Vision 16 - Why they are here?! (1)

The breeze of the night swayed gently. That gentle touch of the wind made the leaves sway and the stars shine like diamonds in the sky.

?: "Good evening, Professor Yates."

A student's greet was heard that night as Lisa walked through the outside of the main door of the Academic Building.

?: "Good evening, Sir Arthur."

And to me as well.

'But Sir is also a bit... At least better than silver winged protector.' I consoled myself.

For some people, calling me professor was weird due to my age. So they started calling me Sir Arthur because Valerie and Ducas often called me that.

Arthur: "Good evening."

I replied in a reciprocating manner since she greeted me.

Lisa: "Go back to your dorm room. It is past dining hour."

But Lisa was more blunt, and the female student, holding a stack of books to her chest, became uneasy.

She bowed respectfully towards us and rush towards the female dorm.

Persephone: "Clear the mess huh? It seems to me that you rushed to spend time with your crush."

-I don't have a crush.

It was a chat message but the voice resounded plain as paper in my head.

At Present, Lisa and I were walking infront of the academic building. The stars in the sky seemed a lot more than I got used to seeing. It felt like they were eyes looking at me.

In the meeting that was held in the morning, several things were discussed, and patrolling the Trivia ground was one of the obvious measures that were decided as a precaution.

Every Trivia professor will be patrolling alternatively, one in the morning, and one in the evening, till all the professors had a day of their own and hence the cycle will continue, till the problem of the disappearance of the student is solved.

Lisa: "You didn't actually have to come."

She said so looking at me through the corner of her eyes. The first patrolling, the evening patrolling of today, Lisa is the professor who has to do it.

Arthur: "I have to, I am your assistant. Helping you is my job."

I casually said so, as we walked past the building, and a big garden came into full view. It was more of a park than a garden, but no student was there.

Since it was already past dining hour, no student was allowed outside of their dorms, still many were used to being seen even after that.

But it is more strict now after the morning meeting, each student was clearly told in all of today's classes, that roaming at night is strictly forbidden as of today.

With a deep breath, I focused back on the weight that was weighing on my arms.

Arthur: "Also, I get to spend more time with the Headmaster."

Smiling happily, I rubbed the cat's fur, who was in my arms.

Hekate: "Purrr."

She seemed as relaxed as I could imagine a cat would be.


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' is looking happily at you. ]


Lisa: "Hmm..."

Lisa just made a voice, without saying anything, like she had nothing to comment on that.

Looking at a higher existence, acting like a pet in my arms was just weird in some sense.

Arthur: "Actually, I thought you would at least be frustrated."

Lisa's eyes shifted to me, her head turning to me, but our steps didn't stop.

Arthur: " They put you in charge of the patrolling on the first day. Won't it hinder your research?"

Lisa is someone who always likes to be in emerged in her research. Finding a way to acquire skills from unconventional methods. She doesn't like unnecessary work like this, it is one of the reasons that she doesn't want to be an Archduke and do all the work.

Lisa: "It was me, who proposed patrolling the area. And it will be once every week that my turn comes up next. It is fine."

I just showed an understanding expression with a slight nod at her reasoning.


[ Some Nubeculas are looking at your direction.]


Silence then took over the surrounding, and inspecting the area we almost walked passed the big grassland.

Arthur: "Speaking of the meeting this morning."

I debated a little in the morning, whether I should talk about it or not, but this seems like a good time to bring this up.

Lisa: "Hm?"

Arthur: "Professor Lothian was indicating at me. The disappearance of Amanda Kirt and my first class are more or less on the same day. You did realize that right?"

Lisa: "He was? I didn't realize that."

Persephone: "She is good at feigning ignorance huh?"

I know, she is Archduke of this continent. Controlling her expression is a need, not a requirement.

'But I didn't even get any message about her feeling uneasy or something similar. Does she really didn't realize, or she doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary?'

'hmm... then let's try it this way.'

Arthur: "So what now? Do you find it odd?"

Lisa: " Find what odd? "

' heh. Look at this. Isn't it too obvious now that she dodging my question? '

If she keeps pretending to be oblivious too much, it is bound to become obvious.

Arthur: " That both incidents collide perfectly. "

Lisa: "...Do you want me to suspect you?"

'Maybe she really doesn't suspect me, but that thinking is too good to be true.'

Arthur: "I want to know if you think, that I had something to do with the situation, Miss Lisa. Since I am sure many do."

I am sure some Nubeculas watching me are thinking, what good does it do? asking her this question. But Since some days ago, a thought keeps playing in my head, and can not get it to settle down.

The situation is that I can not read Lisa's thoughts. I know that I have this skill that lets me read someone's thought, but I can not just access my Profile, and I don't know what are the requirements.

There has to be a requirement since I can not just activate it like 'Prescient description'.

So I can only judge her by her words and actions, and I have a suspicion that her trust in me might have increased.

Lisa stopped telling me to call her Professor. There was discontent before, I even used to get a message about it, but it does not appear anymore.

We talk about her research without any problem. At first, she was just excited when I first discussed it with her, but it continued since. I am the only one who knows about it, apart from Hekate.

I am also still here as her assistant. Before she was just confused because Hekate showed interest in me, the reason being me having a soul contract with Persephone. And that interest should have been lost over time, but aren't I still here? walking beside her?

And to top it off, When I told her that I want to teach Eddie's class.


Arthur: "Miss Lisa, I can do this. Acting Headmaster asked you personally because there is no one better than you to teach Magic. He has also signed on this and I assure you I won't do anything that will make it look otherwise. I am your assistant remember."

Lisa: "I already know that."

Arthur: "Then do you just don't trust me?"

Lisa: " I do."


I recalled that time.

She didn't actually say that she 'trust' me, but she replied positively. It was not something the Lisa I knew could say easily.

All these events lead me to believe that I had increased her affection number.

My eyes went to the heart icon above her head. It said 20.

'But this goddamn number hasn't increased one bit!' I roared frustrated.

The number inside the heart-shaped icon that only I could see, since I tried to make Lisa my blesser, hasn't increased in a long time.

I waited as we walked, Lisa seems to be thinking about how to answer my earlier asked question.

Lisa: " I don't think you have anything to do with the disappearances."

My eyebrows raised a little. So she doesn't think I am the culprit?

Arthur: "Why?"

Curiosity was genuine in my heart and so was in my voice. I was even more curious since I didn't get any message about her being sincere for being truthful, or guilty for lying, or disoriented for being deceitful.

Lisa: "Class of the 'Basic of magic' didn't have a professor because Professor Eddie decided to back to his household."

That is true.

Arthur: "And?"

Lisa: " Acting headmaster was the one who asked that position to be filled."

That was true as well,

Lisa: " I was asked by him to teach that class, not you. So How you are at fault? "

She does have a little reasoning behind what she said, but how can I just become content with only this?

Arthur: " But I insisted to teach that class. "

Lisa: "..."

Lisa became tight-lipped for a moment, and her eyes fall into my arm, to Hekate, they made eye contact before she looked at me again.

Lisa: " ... Didn't you say that because you wanted to help me? Time and time again you have said that. "

This time I had to think for a bit. It was all true, and I have been doing my all to help Lisa, because I wanted to raise her affection number for me.

' But it was not just.. ' I suppressed a thought that was coming onto my mind.

Her reasoning was all good, but that wasn't my goal of asking her my questions.

Arthur: " But How can you be sure I am not responsible? "

Lisa's step halted and her brows creased, at my words. I stopped a little ahead since she stop unexpectedly.

I turned around. Her head was lifted a little higher and doubt was on her face.


[ Lower existence 'Lisa Hart' is wondering about your intentions. ]


' Is it too much? ' I thought.

Lisa: " What are trying me to say? I already told you the reasons."

' What am I trying you to say? It is simple. I want to hear whether you actually trust me or not. Since I know how hard it is for you to trust someone else. ' I didn't say that out loud.

Keeping the thought in my mind, I tried a little direct approach, now that the indirect approach wasn't showing any results.

Arthur: " I am not asking you to explain, How me being that class's Professor and the disappearance of the student are unrelated, Miss Lisa. "

Doubt on her face turned into confusion.

Arthur: " I am asking, why do you think, I, Arthur, is not a culprit behind all the disappearance of the student? "


[ Lower Existence 'Lisa Hart' is shaken by your question.]


Arthur: " Aren't I someone, who you know nothing about? "

Lisa pressed her lips tighter.

It was bold of me to openly say that, but I know that people talk about me being mysterious, due to me not having any background, and it was understandable.

Silence overtook the surrounding.

Lisa: " Mmm. "

Our eyes became locked, and I tried to find the reason in hers.

Lisa: " Its-"

Her eyes then avoided mine and landed on Hekate in my arms, but I kept looking at her face.

Lisa: " It's a - "

' What? Trust? What is it? ' I wondered.

Wind unexpectedly flew, leaves of trees around us moving with it, and flower bushes on both sides of the path we were walking, swayed as well.

Lisa: " It is because of my gut. "

My mind went blank for a moment, and then I thought ' Huh? Gut? Like stomach? '

Lisa: " My instincts tells me that. "

Saying those words, Lisa walked up to me, snatching Hekate from my arms.

Lisa: " We need to cover the academy. Go to the right and I will go left. After reaching the main building, if you don't find anything suspicious, go back to your room."

Saying so, she walked past me. The path was split into two at the end of it. She turned to the left and walked further. I looked at her without moving an inch, till she was no longer visible to me.

Persephone: "That was quite intense. Weren't you pressing too hard? "

-I had to. I needed to confirm something.


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Quite intense." ]


I guess she actually sensed that I was pressing Lisa for an answer.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Hero gets the girl, don't worry." ]


'I don't need a girl.' I thought, annoyingly.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Shut up." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is looking at you.]


Ignoring the comments, I kept looking where Lisa strolled.

Arthur: "The number still didn't change."

Persephone: "What did you say?"

Arthur: "Nothing. "

Despite pressing Lisa for an answer, the number inside the heart icon, which was only visible to me, didn't change.

Arthur: " Instincts she said, don't you find that funny?"


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yes! Yes!" ]


Laughing at [Guhimo's] enthusiastic comment, I walked, turning to the right. Women and their terrifying instincts are quite funny, in my opinion.

Persephone: "What is so funny about that?"

Whispering to herself, Persephone followed me.


Then Walking on my side of the ground, as Lisa decided. I sometimes came across some students, some sitting on the bench, some couples taking a walk, some sneaking to go outside.

After directing all of them to their dorms. I now reached the main building. This indicated that my patrolling duty has ended.

The tall wooded carved door of that Main building stood still, and It was closed.

I turned my head around to see the sides, but not a soul was visible, not even on the stairs behind me, which I had to climb to reach the door.

Persephone: " So finally going to the sixth floor. "

Arthur: " Ys, finally. Although I don't really want to. "


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Yeah! Let's go! ]


[ Several Nubeculas are excited.]


'It isn't a show.' I grumbled inside.

Arthur: " It has to be today. If I wait any longer I don't know how many more students will disappear. And It was fortunate that Lisa had to patrol first. "


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is pleased with your concern for other existence. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Yeah, Yeah. Get inside already." ]


Despite my neutral expression, I pushed the door while gritting my teeth, reading the comments.


The huge wooden door opened with a creak. I didn't open it fully, just enough so that I could go inside.

The hallway that opened in front of me was long. And since it was nighttime, The chandelier hanging on the roof was useless, it was not emanating a single strand of light.

All the sources of the light crystals were dimmed without any power. The whole big hallway was covered with a shade of dark brown.

Shadows of the furniture, other shelves and such hide most of the floor and the walls.

The only source of lights, that was coming, were through the windows.

Arthur: " I have to take the stairs."

I spoke closing the door behind me. I needed to head for the stairs, since obviously, I had to reach the sixth floor.

The place was dark but not so much that I couldn't make my way through it.

Persephone: " You sure feel uneasy huh? "

Arthur: " The way to the sixth floor is not that easy to find."

I could feel curiosity and a little bit of confusion, which was foreign to me, her feelings were mixed with mine, but I could still differentiate it.

Arthur: " The script on the sixth floor is related to an abandoned soul. "


[ Several Nubeculas are listening to you. ]


Arthur: " It is longing for its master, and it has couped on the highest floor for a long time. It will be very difficult to find it, unless it lets me. "

Interest seems to flare up inside Persephone since I could feel it.

A really good and sad story was awaiting.

As I walked through the side of the couch in the middle of the hallway, with a small table and a carpet underneath.

I let my mind wander, freeing it from the defense of any kind.

I need to let my mind drug on its feeling so that my body could become attracted to it, attracted by the longing feeling that was emanating from the sixth floor. So that my body could not ignore it. So that my soul could understand it and let me want to comfort it.

I tried not to think about anything in particular, but it was impossible not to think about anything.

At first, I was trying not to think about anything. As I walked through the hallway, silence filled my dark surrounding. I felt my sense heightened, my hearing, and my smell.

But it backfired as Persephone's dress moving through the wind reached my ear, and her smell filled my nose.

shake. shake.

Shaking my head a little, I quickly cleared my head.

Then I focused on my steps, carefully walking through the dark shade.

Reaching the sofa at the center, I took its support to find my way through the hall, gently rubbing my fingers at its edge. I try to think about something related to the script.

The main point here to remember is that, it is a soul that was abandoned. How long must it have been since it has gone hiding? I am sure it is an awfully long time. The feeling of abandonment should be very strong.

I feel a little bad for it.

?: "-ur."

Maybe even pity. But it was not a necessary feeling to feel towards it.

A sense of pity or sympathy won't do any good to it. The main question is, Will I be able to clear it? If everything goes according to what I am hoping it should be alright.

Longing to be loved by someone, I somewhat can understand that feeling. My childhood self should be able to understand those perfectly. But now I have kind of become numb to many feelings.

?: " A-ur? "

Being ignored, seeing the person you admire always talk about someone else. That person always hoping to be close to someone else, and that person always trying to compare yourself to those who have nothing to do with you.

?: "Hey! Arthur!"

Suddenly someone calling me rang into my ear.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Arthur!" ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "Is he not getting the message." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "That is impossible." ]


Arthur: "Huh?"

Persephone: "Can you hear me? "

Arthur: "Yeah...Yeah, I can hear you."

Saying that I moved my head around. A long hallway suddenly came into my view, stretching so far, that I wasn't sure that there was an end to it.


[ The Nubecula 'Dionysus' comments "He was just ignoring us." ]


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "No it was something else." ]


[ Several Nubeculas are wondering about your behavior.]


Multiple comments made me annoyed but it also made me focus. So I focused around me.

It was dark, and the only light that somewhat lit the place was again coming from the windows which were to my right. To my left, there were doors, with wall pictures in between them.

'I remember this place, it is the same place where Alison was.' I quickly reach that conclusion.

Persephone: "What was that?"

My eyes fell on the beautiful woman beside me. I looked at her trying to clear my head, completely. She looked the same, beautiful, with a pale face, ametrine eyes, long royal gown with hard texture, and aubergine color hair.

It was good, seems like I got out of the hypnotic influence.

Arthur: "It was the script's influence. "

My eyes moved to look outside one of the windows close to me.

Arthur: " How did I get here?"


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "You walked, duh." ]


Persephone: "You just started walking, going through the stairs, then through the hallway, then again taking some stairs. I kept asking where you are going without saying anything, but you weren't replying at all."

Arthur: "I see, well it seems it is the fifth floor. The sixth floor should be just above this one. Let's find a staircase."

I was already hypnotized once, I need to work quickly.

For some reason, I felt an urgency inside me, maybe because 'False awakening' didn't activate to protect me from the hypnosis.

'Maybe because I purposefully let my conscious sway is the reason that it didn't activate.' I thought.


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' is impressed with the lack of your reaction. ]


I didn't have enough motivation to react to his provocation, so I just ignored him.

It might have not shown on my face, but I was definitely a little stumped inside.

Taking a deep breath I just went ahead where I saw Alison going.

Persephone: "Are you all right?"

-Are you concerned about me?

Persephone: "As if, don't hold yourself in such high regard. I just don't want my exciting ride to end just yet."

Rolling my eyes I went further towards the hallway. Tracing the same path that I saw Alison take, I soon reached a big door. Beside that door, the word 'Library' was beautifully carved onto its side on a plaque.

Persephone: "How many libraries does an academy need?"

Ignoring her remark, I looked to my left, and as expected a staircase came into view.

Arthur: "There is the staircase. It will lead to the Sixth floor."

Persephone: "So the end is finally near."


[ Some of Nubecula's eyes are sparkling.]


'Let's quickly get to the floor and clear this script.' thinking that, I moved.

Ascending the stair, I looked through the window at its first end. The mirror was foggy and nothing was actually visible.

Turning around I took further steps and finally reached the sixth floor.

Taking the last step, a balcony size space opened up and there stood a door.


What came into view, at the end of the small hall was a simple door.

'It's...Simple?' I became a little confused.

The door was a little different from what I saw when Alison approached it. It was not tall, nor had hands as its handle, and wasn't even locked with chains.

Persephone: "Isn't it too simple for something holding a Hidden schema?"

'Shit!' Remembering something from my dreams, I panicked.

I couldn't even focus on what Persephone was saying, because I was more concerned about how simple the door is.


[ Several Nubeculas are confused with your expression.]


Persephone: " Hey, Why are you panicking so much? "

I couldn't say anything since I didn't think the door would appear this simple. I wasn't prepared mentally for this.

'Shit. The more simple the door appears, the more serious the hypnosis will be, and then its ability to prey on the feeling of craving love, coupled with the sense of abandonment.' I concluded, that something unexpected was going to hit-

?: "Arthur?"

Then a voice that felt as if it was so, so, long that I heard it, reached my ears.


[ The exclusive skill 'False awakening' has been shaken violently.]




[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is a little shaken. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Guhimo' comments " Who is she?!" ]


[ The Nubecula ' Dynosius' comments " I guess we will find out? " ]


[ The Nubecula ' Who Likes Cigar And Candy ' is clicking his tongue. ]


[ Several Nubeculas are laughing seeing your stunned expression.]
