expression.

Elora: "Not exactly, they are all diverse, some conclusion could be made but there isn't anything that could be said as a reason."

Including myself, all other Professors, and Assistant Professor listened as the conversation progressed.

Magnus: "What do you mean there isn't one? Isn't there an unusual event that collides, perfectly, with the disappearance of the students?"

Another sarcastic remark was spoken by Magnus, but it was one that was not that easy to slide.

Following his words the atmosphere around the room was shifted towards the one place, or rather on someone, specifically at me.


[ Several Nubeculas are looking at your Direction.]


Suddenly I felt like the camera was shifted to me.

As Magnus said there is an unusual event that collides with the disappearances.

And that is the news of the first missing student, and my first class of 'Basics of Magic'. Both were on the same day and the disappearances continued since.

The eyes of most of the Professors including Flora and Kurtis were directed at me, it was evident, and I could feel the gazes of all the remaining ones like Regina and others, who were trying not to make it obvious.

I wasn't much surprised, but I still a little was, I couldn't deny that. Even though the connection was more or less there, I somewhat thought it will not be enough for a reason, but the tension dawning on me said otherwise.

Keeping a stoic expression I head-on meet the eyes that are directed at me.

Lisa: "What? Are your words directed in my direction?"

As I was preparing for an onslaught, tension was rising inside me, and my heart beating a little faster, but then Lisa suddenly spoke, making me confused.

Everyone: "...?"

Not only me but the questioning gazes took upon everyone's faces at her question, and even my brows frown a little. What is she talking about? They are obviously talking about me.

Magnus: "...No?"


[Lower existence 'Magnus Lothian' is confused. ]


'I am too.' I spoke in my mind reading that message.

Lisa: "Hmm."

I couldn't see her expression but her head tilted upwards a little, showing dominance, clearly indicating that the discussion should only go ahead without pushing the previous remark.

Persephone: "I guess your charm finally affected her, aren't you happy?"

-I don't have any charming skills.

I countered her teasing remark.


[ The Nubecula 'Who likes Cigar and Candy' is looking at you teasingly. ]


'I don't like this bastard.' I thought as a smile crept up on Eldrich's lips.

Eldrich: "I guess something does collide perfectly with the incidents. That's good."

Elora: "Acting Headmaster?"

In the midst of the questioning silence, Eldrich said something in a whispering voice, too low to hear that even Elora didn't hear him.

But I was sure that I heard a 'That's good.'

'What was good?' I wondered.

Eldrich: *Ahem* "Does anyone have anything that could be a connection among the missing students?"

He asked the same question, completely ignoring what Magnus's remark implied.

Everyone: "..."

No one said anything, some shook their heads at Eldrich's question, and some were giving subtle glances at Lisa, I was one of them.

Elrdich: "Then let's discuss how to handle the situation about informing, future actions, precautions, and such."

Nodding her head, Elora started addressing the matter.


In the evening after the meeting and the afternoon classes, I got back to the dorm.


I walked past my room's door and swung it back without turning around, just as I was inside the room, it closed back with a loud sound.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "Woah. He is angry." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "I am shaking in my boots." ]



Tapping on my shoe heels I walked towards the living room and threw the key onto the table where I ate.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " Don't tease him." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "But he does look angry. I wonder why." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is looking at you with concern. ]


Persephone: "Awfully impatient, frustrated, and maybe a little confused."

She spoke in a judgy tone like she was guessing something.


Persephone: "Your feelings. Remember the Soul contract?"

-I am not impatient.

Removing my cloak, I said so, her sly tone affecting me a little.

I put the cloak onto the chair beside the dining table.

Persephone: "Then frustrated and confused."

Tightening my jaw, I opened the button of my sleeves and pulled it to my elbow. Then activating my storage ring, I took out 'Total Isolation'.


[ item: Total Isolation.]

[ You have used Total Isolation. You are now isolated from the outside world. ]

[ Effect of the item will be for one hour for a day. ]

[ Duration left: 38 minutes. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "He shut us out." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is snorting at you. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is concern. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "Tough day I guess." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Maybe." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Oh cmon. You all had to make him even more angry." ]


I sat down on the long couch where Valerie sat when Felicity came, placing the 'black sphere' beside me on the couch, it rolled towards where the seat and the backrest of the couch intersected.

I had too many thoughts to even think about Nubecula's messages.

Holding the bridge on my nose I released a deep breath. I didn't say anything for a while and Persephone flew lying on the couch opposite to me across the coffee table.

Persephone: "Let me guess. The disappearance of those students has something to do with the Hidden Schema you were hoping to clear, and that schema might have been generated on the sixth floor since you have talked about going there. But something has changed that you didn't foresee. Am I right? or Am I right?"

Hearing her speak my brows frown, deeply in frustration. Her deduction was on the spot.

Persephone: "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I know I am right."

Arthur: "..."

Yeah, your right. What then? Do I need to tell you everything? I complained inside.

Since I didn't want to say anything, I just tried to compile everything in my head.

Persephone: "Are you going to brood alone? and not say anything?"

'Oh god.'

I opened my eyes, still holding the bridge of my nose, and looked at her, frustrated.

'Let me just think!'

Staring at her, my mind still tries to think about the situation but looking at her, being so beautiful. I couldn't actually think, which just made me frown even deeper.

Persephone: "Are you just gonna stare? Finally, start to lose to your desires?"

Squinting her eyes at me she said, slyly.

And caught off guard by her shamelessness and narcissism, a chuckle left my mouth.

Persephone: "Oh? He smiles?"

Shaking my head, my hand left my nose. I put my arm on my knees, and looked at her with emotions that I wasn't sure of what I feeling, but it was evident from her remark that I had a smile.

Persephone: "So? Since you have already used that item, you have to speak. C'mon spill."

I leaned back, sinking into the backrest cushion.

Arthur: "I don't like that you could feel what I am feeling."

Hearing my statement Persephone swiftly sat on the couch, facing me, one leg above another.

Persephone: "Don't forget you can feel what I feel as well. Are you saying you regret making Soul Contract? "

Arthur: "...No."

At my reply, a winning coy smile formed on her lips as she also sunk into the couch's backrest cushion, folding her arms below her chest.

Despite whether I like it or not, making Soul contract with her, I haven't really regretted it, and what does lying just for the sake of argument would do? I wasn't feeling like it.

Arthur: "Okay. Yes. There are things that I wasn't expecting... Number of missing students is one of them."

Persephone: "Indeed, many students are missing. Are you concerned?"

Arthur: "That's not it. At least Fifty four students in eleven days. That is Five students each night. Why so many? It doesn't make sense."

My tone emphasized the word 'many' indicating that it was an unexpectedly high number which was my concern.

This time Persephone stared at me, as my eyes fell onto the coffee table, thinking to myself.

I recall that the disappearance of the students did happen as Hidden Script on the sixth floor got generated, but it was one student per night, at most two, and it took a whole month to create a serious situation.

But so many existences in such a short time. What is happening?

Persephone: "What else?"

I looked up at her hearing her voice.

Persephone: "You said the number of students was one of the things that you didn't foresee. What else?"

Arthur: "I can't foresee anything, so stop saying that word."

Persephone: "Right. Like what other skill lets you know about future events?"

She had a little bit of mockery in her voice, and I could understand why she thought I have that kind of skill.

I have time and time again acted like I already know events that haven't occurred, but I can't foresee, only one person in this world has that skill.

Acknowledging my silence, mockery somewhat left Persephone's face.

Persephone: "Anyway, even if you have a foresight or some other skill, you won't reveal it."

Yes, if I had that skill I might refrain from letting others know, but in my case, I just don't know what kinds of skills I have, I can't access my goddamn Profile.

Persephone: "What else is there that you weren't expecting?"

Arthur: "It was the meeting."

Suddenly Persephone looked at me like I am stupid.

Persephone: "You weren't expecting a meeting? Students of an academy going missing, And You expect them to do what? just sit still? doodling their thumbs?"

Well, she does have a point.

Arthur: "No, that is not what I am saying. If things would have gone according to what I was expecting, a meeting would not have been held."

Rather than not being held. In my dreams, over a month period in this scenario, a little more than thirty students would have gone missing, and before the meeting could have happened, the situation with the Hidden Script was already out of control.

Arthur: "But now because of the regular patrol, it would be harder to approach the sixth floor."

In the morning meeting, several things were discussed, and Patrolling the academy ground was one of the obvious precautions.

Persephone: "Will it really be that difficult?"

Arthur: "Then why don't you just go clear the sixth floor? Oh wait, You can't."

Sarcasm was obvious in my tone.

Persephone eyes turned sharp. No matter the Goddess or Higher Existence she is, she can't interfere in Lower Realm. Lower existence of the lower realm had to do something about it.

Arthur: "Don't look at me like that."

Rolling my eyes I said so.

Arthur: "Now that Eldrich has taken action, there isn't much time left before they figure out the source of all the problem. And even though I don't want to do any work and leave the situation to them. These people won't be able to do anything, they will just make things even more chaotic."

The hidden script on the sixth floor, the only reason that students are attracted to that place and not Professors or Assistant Professors is that the influence of that place is still should be weak.

And if People that are stronger than its capability made contact with it. The possibility of that situation will lead to an alternation to the balance of the scenario and the power of the one residing in that script will go beyond restraint.

Persephone: "So what are you going to do?"

An exhausted smile formed on my lips

Arthur: "Well, I have to clear the Hidden script. It is earlier than I expected, but my life never let me live leisurely, as once a goddess said."

Persephone: "I never said that."

Arthur: "I never said you did."

Persephone: "Don't act sly with me, only I can do that."

Arthur: "Yes your majesty."

I got up from the couch, unbuttoning my shirt. Persephone trailed my hand movement with her eyes and soon then turned seductive, with a mixture of mocking and teasing.

Persephone: "You are trying to seduce this Goddess? Daring."

Arthur: "Shut up."

Removing my shirt, I picked up another one and put my arms on its sleeves.

Persephone: "Do you even know what happens to the existences who tell me to shut up?"

She said, threateningly, warning me. But I couldn't actually feel any anger.

Arthur: "I assume, they get their reality snatched away and thrown into the boiling water."

So, I said that casually, and frustration took over her face.

Persephone: "Sometimes, even I don't like that you could feel what I feel."

I put on the new shirt and buttoned it on the front, also on the sleeves.

Arthur: "Honor is all mine."

My tone were in rhythm, but my expression said it clearly that it was a sarcasm, and she rolled her eyes at me with a fed up expression.

The bicker lasted a few seconds, and then I went ahead picking up my cloak.

Persephone: "Where are you going?"

Arthur: "To clear this mess."


[ Some Nubeculas are excited hearing your words.]